10 cozy facts about autumn

• 10 cozy facts about the fall of

The ice is different from the black ice, where the leaves yellow and in other countries is called Indian Summer - in this collection.

10 cozy facts about autumn

In the language of the Indians Mi'kmaq some trees are named in accordance with the sound, which publishes the wind blowing through them in the fall an hour after sunset. And with the change of the sound and change the names of the trees.

The green color of the leaves provides chlorophyll. Autumn chlorophyll is gradually degraded and become visible to other permanent pigments: yellow orange xanthophyll and carotene.

The fact that the Eastern and Western Slavs called "Indian summer", the South Slavs called "Roma in the summer," in the German-speaking countries are considered "old lady's summer", and in North America - "Indian summer".

10 cozy facts about autumn

Between 1348 and 1699 new year in Russia began on 1 September. The leaves fall not only in the middle lane - because of the approach of cold weather, but also in other areas with unfavorable rainfall, for example, in the subtropics, where during drought the plants do not have enough moisture.

According to Dahl's dictionary, the word "fall" is derived from the word "overshadow" - obscure, signifying the onset of dusk.

Black ice - a crust of ice occurring when precipitation contact with the surface having a negative temperature.

Sleet, unlike ice, can occur only at the surface - resulting freeze thawed (after ottpepeli) water.

Until the 18th century in Russia continued to fall on September 23 before Christ, that is, until December 25th.

In the Irish calendar, which is based on ancient Celtic traditions, autumn months are August, September and October.