Cosmetic clay: the application, reviews, price

Cosmetic clay is renowned as a remedy with unique properties, which gives the skin all the necessary components. Based on it, make a variety of means at home. Before purchasing this unique product you need to decide with his views, which depends on the color. On clay shade affects its content of substances that give it different properties and different effect on the skin. In addition, it is also used for hair and nails.

Cosmetic clay: the application, reviews, price

White clay

This product, also known as "kaolin" is often included in the composition of masks for different skin types. It performs drying, pull-up and purification. Able to rejuvenate the skin. Also white clay cosmetic perfectly removes excess fat and significantly reduces pores.

For bleaching kaolin characteristic properties. Product evens skin tone and tightens facial contours. He also has anti-inflammatory effect, as an antiseptic. Therefore, this kind of clay used in the redness, skin irritations, and for the healing of small wounds.

Kaolin without the addition of other substances can be applied to oily and combination skin. In the normal epidermis and dry it to mix with moisturizing ingredients. Otherwise, the skin will be very overdried.

If you are interested in cosmetic white clay, it can easily be purchased at the pharmacy. value of the product (60 g) in an average of 18, 75 rubles.

Cosmetic clay: the application, reviews, price

Blue clay

That this product has the great popularity among the other types of cosmetic clay. Blue cosmetic clay contains a variety of minerals and trace elements beneficial to the skin. It is famous for its anti-inflammatory qualities. Due to its use helps them to quickly heal wounds on the skin and fight acne. That is why it is very popular in the mask. Blue clay very effectively gets rid of facial wrinkles and makes the light spots and freckles. It has a rejuvenating effect, making covers more elastic. Blue clay, as well as white, great for oily skin.

Of this species are an effective mask for the feet. After all, it reduces the heaviness and swelling, sweating and struggling with an unpleasant odor. In folk medicine, blue cosmetic clay is widely used against baldness.

Its value at a pharmacy (100 g) was 36, 11 rubles.

Recipes masks of blue clay

How can use this product? It should be familiar with common recipes masks, which include the blue clay. She applied separately or in combination with white.

Cosmetic clay: the application, reviews, price
  1. mask against skin irritation. You will need 1/2 teaspoon of blue clay. To it must be added a few drops of apple cider vinegar. The mixture was diluted with a small volume of water and adjusted to its state gruel. The mask is left on the face for 10 minutes and wash with cool water. As a result, shrink pores on the skin, and after 20-30 minutes the inflamed places reduced.
  2. Moisturizing Mask. Take 1/2 tablespoon of blue clay. To this was added the same amount of sour cream (with a small% fat), the flesh of watermelon and grapes, taken one teaspoon. Instead, the pulp of grapes suitable drop of oil and lemon. Prepared by the thick part hold for 10-15 minutes on the face and then wash off.

Green clay

Its special properties of the product is required to the high content of silver. A characteristic shade attaches iron oxide. After using green clay skin becomes very soft and smooth to the touch. Youth and beauty of the epidermis extended. Such as cosmetic clay tightens pores, tones, makes stronger hair and nails. Controls the operation of the sebaceous glands, removing the skin from oily sheen. By its nature, the impact of green clay is very similar to the blue or white. The product normalizes the skin's moisture balance, and long retains its beauty and youth.

Buy it at a pharmacy can be priced at 25, 90 rubles per 100 grams

Effective mask

This product has not received wide acceptance. However, the properties of cosmetic clay can create the following healing mask.

Cosmetic clay: the application, reviews, price
  1. mask against the aging of skin. cabbage leaf was placed in an enamel dish, wherein the agent will be prepared in future. Pour 1/4 cup of milk. Boil the ingredients. After softening the sheet it was triturated well with milk until a homogeneous slurry state. Then, it is mixed with a tablespoon of green clay and one protein. Means left on the face for 10-15 minutes and wash thoroughly with cool water.
  2. Nourishing Mask. This tool is used for combination and normal skin. Due to the content of clay skin to get rid of freckles and age spots. And oil will provide it with useful trace elements and vitamins. Take one teaspoon of green and white clay are well mixed. To this mixture add a teaspoon of peach butter. If desired, it can be replaced with the same amount of grapeseed oil. The mass is diluted with mineral water to obtain a thick slurry. Ready means is applied to the face, leave for 10 minutes and wash. After treatment, the skin will be smooth and taut.

Red clay

What are the advantages of this product? Tint red mud due to the presence therein of copper with iron oxide. Funds from it relieve the skin from irritation and redness, promote normal blood circulation and oxygenates the skin. Cosmetic clay is suitable for dry skin, since it is excellent fights dehydrated. price of the product in the pharmacy is 23, 00 rubles per pack of 100 grams.

Effective recipes for the face of the red clay

The product is appreciated by beauticians. This allows extensive use of clay for a variety of recipes. Consider some of them.

Cosmetic clay: the application, reviews, price
  1. mask against skin dryness and irritation. Mix 1/2 tablespoon red clay cosmetic cream, preferably fatty. Adjusted composition to a thick consistency. Was added to a mixture of 2 teaspoons of fresh aloe juice. The mask is applied for 10-15 minutes. You must then rinse well.
  2. The mask for dry skin. The two teaspoons of red clay are added cream and vegetable oil in the same amount. Stir, ensuring smooth, and add a few drops of orange oil.
  3. The mask for sensitive skin. K red clay boiled water is added until the mixture reaches the state of cream. Means hold on the face for 10 minutes. Then you need to wash with warm water.

