Japanese types of martial arts: the description, characteristics and interesting facts

Japan boasts a wide variety of individual types of martial arts. Many of them were born in ancient times, and enable you to achieve a truly superhuman abilities. Some artists still devote a lifetime comprehension of unique techniques of warfare. Sink into oblivion this kind of art does not allow the existence of millions of followers of Japanese martial arts throughout the world.

In our publication we would like to see the most popular martial arts, views and differences. Also, find out what are the techniques and strategy of unarmed combat.


Japanese types of martial arts: the description, characteristics and interesting facts

His appearance different types of martial arts, in many respects, are obliged to the tradition of the Japanese Samurai, as well as the use of the caste system in society. In ancient times, soldiers were required to comprehend the mastery of various weapons. Considerable attention was paid to the technique of unarmed combat. All this required the samurai is not only to protect their own families, but also to ensure the safety of the nobility, who were called Shogun.

Over time, the practical side of the issue moved to the background. Mastering the techniques of martial arts has become more philosophical meaning. Japanese master class became known as such by having no end. Types of martial arts began to be used to strengthen the mind and body, improving certain skills.

The methods of the Japanese martial arts

Japanese types of martial arts: the description, characteristics and interesting facts

In Japanese martial arts, there are several directions. Apply here the so-called hard and soft techniques battle. Concepts have a different focus. However, their nature is interconnected in many ways. Hard method involves the practice of counterforce. In fact, under this imply a direct attack opponent, which includes the direct manifestation of aggression in a complex with striking hand to hand or with the use of bladed weapons. On the contrary, the use of defensive equipment enables resist such impulses, and also acts as part of the rigid concepts of warfare.

For soft methods characterized by the use of minimum force, thus avoiding damage to prevent attacks or to direct the kinetic energy of your opponent's body back on track. As an example, a so-called sliding technique when defending skilful movements away from the aggressive action of the enemy and thereby removes it from equilibrium. If harsh methods are characterized by their directness, the softer more flexible tactically.


Japanese types of martial arts: the description, characteristics and interesting facts

So, we turn to the story of the popular Japanese forms of martial arts. List opens a famous sumo wrestling, which stands naosobitsu among others demanded martial arts. Initially, this activity is a symbiosis of the Zionist practices and competitions. Some ancient ceremonial practices that have traditionally been used in such a struggle, preserved to this day.

What rules apply in the present form of martial arts? It's pretty simple. To win, the wrestler is enough to force the opponent to touch the area of ​​any part of the body apart from the feet. You can also simply push the opponent out of the ring line, which is lined with a special rope shimenawa. Often the outcome of the fight in the decisive moments of sumo. However, any fight accompany preliminary preparations in the form of original ceremonies. Such ceremonies usually take a lot of time.

It's will not be the discovery of the fact that to succeed in sumo fighter must possess an impressive weight. In ancient Japan, obesity is not considered a defect. Mentors fighters believed that kicks of the ring evoke the spirits of the earth, which makes the soil more fertile. On this basis, the larger the contestant, the better. According to a particular philosophy in sumo there is no weight classes.

The most significant achievement in this form of martial arts advocates obtaining title yokozuna, in other words - a great champion. It is worth noting that such a high status assigned to fighter for life. If the champion begins to suffer defeat, he simply finishes career.


Japanese types of martial arts: the description, characteristics and interesting facts

School of Jiu-Jitsu was founded by Japanese master Hisamori Takenouti back to the 16th century. Kind of martial arts was a result of the idea of ​​maximum economy of forces in the melee. The central place in the tactics have taken all sorts of grabs the opponent and throws using the opponent's energy.

Determining the value in the realization techniques jujitsu allocated breathing practices combat uprights, ability to evade attack. Despite this, the combat also allows for the neutralization of the enemy, which is achieved through acupressure on certain areas of the body opponent.


Translated from the Japanese concept of Judo means "the gentle way". At the root of this kind of martial arts stands the famous master Kano Jigoro, who founded his own school of martial arts in the 80s of the 19th century. Many of the techniques they have been borrowed from jujitsu. Master chose techniques that have the least chance of injury for both players, but at the same time suitable for organization of entertainment events. Subsequently, Kano Jigoro brought in martial arts a whole lot of spiritual practices, which allowed soldiers to improve your own mind. Kind of martial arts requires, first of all, understanding of defensive techniques. The battle takes place without the use of bladed weapons. Winning is achieved due to the fast escape from attacks followed by application of restraint, pain or strangling techniques. Strokes are hardly used. Therefore fits this type of martial arts for children.


Japanese types of martial arts: the description, characteristics and interesting facts

Aikido is a unique combat system that was developed by the Japanese martial arts master named Ueshiba Morihei. The principal difference from the martial arts practitioner other eastern schools served as the renunciation of the use of offensive strategies and aggressive attacks. Subsequently aikido became known as the art of the use of force against the opponent himself.

It is worth noting that the sport is not competitions and championships. Despite this, aikido enjoys extraordinary popularity among the hazardous occupations. Suitable kind of martial arts for girls who serve in the police or organize workshops that teach how to quickly neutralize detractors.


Kendo serves a very popular martial art that involves the use of bladed weapons. In fact, the martial art teaches the art of fencing traditional Japanese swords. In ancient times, the comprehension of such skills had an extremely practical importance, because it allows to prepare skilled soldiers for future battles. Today kendo is nothing more than a fad.

During the training we use special masks and armor, which reliably protect the fighter's body from injury. Wherein the arms protrude traditional stick bokken made from bamboo.

Karate to

Japanese types of martial arts: the description, characteristics and interesting facts

type of martial arts originated in the Japanese island of Okinawa at a time when this area had the status of a separate state. Karate-born as a self-defense technique that eliminates the use of weapons. To this day, there is only used the art driving range and kicks.

His popular form of martial arts master is obliged by the name of Gichin Funakoshi. It is thanks to this man in the 20s of the last century was a large-scale campaign that helped raise awareness of the sport among the general public of the masses. Since karate is one of the most famous and popular martial arts in the world.