7 working ways of dealing with fear

Fear - a constant companion of many people. Life rarely gives us to relax, and the TV and social media only adds intensity, stories of disasters, wars and endless diseases. Primitive man used the feeling of fear as a trigger, which helped him to avoid re hazard. Who is this feeling, we, on the contrary, hinder - because we focus not only on real problems, but also afraid of potentially unpleasant situation. On this activity takes an incredible amount of resources: when faced with danger, the person may simply be paralyzed with fear. We'll tell you about the 7 effective ways to deal with this unpleasant problem.

7 working ways of dealing with fear

Removal from happening

Master this skill may well help ordinary meditation. Fear usually overwhelms the mind and takes you panic, leaving no possibility for rational thought. Rather than go with the flow, try to step back from the problem as far as possible. Do not think about the fear when it arises. Watch the reaction of your body, be here and now, and not wander in the misty outlines of a possible future.

7 working ways of dealing with fear

Statistics fear

The fear does not disappear due to logical conclusions. You can read any number of studies on the safety of aircraft, but continue to be afraid to fly. Fear is irrational - and these can be used. Rather than convince the rational part of the mind that there is no reason to panic, just try to limit itself to the information about the subject.

7 working ways of dealing with fear

Play Tetris

Professor Oxford, Emily Holmes, found that engaging in an exciting game, where you are constantly repeated the same elements, people can reduce emotional stress. Part of the brain responsible for emotional coding, too busy watching the falling blocks and trying to figure out where to put this stupid Z. Also, work and other such games: Minecraft and even LEGO bricks.

7 working ways of dealing with fear


Creek warrior

Modern society imposes on man many taboos - including, and the bright display of emotion. Just think how much energy you have to spend, restraining himself. That is why many are so fond of roller coasters, haunted houses, and other places like this: You can throw out the excess energy. Miranda Kerr, a psychologist at Yale, I'm sure that a man should cry at least once a week - it allows him to be more balanced and fearless.

7 working ways of dealing with fear


Relation to a particular event is largely determined by our emotions. When you imagine the horror of falling from a great height - your body is experiencing almost the same stress that could occur during a real fall. Try to submit your frightening events in a positive way. In the case of the fall of the same, for example, you can imagine flying Superman - and receive, in return, rapture, not fear.

7 working ways of dealing with fear

memory training

Much of the fear lies in the depths of our memory. Mind obligingly holds a negative experience at the near shelves of consciousness - it is caused by primitive instincts when the man used fear to not fall into the same trap. Modern man can get rid of fear is quite a simple way: trying to as little as possible to remember his frightening events. Let's call to positive thinking and can seem a bit naive, but this method can indeed work.

7 working ways of dealing with fear

Event Horizon

Accurate prediction of the future can greatly reduce the level of fear. To be serious, frightening you deal? Prepare it as follows, excluding the slightest possibility of surprise. Your brain will know exactly what your hands - no nerves and emotions.