Elegant Sapphire - stone of Zeus

Coming to a jewelry store, you sometimes forget why come for concrete. After all, the range in such establishments more than a luxury. Here and Ruby and diamond and garnet and sapphire. The stone is poured into the frame of the noble gold, silver, elegant, luxurious platinum ... It's hard to resist the

Elegant Sapphire - stone of Zeus

purchase when the product is so delightful in your hands. However, you must take extra care when choosing a stone in the decoration. Different minerals are in their own way to influence the life of the owner.

Sapphire - stone gods and kings

This precious mineral is translucent corundum structure. In nature, there are quite a lot of its varieties. The name originates from the Greek or Babylonian language. Sapphire officially received its name in 1747. This stone has always occupied a place of honor in the royal jewels and talismans. Even the most practical and nesuevernye people bought accessories to the presence in them of luxury sapphires. These include the Tsar Ivan the Terrible, who was the owner of the staff of the antler. He crowned his magic beauty blue sapphire. By this mineral had a special passion and Boris Godunov, and writer Mikhail Bulgakov. But the Greeks in ancient times attributed to this stone mighty god Zeus. A mineral often used in rituals. Particularly popular were the sapphire beads.

Elegant Sapphire - stone of Zeus

The magic of blue mineral

Sapphire - stone difficult. He has always been considered the best mascot for the people of the wise and prudent. It is believed, that this stone gives its owner a special secret power, helping to develop spiritually, and protects against possible slander by enemies. Sapphire is usually credited with the young nuns, since it perfectly cools passion and enthusiasm, and also helps to cleanse the soul at the time of prayer. Stone gives moral and spiritual comfort, relaxes and soothes. If you want to become stronger or braver spirit of life, you will certainly pay your attention

Elegant Sapphire - stone of Zeus

is on sapphire. The properties of this precious mineral help cope with indecision and excessive modesty. It is believed that sapphire also evokes a strong desire for knowledge and education, a beneficial effect on a person's memory, gives discretion and prudence. It can help you ward off enemies and attract true friends. However, beware of the stones with inclusions. If sapphire clouded cracks, clouds or patches, then the mineral is nothing good in life will bring. He forsakes his master all the joys, will bring serious troubles and misfortunes. Remember that the sapphire - stone two-faced. So be sure to examine it with a magnifying glass with the purchase of the product. Ancient seductress believed that man can bewitch using sapphire. To do this, they put the stone in a glass of wine and gave him to drink the object of his passion. The effect of this ritual, you may well check on their own. Sapphire is used in medicine. It is believed that its unique glow gets rid of melancholy and mental anguish, depression and hysteria.