Wen on the face: how to get rid as soon as possible

Wen - at first glance the problem harmless and pose no danger to life. That may be so, but these small hard white spots on the face can permanently ruin the appearance that a woman is equivalent to the tragedy.

Wen on the face: how to get rid as soon as possible

Many women complain of such problems as talc on his face. How to get rid of them? And whether it is real at all? It turns out, actually. But in any case, you must first understand what they are.

What is wen?

By itself, a lipoma - a subcutaneous education, which can grow to a large size, but the pain she causes. Most often occurs on the face wen after stressful situations, but not only. One of the causes of the problem - a violation of the functions of the skin, when sebum does not go outside, and accumulates. It is not surprising that the removal wen on the face - a fairly popular service in the world today.

Wen on the face: how to get rid as soon as possible

The causes of lipomas

  • First, it is a violation of metabolic processes. As a result, suffers from adipose tissue, it begin to occur pathological processes, which provoke the appearance of lipomas.
  • The second - a genetic predisposition. If you have a family talc - business as usual, then you are at risk.
  • In the third place - in violation of the endocrine system and diabetes.
  • Fourth - liver and kidney disease, in particular, sand in the kidneys.

the unfortunate talc on his face: how to get rid of the problem?

To remove a fatty tumor on the face, it is better to consult a doctor. There are several treatments that can help to solve the problem:

  • Mechanical cleaning. Education pierced by a needle, and then scrubbed the capsule and fat contained therein.
  • Sometimes lipoma just pierce and remove the contents without destroying the capsule. Disadvantage of this method is that at this point, a new talc may develop in the future.
  • Laser therapy. It has several advantages, among which: the absence of relapses and guaranteed effect. But before the procedure, doctors should check whether it is a lipoma.

Traditional methods of getting rid of Wen

Wen on the face: how to get rid as soon as possible

There are many recipes in traditional medicine, allowing to clean the face. Apparently, the problem has deep roots, and troubled girls and women, many years ago. What to do if there is a talc on his face. How to get rid of them without a visit to the doctors? The answer is simple: use the old recipes. So, here are a few recipes to help remove the talc on his face. How to get rid of using the wisdom of the people, see below:

  • plenochku with the inner surface of the egg is necessary to impose on the wen. When plenochka dries, it should be replaced. Repeat until the disappearance of a lipoma.
  • Another proven remedy is considered lubrication problem areas vitamins A. The use of vitamins gives lasting results.
  • To fight with Wen, you can use cinnamon. It is recommended to eat 1-2 tablespoons of ground spices until recovery. To do so it is necessary daily. To treatment it was easier to be broken cinnamon intake into several stages, adding it in coffee or yogurt. By the way, yogurt and cinnamon perfectly clean the intestines.