How to get rid of age spots on the face with masks and creams

Smooth complexion is considered the key to beauty. Unfortunately, not always even with proper care can avoid nasty surprises, among them - the appearance of age spots on the face. This problem has many causes. Let us examine them in more detail below. Also, find out how to get rid of age spots on the face.

How to get rid of age spots on the face with masks and creams


The consequence of exposure to UV rays are the dark spots. They arise from the active production of melanin - the pigment that protects our skin from the effects of ultraviolet radiation.

Sometimes the problem in question is a consequence of inflammatory processes on the skin trauma or acne.

It should take into account the fact that some cosmetics and medicines may increase the sensitivity. As a result, there are dark spots on the face. The reasons given above relate to the outside. Among domestic follows:

- Sometimes the source of the problem becomes pregnant. Brown spots on the face, in this case appear suddenly. Mark explained the jump in hormone levels in the body at the time of the child's expectations. That is why in most cases, after the birth, when the figure comes back to normal, the question of how to get rid of age spots on the face, no longer relevant.

- At internal kidney disease, biliary tract, liver, sex organs and the gastrointestinal tract can also occur undesired changes complexion.

How to get rid of age spots on the face with masks and creams

- If the body lacks vitamin C and folic acid, pigmentation will not take long.

Have you got spots on your face? The reasons, as you see, can be very different. It is therefore very important to identify the source of the problem, and then fix its outward manifestation.

Action Plan

- You do not know how to get rid of age spots on the face? To get started, visit an experienced specialist. If it is to identify the causes of pigmentation, consider that you're already halfway to success. Remember that the mindless application of various creams and masks can only hide the problem for a while. - Normalize hormonal balance.

- make up for a lack of folic acid and vitamin C. To do this, eat more cabbage, spinach, greens and lemon.

- Use a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 40.

Modern solutions

Some manufacturers develop and produce a whole series of different serums and creams designed to lighten dark spots on the face. When purchasing cosmetic products Find out if the following components in its composition:

- kojic acid;

- azelaic acid (which is contained in wheat and barley, is a potent antioxidant, is used to eliminate acne and skin disorders related to the pigmentation);

- hydroquinone (the most effective substance that can lead pigment spots on the face, but it is not safe for pregnant and breast-feeding);

- arbutin (less effective, but safer substitute for hydroquinone extracted from bearberry, mulberry and cranberry).

Secrets of proper washing

Experts advise excluding soap washing procedure and a hot / cold water. Otherwise, the skin will constantly over dried and tightened. And if it is also accompanied by "islands" of pigmentation, it is recommended as soon as possible to replace the usual washing by rubbing the face with ice cubes. Frosting is better not ordinary water, and decoctions of various herbs. If on the face appeared spots, you can use one of the following compounds:

- Lemon and Parsley. A bunch of parsley medium-sized stand for thirty minutes in hot water (not boiling!). After that, the broth passed through cheesecloth, add a half teaspoon lemon juice, pour into molds for ice and put in the freezer. The resulting composition is capable of not only bleach, but also tone up the skin.

- Dandelion ordinary. How to get rid of age spots on the face with the help of this widespread plant? To do this, at least two hundred grams of dandelion should then ten or fifteen minutes in a glass of boiling water. The next steps - ostuzhivanie, filtering, freezing. - Kalina and honey. One hundred grams Kalinovoye juice to dissolve a teaspoon of honey spoon (fresh). Obtain funds freeze. Suitable for daily wipe face.

- Milk and brine sauerkraut. A mixture of these components (proportion - one to one) fine whitens the skin.

The secrets of our grandmothers

Improvised at home can be made highly efficient masks. Here are recipes for the most popular:

- Prepare a mixture of starch, honey and sea salt (teaspoon of each component). Apply a thin layer on the face. Wait until the mixture dries. A similar scheme still apply two layers. Soak for thirty minutes and carefully rinse with warm water bleaching composition. Perform this procedure every two days. Fifteen sessions you will see a positive effect.

