Interesting facts about the Baba-Yaga

• Interesting facts about Baba-Yaga

Interesting facts about the Baba-Yaga

Baba Yaga - a mysterious creature, which is described in many Russian fairy tales. To this day, scientists worry not solved until now riddles surrounding this mysterious creature. Who is this Baba Yaga?

The strange name of this old woman scholars translate differently. Some people are convinced that "Yaga" corresponds to some Indo-European languages, the values ​​of "shame, disease, to mourn." But with the Komi language "nr" is translated as "pine forest" or "forest" and the word "woman" means a woman. Therefore, Baba Yaga - a forest woman.

Baba Yaga lives in the forest, she flies in a mortar. Engaged in witchcraft. Help her geese, red, white and black riders, and even "three pairs of hands." Researchers are three subspecies of Baba Yaga: warrior (in the battle with her character to a new level of personal maturity), the giver (it gives its guests the magic items), as well as the thief of children. It is worth noting that in this case it is not unambiguously negative character.

They describe it as a terrible old woman with a hump. At the same time she is also blind, and only feels the man who came to her house. Home is having Kuryi legs, the scientists gave birth to the hypothesis, who is this Baba Yaga. The fact that the ancient Slavs was the custom build special houses for the dead, which were set on stilts, towering above the ground. Hut are built on the border and the settlement timber, and put them in a manner that was output from the wood.

Interesting facts about the Baba-Yaga

It is believed that Baba Yaga - a kind of guide to the world of the dead, which in fairy tales called the kingdom of Far Far Away. In this task, the old woman to help certain rituals: ritual bath (bath), "mortuary" treat (feeding the hero at his own request). Having been in the house of Baba Yaga, the person is at the time belonging to two worlds at once, and also gets some certain abilities.

According to another hypothesis, Baba Yaga - female sorceress. In ancient times, healers became unsociable woman who settled in the forest. There they collected plants, fruits and roots, then they are dried and prepared from these raw materials a variety of drugs. People, though, and used their services, but at the same time and they were afraid, because they considered them witches associated with unclean forces and evil spirits.

Not so long ago, some Russian researchers have another very interesting theory. According to her, Baba Yaga was none other than an alien who came to our planet for research purposes.

The legend tells that a mysterious old woman was flying in a mortar, and remark the trace of fire broom. All this description is very similar to a jet engine. Ancient Slavs, of course, could not know about the wonders of technology, but because of their own way interpret the fire and loud noises that could issue the alien ship.

In favor of this interpretation is the fact that the arrival of a mysterious Baba Yaga, according to the descriptions of ancient peoples, accompanied by falling trees in the landing area and the storm with very strong winds. All of this can be explained by the influence of ballistic wave either by direct action of the jet. Slavs who lived in those times, could not have known about the existence of such things, but because it is explained by witchcraft. Hut standing on kurey leg, apparently, was a spaceship. In such a case, its small size is quite understandable. A Kuryi legs - stand on which there is a ship.

Outside view of Baba Yaga, which seemed so ugly people to alien creatures can be quite common. Humanoids, judging by the descriptions of UFO, do not look beautiful.

has asserted in stories that mysterious Baba Yaga was allegedly kannnibalkoy, ie consumed a human flesh. From the standpoint of the new theory, the ship conducted a variety of experiments on human beings. Later, all overgrown with legends and fairy tales, which were told to children. In this form, and before we heard this story. It is difficult to prove something, when it's been so many years, but still mysterious Baba Yaga left its mark in the history of not only fabulous, but also, perhaps, it is material. He just has not yet been found.