Foods that do not need to be used for sunburn

If you ask a man who was burned in the sun, what means it will be to treat burns, the answer probably will hear: "sour cream or yogurt." Indeed, if to smear the affected area of ​​the body cold fermented milk product, it is sure to bring relief. So why spend money on expensive pharmaceutical drugs, if it is possible to dispense with improvised means? But it turns out it's not as simple as we think, and the consequences of the use of public money will be very serious.

Foods that do not need to be used for sunburn

Despite the fact that the modern world is increasingly gaining the fashion for all natural, it is not always a plus. For example, in the case of sunburn, when we resort to the help of potato, green tea, oil and other home remedies, few people think that such actions can only exacerbate the situation. Therefore, be sure to know which foods are categorically not suitable for people who are burned.

1. Oil

Foods that do not need to be used for sunburn

According to dermatologists, sunflower, olive and other oils can be used as a salad dressing, but not for the treatment of burns. Oily substances pose on the surface of the injured body part dense film, which is unable to pass air. As a result, heat transfer is broken, and instead of being cooled, the skin even more overheated. The consequences of the use of oil could be dire: swelling, increased burn areas, deterioration of the general state of health.

Foods that do not need to be used for sunburn

In addition, we should not forget that oil is not a sterile substance, that is, it may contain various kinds of fungi and bacteria. If these microorganisms get to the affected area of ​​skin, the wound can become infected a second time.

2. Dairy products

Foods that do not need to be used for sunburn

sour cream, kefir, yogurt also can not be used to treat burns, because they contain lactic acid and fermentation products. Firstly, these components can cause a secondary infection, and, secondly, are able to cause unpredictable chemical reaction when come in contact with the burn site. As with oil, dairy products are not further processed, they are therefore sterile. In addition, they include a lot of food supplements of unknown origin, and no one knows how they will behave when in contact with broken skin. In today's yogurt, sour cream, yogurt, there are no nutrients that could help heal burns faster, so you should not use them as a medicine.

3. Raw vegetables

Foods that do not need to be used for sunburn

Our grandparents always treated burns potatoes and taught us to do the same. However, if a person is burned, the use of raw vegetables and fruits is quite capable to cause allergies. The fact that changing the pH level of the skin and breaks down its immunity for sunburn. And if the skin comes into contact with non-sterile products in such a state, it is quite possible that an ordinary burn grow in contact dermatitis. You do not want to leave and still treat allergies?

For the same reason you can not burn wet gauze soaked in green tea or herbal infusion - it's only slow healing.

What to do with sunburn?

Foods that do not need to be used for sunburn

As soon as you notice that the skin is reddened and started the oven, immediately cool the affected area of ​​the body. If you read the previous articles on Novate this topic, you should know that the best option - cold shower. But if you are not at home, and on the street or in some institution, you can simply substitute the burned hand under cold running tap water. Another option - a lotion with drinking water. It's simple - you need to take a towel or gauze, moisten it with clean water (it is possible mineral), unscrewed to such an extent that the fabric remained damp, and apply to the burn.

Foods that do not need to be used for sunburn

Rub and press down heavily compress should not be - as you risk only increase the pain. Just put the lotion on the skin and replace it after 10 minutes with the new. This procedure should be repeated 5 times for 10 minutes several times a day. The positive effect of wet tissues is achieved by the cooling process. In addition, the skin is smoothed and cleaned during the procedure.

However, this method can only be applied in the event that is not a serious sunburn. When you watch a second or third degree burns (the appearance of bubbles, impaired skin structure), you should immediately contact your doctor, who will appoint an effective course of treatment.