The significance of the word "freak" in Russia

• How important was the word "freak" in Russia

The significance of the word

In the old Russian tradition, the word "freak" has been positive. So called first-born son, who according to tradition became the main family heir. He always got his father's house after the death of his parents.

On the first-born went to care for the elderly father and mother, while the second and all subsequent sons usually went out of his father's house and built their family outside its walls. That is why the eldest son and was called "ugly", which literally means the one who is in the genus.

keeps the race and stored Rod

The boy first-born is the successor of the gene pool of the genus and father. It was assigned the mission of enormous integrity and preservation of the family clan continuity. "Freak" was a mainstay of all kinds, the most important child. It is also sacred to the god old. This Slavic male deity was considered one of the most ancient gods, ancestors, father-god, creator of all things on earth. He was the cause of all causes and a defender of life.

The ancient Slavs believed to be under the auspices of Rod - like having to get the most powerful of all existing protections. That is why the first-born boy who love and care about the preservation of ancestral continuity parents dedicated to Rod. God the Father had to save the child, and with it, and all subsequent generations from the death and degeneration. The word "kind", "begotten" and "freak" the same root.

Mental quality freak

Originally, the word "freak" and was used to refer to consecrated person who patronize the gods. For many centuries clearly positive coloration of this concept gradually changed to negative. First "monster" called initiates. Then, as people began to call saints out of this world, all who have been marked by the seal of holiness. Still later they began to be classed those who have been a little crazy, that is "foolish."

Foolish our ancestors believed God's people, those who after death will go to heaven and will inherit the kingdom of heaven. But the more ancient Russians went from their pagan beliefs and are attached to Christianity, contrary to expectations, the concept of "holy fool" stronger painted in black paint. Gradually it acquired the meaning "fool, crazy, crazy."

Such a change in emotional connotation from positive to negative, and there was some other words of the Russian language. For example, with the word "witch": previously it was Veda, a wise woman; now it's angry, quarrelsome old woman, who knows with the evil spirit.

The physical quality freak

In addition to the initiation Rod word "freak" meant in ancient Russia and beauty. No wonder the Slavs said that the man "born a handsome, comely but blush." It was definitely a positive characteristic of the word "freak", "to be born". It has been preserved in some related Russian languages.

For example, the Ukrainian word "like" literally means "beauty" (only y prefix is ​​replaced by in-laws according to the morphological Ukrainian language). In ancient times, Russian was also called beautiful, handsome son, the first-born freaks, because they kept the best thing parents can give their children.