- Lemon juice in the amount of one tablespoon dissolve in water at a ratio of 1:10. Wash your face regularly such means, and the result will be noticeable not only you but also others.

How to get rid of age spots on the face with masks and creams

- Grate cucumber or just cut it into slices. Place the vegetables on your face and hold for about ten minutes.

- Grate the cucumber peel. Put the resulting mass into a glass and add to it a little vodka to get a paste. Leave the tool in a cool dark place for a week. Apply a mask of the resulting mass on the face, and from the unattractive stains soon will be over!

- Lighten dark spots on the face (on this kind of positive feedback) will parsley. To prepare the mask, you can use any part of the plant - stems, roots or leaves. Available components should be carefully grind in a wooden container, until they will gain the consistency of a homogeneous slurry. Mass lay for half an hour daily.

- At the heart of another effective mask - a decoction of parsley root. To this was added a spoon (teaspoon) of honey. The resulting mass is applied on the face for at least fifteen minutes.

An option for dry skin

Removal of pigmented spots on the face should be made with caution, especially if you have dry skin. For the preparation of sparing a sufficient number of masks chop parsley and mix it with the fatty cream or cream (to be sufficient one tablespoon). It is not recommended to keep the mixture on your face than half an hour. The same recipe can take note holders a particularly delicate and sensitive skin.

How to get rid of age spots on the face with masks and creams

The secret beauties of the East

As Japanese Geisha manages to retain an exquisite pallor? They have the support of a lemon. Decoction of the peel of the fruit can whiten even the darkest spots. To prepare the magic bullet should boil lemon peel simmered for half an hour, then left to cool at room temperature. Then let stand in a cool place and rub the problem areas sponzhikom dipped in lemon water, three times a day.

For more options

Problem areas can be cleaned kefir, hydrogen peroxide or sour milk. To bleach the whole body, take a bath with celandine. An unusual recipe of ancient healers: lubricate the darkened areas of the dog's saliva.

Removal of pigmented spots on the face can be made using potato starch. For this half tablespoon of this product should be mixed with fresh lemon juice dvadtsatiprotsentnym to the consistency of sour cream. The resulting mask applied to the face for about half an hour.

Recipes with pharmacy means

You suffer from dark spots on your face? You can get rid of them with hydrogen peroxide. This material in tridtsatiprotsentnoy concentration should be mixed with a spoon ammonia, and two - boric alcohol. The mixture is suitable for frequent application (three to four times daily).

Variation recipe presented above - a mask of hydrogen peroxide (30%), glycerol and boric alcohol. This tool will help to get rid of dark spots on the face, not only, but also in the bikini area. And pigmentation and shine eliminate lotion of two teaspoons of hydrogen peroxide, a tablespoon of vinegar and the same amount of vodka.

Express-method of

Grind a cucumber in a blender or grater. Mix with a day cream, apply on face and keep for half an hour. After this time, rinse with warm water and enjoy the results.

How to get rid of age spots on the face with masks and creams

Yeast not only for baking

You do not know how to remove age spots on the face? yeast-based masks will help get rid of existing problems. Here are the most popular home recipe. To prepare the masks must take a quarter of the packaging of fresh yeast and mix them with lemon and milk (one spoonful). Leave a mass in a warm place for about ten minutes to make it ferment. Apply on face for fifteen minutes, then wash off. two or three times a week can be carried out such a procedure.


It is an ancient recipe, which has been successfully used more than one generation of women. The method of producing a mask is simple: Mix curd (1 tbsp..) With ten drops of ammonia and the same amount tridtsatiprotsentnoy hydrogen peroxide. Apply the mask on a regular basis, the effect will please you.

Lemon and eggs

Nourishing facial mask can also act as a wonderful bleaching agent. To a mixture of lemon juice (1 hr. L.), And two eggs add teaspoon of honey. Still just a good stir and put on face for thirty minutes. At the same time lightening age spots during the procedure uncovered and cleaned up the pores.

