How to whiten your face from the sun? Lightening cream for skin

holidays often spent at sea, in addition to positive emotions, and brings discomfort. Thus, the fairer sex often wonder about how to whiten your face from the sun. This is because it is not always a sun bath a positive effect on the skin. Many women after resting freckles and age spots. If you overdo it, it can and does get a sunburn and take the form of tomatoes. How to remove a tan? This will tell you The following article.

How to whiten your face from the sun? Lightening cream for skin

Opinion cosmetologists

Before you whiten your face from the sun, it is necessary to consult with a specialist. Beautician correctly determine your type of person and advise any means. It is said that to get rid quickly from the sun will help you special cream produced in factories or home recipes.

In the latter case, you must be very careful. Indeed, an allergic reaction can occur at many folk remedies. In this case, instead of a beautiful complexion you get uneven bleached skin, covered with hives. Consider the basic methods of telling us how to whiten your face from the sun.

Effective natural remedies

How to remove a tan quickly at home? Lighten the skin to help any foods that contain adequate amounts of vitamin C. To those include cucumbers and parsley, lemons and strawberries, currants and sorrel. This list is endless.

From natural resources can make masks, lotions, creams or lotions. Remember that such compositions should be prepared immediately before use. They do not contain preservatives and can not be stored for more than a few hours, even in the refrigerator.

How to whiten your face from the sun? Lightening cream for skin

face lotion

How to remove a tan that went smoothly? To quickly get rid of spots and freckles, prepare the lotion. This tool should be applied to the skin several times a day. Within three days you will notice a positive trend.

Make a decoction of parsley. To do this, grind the grass and fill with boiling water. Wait two minutes and remove the part from the heat. Then strain the broth and cool. Take half a lemon and squeeze the juice into the parsley. Mix everything and wipe the skin with this solution several times.

How to whiten your face from the sun? Lightening cream for skin

Brightening Cream

Nowadays cosmetic manufacturers offer to purchase a wide variety of compounds that help to get rid of the hated sun. In most of these creams contains natural additives: cucumber, lemon, parsley and so on. Among the popular brands can be distinguished Belarusian cosmetics - serum "White Linen", Russian convoys "Green Mama", Orquid Vital from "Garnier". Excellent itself, and for quite some time, it has proved an inexpensive Bulgarian cream "Ahromin".

You can also make your own lightening cream. For this you need a cucumber, grated or chopped in a blender mush. Take two tablespoons of the main ingredient and mix it with a teaspoon of sour cream. Add a few drops of glycerin and heated thoroughly mix all. This cream-mask should be applied to the skin once a day. After a week's course you need a little break.

How to whiten your face from the sun? Lightening cream for skin

Chemical Peel

To quickly whiten your face from the sun, you can use a chemical peel. It is very often carried out in beauty salons. However, the sale of such compositions can be found is not always the case. The stores offers scrubs or peels that just exfoliate rough skin and slightly clarified the new dermis. Chemical compositions operate otherwise. They remove all surface cells, releasing the new. It is said that such a procedure can not be carried out very often. This will tell you to stay a beautician.

Chemical peels can be performed in the home. To do this, take the hydrogen peroxide and apply it to the skin. Wait 20 minutes, then rinse composition. You can also use more natural products. Apply on the face mush from a mixture of baking soda and water. Cut a slice of lemon and rub it on the composition of dried skin.

Cloth masks or compresses

Very effective in bleaching agents will compress or cloth masks purchased. If you prefer the latter, then just buy them in the store, and use according to instructions.

For self-catering you need to compress the cotton or linen fabric. It is necessary to moisten in the juice. Prepare the composition may be as follows. Take one tablespoon of lemon juice and mix with the liquid from the two strawberries. Separately, prepare a few cucumber slices. Dampen a cloth in the prepared juice and put a compress on the skin. In this state, you need to be 30 minutes. After that, do not wash up, but simply remove the fabric. Wipe a slice of cucumber skin and do not use cream.

How to whiten your face from the sun? Lightening cream for skin

Helpful Tip

If you want to display a tan face and whiten the skin, then you should arm themselves with the chief means - sunscreen. Choose a composition with a maximum factor. Give preference to children's cosmetics. It is less likely to cause an allergic reaction.

you must apply the protective structure to the skin in front of each exit from the house. This will help protect the delicate fresh dermis, which appears as a result of the use of bleaching compositions. It is said that without sunscreen all your manipulation will be useless. Sunburn will appear on your face again.

Summary of the article the results of

You now know how to whiten your face from the sun at home or use the purchased assets. Remember that you need to test before use of any composition. To do this, apply a little elbow bend cooked funds and wait for a few hours. If there is redness should abandon the use of the composition. If we did not have allergies, it can cause the drug to the skin of the face and enjoy the results.

Home remedies do not provide immediate effect, however, they are safer than the various chemical compositions. Be beautiful and healthy!