Black clay

The product is effective because it contains calcium, iron, silica, strontium and magnesium. Clay used for cosmetic black mud various wraps, to reduce the volume of the body, and getting rid of cellulite. Thanks to it leads to normal metabolism and blood flow. In the body, activates protective and regenerative processes.

Cosmetic mask of clay are struggling with aging skin and heal her damaged areas.

Using it for the face, it is necessary to take into account that different types it operates differently. To some, this may seem the clay dries, and for others it will be soft and the supply means. Therefore, it is desirable to mix a small amount of clay with water, treat it and a small area of ​​the skin wash after 7 minutes. Then you need to see if there are differences between the skin in this area and the rest of the face. This will not cost cosmetic clay. Price means (100 g), extracted from the Dead Sea, is 36, 23 rubles.

Recipes masks

Funds of this type of clay is recommended for combination skin. Especially in combination with infusions of herbs. If you have dry skin of the face in the black clay is desirable to add cheese, milk or egg yolk. Oily product structure is mixed with egg white, the lemon juice or other.

Cosmetic clay: the application, reviews, price
  1. Mask for oily and combination skin types. R 1 tablespoon black clay added tablespoon infusion of peppermint and 2 tablespoons of a succession of infusion. The mask has a toning effect and refreshes the skin and removes the inflammation on his face. If necessary, can be replaced by infusion of peppermint essential oil and a tablespoon of water.
  2. Purifying Mask. Take a camomile tea, which is made from a tablespoon of chamomile flowers and half a cup of boiling water. The infusion was cooled and filtered. Then, it is mixed with a black clay until a homogeneous thick consistency. Prepared mask is applied to the face and after 10-15 minutes wash.
  3. Mask Scrub. If you are using black clay can eliminate black spots completely after a few sessions, making the facial skin. To this product is diluted with water and applied to the skin. You must wait until the mask does not completely harden. After drying her fingertips moistened with water and gently massage the skin so that the clay is rolled down. So do the entire surface of the face, then wash off the remaining clay. After this massage will be useful peeling or mask of oatmeal.

Pink clay

This product is prepared by mixing. For its production using red and white clay. Accordingly, the properties of the resultant product combines all the characteristics of the ingredients. A mask can be used for any skin. Pink cosmetic clay cope with fine wrinkles, rejuvenates and softens the skin. it also adds elasticity of the epidermis due to its cleansing and nourishing properties. Of pink clay is easy to make a mask for the face, as well as from any other. It is diluted with boiled water and keep on the face for 10-15 minutes.

If the skin is characterized by dryness and lifelessness, the water can be replaced with cottage cheese, cream, egg yolk and milk. In the case of greasy type clay pink mixed with yogurt, protein, yogurt or yogurt.

Yellow clay

This product contains iron with potassium. It is used for dull skin. Yellow clay removes toxins from the skin, struggling with acne and other inflammation. It enriches the skin with oxygen, improves facial tone and perfectly tones.

Basic recipes

Of yellow clay to make a mask, depending on the type of skin problem.

The mask against the aging of skin. Mix one tablespoon of egg yolk and milk. Yellow clay is added thereto until a thick mass with a uniform consistency. To this mixture, you need to add a few drops of oil or chopped mint leaves. After stirring the mask applied to the face. Keep it for 10-15 minutes.

The mask against oily skin. The yellow clay (2 teaspoons) was diluted taken teaspoon honey, apple cider vinegar and lemon juice. The mixture was introduced into water. The composition will change its shape, resembling a state of sour cream. The mask is left on the skin for 10-15 minutes and wash.

The gray clay

This cosmetic product effectively reduces wrinkles, and also participates in hydration and skin toning. Gray clay copes with the dry and dehydrated dermis. Due to its healing and emollient properties it is able to eliminate the roughness of the skin on elbows and feet.

The blue clay is

Tool contains more minerals than many fruits and vegetables. Blue clay gives the skin elasticity and fights the aging process. It is characterized by bleaching, antibacterial and antiseptic properties. From this type of clay masks are prepared, and trays for cosmetic use.

Reviews Consumer

Amazing properties of clay for a long time and very effectively used in medicine and cosmetology. The set of the ladies used such funds, wanting to improve the skin, to improve its color and texture. What are their views on this matter?

In most cases, consumers liked cosmetic clay. Reviews contain joyful stories about improved skin. As a general rule, apply white, blue and black clay. It is noted that the result of their use is very good. The women managed to perfectly clean the skin at home, to achieve the tightening effect, fine wrinkles.

Unfortunately, about as impressive species diversity known to few. But those who are familiar with it, note that each product is endowed with amazing properties. Seen superior quality pink clay.

Before applying the tools should be thoroughly familiar with its properties. Thus it is necessary to know the measure. Because sometimes it can cause harm, and cosmetic clay. Consumer reviews, mindlessly applying various kinds, sent a warning to others. Indeed, when using white clay (neat) to dry skin, the result is quite placheven. Previously, it was noted that such use is fraught with the most powerful drying of the epidermis.

Therefore, if you do not know what your skin type, do not use their own means such as cosmetic clay. Types of useful properties, in great detail the recommended masks can describe and pick an experienced beautician. Remember this advice - the guarantee to improve your skin condition and protection from unpleasant consequences.