Recipes with blue clay

Mix one part dry blue clay with two parts water. If your skin is sensitive, pre-coated with a little protective cream. Clay slurry leave on face for thirty - forty minutes. Wash off with water at room temperature (use soap is not recommended).

How to get rid of age spots on the face with masks and creams

Lighter will face a mixture of blue clay and eggs. This mask should be applied immediately after preparation, otherwise it will deteriorate. Take one protein and mix it with sugar to the consistency of heavy cream. In a second step we add ten grams of Cambrian clay. We achieve uniformity throughout the mass. The resulting mask should remain on the face for forty minutes. A similar procedure can be performed on a daily basis. White clay is no less useful product than blue. Here is a recipe with its use: 0.5 tsp.. kaolin mixed with art. l. and lemon juice to bring the mass to a uniform consistency. Apply to the skin for half an hour. Tip: The kaolin can be added to other liquid bleaching - cabbage or currant juice, yogurt, hydrogen peroxide, etc...

in the salon Peeling

This procedure is referred to as one of the best inventions of the cosmetic industry. With exfoliation can eliminate not only the bags under the eyes and wrinkles, but also dark spots.

How do we draw the almond peeling procedure at home? To do this, mix in equal parts chopped nuts and oatmeal. To this add the weight of the item 0.5. l. dry milk. Again mix well. If the mass turned out too thick, it is recommended to add a little water to achieve the consistency of thick cream. Means applied to the face with light massage movements. You can use a sponge. The skin should be massaged for five minutes. The frequency of treatment - no more than 2 times per week.

The above recipe can be enriched by the addition of apple. One fresh grated fruit is added to the stock, cooked as described above. The rest of the cosmetic procedure has differences.

When should I refrain from almond peeling?

Contraindications to the procedure as follows:

- Individual allergic reaction to nuts;

- skin damage (mechanical);

- intolerance of almond oil.

The peeling can be carried out not only with the product described above. No less common is another recipe: grind into a fine powder of ten tablets of vitamin C and aspirin. Stir in fifty grams of yogurt. The resulting formulation is applied to the face for a few minutes. it is not recommended to keep longer. Only problem areas can be processed. During the procedure, treat their own feelings carefully. So, tingling and burning should not be very strong. If they are not portable, do not torment yourself. Immediately rinse composition, or can burn the skin! Upon completion of this peeling is better to put on veils nourishing mask. It plays its role perfectly, even the usual sour cream.

Use of viburnum

This useful berry helps not only those who suffer from colds and heart disease. Of juice you can prepare fruit ice cubes for skin whitening. Wash them even several times a day - no harm, only good!

Use calendula

The flowers and leaves of this plant is required to grind the slurry-like state in a wooden bowl. The mixture in the pure form is applied to the face. Result - clarified skin.

Above we have listed the most effective means to eliminate such problems as dark spots on the face. Creams and masks, lotions and peels - choose the option that you prefer. Just do not forget about safety precautions, otherwise you will not help your skin, and do harm.

How to get rid of age spots on the face with masks and creams

Here are the general rules that should be followed when applying any bleaching masks:

- Prior to the procedure, carefully clean the skin. Otherwise, it will not achieve the desired effect.

- When cooking, do not use masks stale products. Trying to save to anything good will not.

- The resulting mass should not be applied to the region around the lips and eyes.

- Procedures to improve the appearance should be performed at rest and good mood.

- At the end put on the person's favorite nutritious cream.

- The best time to whitening mask - an evening. Thus, it will be easy to protect the skin from exposure to sunlight (it is always necessary after to get rid of pigmentation procedure).

- Just before the exit to the street do not forget to apply sunscreen quality.


If you have certain problems with the skin is not self-medicate. The first contact to the doctor that you trust. After identifying the true causes of pigmentation can launch a comprehensive fight against nuisance spots. To begin, try to use the recipes of traditional medicine. If in your case, they will be useless, you can purchase high-quality whitening cream. However, the approach to his choice with caution because these products often contain substances that are not the best way affects the skin.