How can I use a lemon to the face?

To ensure the beauty and skin health can be applied not only beauty, but also folk remedies. The most the best option in this case is considered to be a lemon face. With it carried general health and effective skin whitening.

What is the use of

Face Lemon is used very widely. It is considered a unique cleanser, as the fruit contains a lot of different vitamins and minerals. For example, it includes vitamin A, which helps to eliminate inflammation. Vitamin C, which refers to the natural antioxidant, helps to slow down aging.

How can I use a lemon to the face?

Due to the potassium content of the normalization of the sebaceous glands. With the help of a lemon can eliminate age spots, as in its composition contains vitamin K. This component also helps to align the face shade after tanning. In short, it means affordable and very efficient.

Application Features

Lemon Face - a popular tool to help resolve a variety of cosmetic defects, but because of its high content of acids is rarely used in its pure form. Very good option is to use lemon juice for the preparation of various cosmetic mixtures, in particular such as:

  • creams;
  • masks;
  • lotions.

These tools differ in cleaning, whitening and anti-inflammatory effects. However, their use has benefited, it is necessary to observe the rules of preparation and use.

How can I use a lemon to the face?

before adding the lemon juice in cosmetology agent or mixed with other components, you must first be diluted with water in equal proportions. It definitely need to do to prevent skin burns. Cooked cosmetic means should be used immediately, as they can not be stored. It is therefore necessary to take food in an amount sufficient to only one application. Before use Cosmetic agent according to destination, it is necessary to apply a small amount of the mixture on the wrist and left for a few minutes to determine the presence of possible allergies.

Exposure of the skin

The juice of the fruit contains citric acid of high concentration. If it meets the skin of the face is remarkably improved her condition, since the lemon has a beneficial effect.

Furthermore, it juice promotes moisturizing of the skin, and it has pull-up and rejuvenating effect. Lemon characterized bactericide, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effect. In its application stronger collagen fibers are activated skin protective force. All this makes it possible to maximally effectively eliminate inflammation.

Properties lemon facial whitening

The juice of this fruit is considered to be a very good means of contributing to whiten the face. However, one should not expect quick results, as it will require a certain time. Through whitening facial lemon, you should avoid exposure to the sun, so be sure to apply sunscreen before going out. This is due to the fact that significantly increases the sensitivity of skin to ultraviolet rays.

How can I use a lemon to the face?

To perform whitening procedures use special masks, which include those containing lemon juice. Apply such cosmetic means best every other day to prevent a strong skin drying.

Use of lotions

Face Lemon does not apply undiluted, as it can damage the skin and cause scalds. For best results use a special cleaning lotion, prepared on the basis of lemon juice. This cosmetology tool allows very quickly and efficiently carry out cleaning of the skin.

To prepare the lotion to mix mineral non-carbonated water and lemon juice in equal proportions. This tool will help to strengthen the skin, clean pores and narrow them down. Whitening facial is performed using a lotion based on lemon and cucumber. To prepare the tools you need to mix the juice of cucumber, lemon and water. The resulting lotion is necessary wipe face every day. Instead of cucumber juice can be used a decoction of parsley.

Masks for face with lemon

In modern cosmetology widely used products based on natural ingredients. These can be creams, lotions and masks. One of them is, for example, a face mask with lemon, which helps to cleanse the skin, whiten and soften it. It is recommended to apply once or twice a week. More frequent use may reflect badly on the state of the skin.

The indications for use of face masks with a lemon can be:

  • presence of pigmentation;
  • dull complexion;
  • shine;
  • tendency to rash.
How can I use a lemon to the face?

Special mask and facial tonic with lemon can be used as bleaching agents. Also replace the procedure for professional exfoliation helps scrub with lemon.

Masks for oily skin

Cosmetic compositions based on lemon recommended owners of oily skin as part of their structure citric acid well it dries epidermis and helps reduce its fat content. Coping with acne and blackheads, as well as dry skin will help popular facial mask. Protein and lemon, which includes in its composition, will give a matte effect and additionally will have a rejuvenating effect. To prepare this mask you need to whip the egg whites, add to it 5-7 drops of lemon juice. All mix thoroughly, apply the mixture on your face and hold for 15 minutes.

How can I use a lemon to the face?

And here are some useful recipes. To give fresh skin to whip the protein, add a tablespoon of honey, the same amount of lemon juice and a few drops of lemon balm oil. To cleanse the pores need to shake up the protein, add the juice of aloe, lemon and a tablespoon of alcohol spoon. Apply the mask on your face is necessary after cleaning and steaming.

