10 health problems that you can diagnose itself

Shower - the perfect place to get acquainted with your body. You can sing. You can smell the shampoo. You can just watch as the water goes down the drain, and think about life. And you can spend a couple of minutes trying to find the problems that worry.

Of course, do not go up to paranoia and feverish examine yourself every time. But it is when taking a bath you can easily detect changes in your body and prevent any disease.

1. Any change in nipple color

Easy test that you can conduct yourself in the shower - feel the nipples. It makes it worth it in the shower when the tips of your fingers wet. Pay attention to whether there are any knots, bruises? If there is, consult a doctor as soon as possible.

Of course, during the life of our nipples are changing. It depends on the hormones, the menstrual cycle and pregnancy. However, sudden changes that appear unnatural, may be signs of infection or tumor.

2. New or changed moles

If you've ever been in the tanning bed, you should check yet intimate venue that is where usually manifests itself melanoma. Everything that itches, looks strange and painful - a reason to find a dermatologist. Should cause concern and asymmetrical moles with a "ragged" edges.

10 health problems that you can diagnose itself

3. Painful lymph nodes

Pain in the neck or armpits? If the area seems to be very sensitive to touch - this may be a sign that the lymph nodes are swollen. Their increase - often a sign of infection, and it is not necessary to remain silent at the reception.

10 health problems that you can diagnose itself

4. The dry or problem skin

Such stains may be a sign of hypothyroidism or liver disorders. It was more likely to sweat and your feet by the evening swell badly? Obvious reason that it is worth more carefully to their health.

10 health problems that you can diagnose itself

5. Altered vaginal discharge

Transparent and milky-white discharge is absolutely normal. They come from the vaginal glands in order to clean them from bacteria and dead cells. But the yellow, green and lumpy - the first signs of infection, sexually transmitted. If the discharge becomes thicker than normal, and acquire a pungent smell - it may indicate vaginosis, hormonal imbalance, which is easily treatable.

6. Unnatural color nail

Shower - the perfect time to pay attention to your toenails. It can also be a sign of infection. If your nails are brittle - thyroid problems.

7. Dizziness

Have you ever felt dizzy just by being in the hot water flow? Hot water helps to detect problems with low blood pressure - orthostatic intolerance. Yet this can mean fatigue in the adrenal glands and even fibromyalgia.

10 health problems that you can diagnose itself

8. Thinning hair

Absolutely fine, if the comb the remaining hair, but pay attention if they fall a lot more than usual. This is also signs of declining thyroid or iron deficiency.

10 health problems that you can diagnose itself

9. Strange bruises

Sloppy movement touched the coffee table? It's okay if left a bruise. However, if your whole body is covered with them, and you can not remember where they are - this is a serious health problem.

10 health problems that you can diagnose itself

10. The signs of stress

If you have to deal with a serious problem in your life or a mental illness such as panic attacks or depression, it is not uncommon - experience anxiety and depression, it is when you stand alone in the shower. Shower - from two to ten minutes of respite, he must soothe your body and mind. But if you can not get to this state, then you have some problems.