Amethyst - healing properties and spiritualize

The refined nobility amethyst

Everything that exists in nature, has the power - and, consequently, the ability to influence human. No exception and minerals. Amethyst-property which took many centuries people - has an extremely powerful healing effects. It can be used to cleanse the atmosphere of home and office. Amethyst restores the balance.

Amethyst - healing properties and spiritualize

Many of the mineral brings peace of mind and clarity of mind. The value of an amethyst stone is that it helps to cope with emotions, better sleep, relieve stress and fatigue. His energy is free from drugs, stimulants and attachment to the wrong person. That is amethyst their properties particularly justified in the case of addiction - a physiological or psychological. It can be considered a talisman for the people working in responsible positions. Perhaps, therefore, it had the idea that amethyst - loneliness stone. However, this is not the case. He just has the ability to purify the astral space from outside influences. Recall that in the Middle Ages it especially loved the clergy.

The healing properties of

Long since it is known as the master of healing, free from old models already unnecessary and raises man to a higher level and expand horizons. Amethyst their properties derives from the infinite energy of the cosmos.

Amethyst - healing properties and spiritualize

A person who wears it, reaches more, removes restrictions, "blinders". In the case of creative projects this mineral will bring inspiration and sharpen intuition. In addition, the properties of amethyst is not only esoteric and spiritual. This mineral chemical formula represents a silicon dioxide amazing purple. Perhaps this is due to the colors of it and is perceived as special. After all, the purple - the color of spiritual elevation and enlightenment. The name amethyst comes from the Greek Amethystos. Literally, "a remedy for drunkenness." Often in ancient Rome did from his glasses, which not only had to defend

Amethyst - healing properties and spiritualize

from excessive consumption, but also have antitoxic properties. This mineral has the ability to purify from negative energy. That is why, amethyst stone, the properties of which are, above all, protection and enlightenment, gave the beloved, and children before a long separation. It is believed that it is best to wear around his neck, while it protects the owner from any natural disaster, disease, and, in addition, strengthens the nerves and willpower, rescues from addictions and depression. But above all, this crystal unites us with the scale of spirituality in our lives. Amethyst gives us tangible proof that the spirit exists. After the stone is able to enhance our intuition. It supports the work of our consciousness. Therefore, their properties amethyst stone extends to those who work intellectually. Its effect on the mind and the brain is a sedative. It can alleviate headaches, decrease your anger or to overcome the effects of stress. In addition to the above properties, amethyst is the perfect antidote for alcoholics. The energy of the stone is also very useful and effective in the fight against drug addiction. It acts on the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus affects the voice, so it is especially recommended to singers. So we recommend to keep amethyst home and use it beneficial energy in jewelry and talismans.