Masks for dry skin

Use lemon juice can be added as cosmetic agents and in the presence of dry skin. To make the facility safer and more nutritious, it is necessary to put sour cream in it.

For women with dry skin need 50 grams of sour cream add 10 grams of lemon juice and stir well. The mixture must be kept on the face for 15 minutes, and then rinsed with warm water. Apply the mask on your face need every 5-7 days.

How can I use a lemon to the face?

On the condition of dry skin works well face mask with honey and lemon. To enhance the effect, you can add the resulting oat flour. So, in equal proportions to mix honey and lemon juice, and then add oatmeal to obtain a mixture of consistency similar to a thick cream. Keep the mask on your face for 10 minutes.

whitening effect

A good result gives whitening face mask with lemon helps to get rid of freckles and pigmentation. You can cook cosmetic products based on lemon juice and tomatoes. To do this, you need to clear the tomato, mash it and add lemon juice. Mix well and apply the mixture onto a clean face for 15 minutes. Then carefully rinse the skin with warm water.

How can I use a lemon to the face?

Also, to cope with freckles help lemon and honey. For the person they are used as a mask. To prepare it you need to mix lemon juice and natural honey in equal proportions. The loan is necessary to take a cotton ball, soak it obtained mixture and apply to the face in the place where there are freckles. Means Leave for 20 minutes, and then rinsing the skin with cold water.

Good help and a mask with an apple. For its preparation you need to grate an apple and a lemon mince. The resulting mixture was applied to skin for 20 minutes. Wash away all the cool water.

Masks for acne

Cope with acne helps mask, prepared on the basis of lemon juice. Also it gives good results with cosmetic milk. To make it, you need to mix 3 tablespoons milk, 2 tbsp. l. honey and a spoonful of lemon juice. When applying the mask you should try to avoid the area around the eyes. Leave the mask on for half an hour and then rinse your face with warm water.

You can still make a mask with the addition of yeast. For this we need a little heat the milk, add lemon juice and yeast in equal proportions. Let stand for 5 minutes means and then apply to the face massage. After 15 min rinse with warm water.

Nourishing Mask

Good refreshing and nutritious effect tightening has glyceric facial mask with lemon, which provides a particularly good result in the presence of dry skin type. For its preparation you need to grind in a blender a slice of lemon with peel. The resulting slurry was added yolk of one egg, and 10 grams of glycerol and fatty cream.

All components mix thoroughly, apply the mask on your face, leave for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.

Washing usefully

Wipe the face with lemon undesirable because its juice is considered to be quite aggressive substance that can provoke skin burns. That is why for washing is best to use lemon juice and water solution. This tool will help cleanse the skin and give it freshness.

How can I use a lemon to the face?

To make it, you just need to dissolve a teaspoon of natural lemon juice 0, 5 liters of warm water. Acidified liquid and it is necessary to wash the face. If women have oily skin, you need to add water for 2 hours. L. lemon juice. When flabby epidermis instead of the usual water it is necessary to take mineral water to make money. Good for the skin of the face and tea with lemon. It can not only drink but also to wipe his face with. With regular application it can make the skin a bit dark.

Essential oils on beauty guard

Very helpful essential oil of lemon to the face, because it helps to maintain the elasticity of the skin, making them more flexible, smoothes wrinkles, improves skin color. It also helps to cleanse the pores, remove acne, acne, and normalizes the function of sebaceous glands.

How can I use a lemon to the face?

is not recommended to use lemon oil directly before going outdoors, since UV rays can provoke increased skin pigmentation and unexpected reaction. This tool is suitable for absolutely any type of epidermis, except very dry. It is best to add the lemon oil in creams and masks, as well as mixed with other oils, as in pure form, it can cause skin irritation.

Contraindications to

Lemon refers to allergens, which is why you must first conduct a test for the presence of an allergic reaction. Prohibited use it in case of individual intolerance in the presence of tumors, as well as open wounds on the skin. It is best to use tools, which include lemon, to consult with a dermatologist, so as not to cause harm to the skin.

What others say

As evidenced by the numerous reviews, facial lemon - a productive tool to help improve the condition of the skin, get rid of its greasy, make it more beautiful and fresh.

Many women say that it is a very good product that can eliminate the strong pigmentation, freckles and other cosmetic defects. However, it is best not to use products based on lemon in the winter because they can strongly desiccate the skin.

As well to remove the lemon juice acne and acne eruptions. To remove them, simply moisten the cotton wool in the juice and apply to the pimple. He quickly disappears, leaving no trace. As you can see, the scope of the lemon in cosmetics is very wide, so why not make use of all its advantages!