Take care of their beauty and youth: causes pigmentation on the face

Is not it nice to really look at people with delicate velvety skin, a healthy glow, beautiful complexion? As a rule, they feel fine, perfectly healthy, happy with themselves and others. And what about those whom nature or health "summed up", and on their forehead, cheeks, lips appear brown on "islands", stains and other education?

Coloring leopard

Take care of their beauty and youth: causes pigmentation on the face

Let's look at what could be the causes of pigmentation on the face? First of all - the sun. Note:.. If the beginning of the solar activity, ie, from about mid-March, before your nose appears freckles and cheeks are the brown marks, then the person need to hide under the visor caps, golf caps, etc. Who.. -That is suffering from aggressive ultraviolet childhood, someone he begins to pester after 30-35 years, when the skin is particularly sensitive and receptive to any unhealthy environmental factors. A causes pigmentation on the face, in this case the same for all, as well as their consequences. It is, so to speak, the first factor. The second - is also associated with age-related changes in the body, especially the women. Hormonal disorders, problems with the functioning of the adrenal cortex, liver - it can signal you appear pigmented spots. Of course, by themselves they are not yet a fact that confirms the symptoms. But if you really feel some discomfort, if you have a concern, then the causes of pigmentation on the face you should pay attention. And another such moment.

Take care of their beauty and youth: causes pigmentation on the face

Our body reacts differently to certain medications. For example, women of reproductive age use preservatives, and it is not always a condom or coil. But the action of many contraceptives is associated with hormones. Such preparations also can be really considered as a cause of pigmentation on the face. And finally, the "interesting" position. For most pregnant women, regardless of age, are the spots are usually in the second half period.

What to do if ...

Indeed, what if instead of smooth beautiful skin tone begins to resemble war paint commandos? Listen to yourself, watch the work of your body and noticing any malfunction, contact your doctor. Keep in mind that it is always easier to prevent a problem than to eliminate its consequences. And if the causes of age spots on the face are covered in your illness, delay treatment indefinitely is not advised. Blame drugs - try to choose other drugs, similar to those that take, but without these side effects.

Take care of their beauty and youth: causes pigmentation on the face

And if the sun has caused such a violent reaction of the skin, and then find how to help. The fact that you can not let the sun's rays directly burn your skin, you have read above. Ladies before going out it is recommended to grease face special protective cream with an SPF of at least 30 and be sure to carefully powder. Partially or completely remove the dark spots on the face and unwanted freckles help you recipes from home medical cosmetology.

Take care of their beauty and youth: causes pigmentation on the face

Fortunately, that summer - time to lavish fruit and vegetables, herbs, from which you can cook very useful for the skin in general and anti-pigmentation such as masks, creams, ointments.

In the closet of nature

Possess remarkable bleaching effect parsley and lemon. Therefore, in an emergency, you can make such a mask: parsley stalks melenko chop, grind into mush, add a teaspoon of honey or olive oil and apply to clean skin. Hold for 20-25 minutes, then rinse. Repeat 3 times a week. pigmentation will soon appear much weaker. With honey also make a mask of lemon juice or other citrus.

Take care of their beauty and youth: causes pigmentation on the face

Ascorbic acid contained in them, well whitens and makes freckles and other spots virtually unnoticeable. Only then impose a mask no more than 2 times a week, t. To. Citrus skin drying. Or just wipe the problem places a slice of lemon. Strawberries, mashed to a pulp, red currants, tomatoes and cucumber pulp, which was started on the grater - fine vitamin supplements for hydration and nutrition, as well as rejuvenation and whitening your faces. Plus, you can use sour cream or yogurt, egg white mask and honey ... Recipes sea, there is a will to use them. But if someone really tortured pigmentation, go to a good beauty salon or clinic and use more radical means of treatment!