Facial masks whitening: professional skin care at home

Bleaching masks are usually relevant to girls and women who have gone too far with a tan, or whose skin pigmentation spots are starting to bother. This trouble can be great to spoil the mood. Fortunately, the problem can be handled quite easily by using just a few of the products supplied to us by Mother Nature.

Who on earth all the whiter

Facial masks whitening: professional skin care at home

Masks for face whitening at home can be done on the basis of two ingredients - fresh parsley and lemon or other citrus. Both products are perfect to soothe inflammation of the skin, a good tonic, decolorized and, in the end, almost completely reduce various spots, freckles and so on. D. That is why they are the main in various creams, masks, lotions and other formulations of therapeutic cosmetic, produced well-known foreign and domestic firms. Furthermore, whitening facial masks made from common tomato (tomato). They like your skin, which becomes velvety, delicate and, of course, significantly brighten and posvezheet. However, after using these home remedies you should be careful and protect the person from direct sunlight. The skin of the lemon, for example, becomes very sensitive to UV light. As a result, you can get burned if you do not hide behind an umbrella or a hat with a wide brim. And another thing: face masks bleaching have a drying effect. Overlay can be no more than 2 times per week. Or just a slice of lemon lubricate the most disturbing parts of the cheeks, forehead and so on. D. Now zaymomsya rite! lemon, parsley, honey

Facial masks whitening: professional skin care at home

We offer you a whitening mask of parsley. The first one: a small bunch of parsley good wash, rinse with hot water, chopped, crushed mortar. Add a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice and a tablespoon - natural honey. Stir well. Thoroughly clean the face, soften the steam tray. After that, apply a mask and lie down to relax the muscles. After 15 minutes, wash and lubricate the skin cream. If feelings are unpleasant (strong burning sensation), then make such a face mask whitening without lemon.

Parsley oatmeal

Facial masks whitening: professional skin care at home

Well help you mask whitening of pigment spots on the basis of oat flakes and parsley. Both components not only to successfully cope with an unnecessary "spotty", but also restore the skin's elasticity, raise the tone, rejuvenate, relieve swelling and provide many other useful functions. Just take a bunch of greens, chop into mush, add half a spoon of cereal (also crush), stir to softened flakes from parsley juice. Apply evenly to the face and neck, hold for 20 minutes, then rinse with careful circular motions. Do not forget about the cream afterwards. By the way, to fight wrinkles this mask will also help! The healing power of cottage cheese with honey

And finally, one more just a wonderful recipe for homemade cosmetics. A mixture of curd, honey and lemon align the complexion, smoothing uneven tan, making inconspicuous local pigmentation, give the skin elasticity and youthful glow. Mix a tablespoon of cottage cheese with a teaspoon of honey and the same - lemon juice. Apply to face, without affecting the area around the eyes and mouth. Wash off after 20 minutes, brush with cream. Use masks regularly to always look at 100!