What oil for body massage is better to choose: advice beauticians

About Massage Therapy effect has been known for a long time. In addition, this procedure is used to relieve stress, get rid of the extra kilos, eliminate fatigue.

At present, almost every beauty salon offers massage services.

And, of course, an integral part of "qualitative" relaxation - a body oil massage.

The benefits of natural ingredients

It supplies the skin with nutrients, with the result that it becomes more elastic and silky.

What oil for body massage is better to choose: advice beauticians

body massage oil is still useful and that it contains only "natural" substances and no preservatives. It must be emphasized that natural ingredients are absorbed more quickly than those contained in creams. In addition, they provide the desired degree of the masseur glide over the skin. If you choose essential oils to massage the body, in addition to therapeutic effect, you can enjoy aromatherapy. This means that your physical and mental condition will be given "in harmony".

Where to get better?

Today buy oil for body massage is very simple. Enough to "look" into the pharmacy, where it is presented in a wide range. Realized natural composition and specialized outlets, where consultants will always come to your aid if you have difficulty in choosing. In a typical store is also possible to "stumble" on the massage oil, at the same time if you make a purchase, it is possible that you will get bonuses on shares, which are often arranged in these supermarkets.

What oil for body massage is better to choose: advice beauticians

It is not necessary to dismiss and virtual stores. In this case, better to give preference to reliable and trusted online retailers. To ascertain their integrity, not too lazy to read the reviews. If you do not know how to do oil massage the body, and are afraid to make the wrong choice, remember the most important thing: you have acquired the means and under no circumstances should not harm health.

Which is better?

As a rule, experts performing massages, give preference to mineral and vegetable compositions. In this context, the question arises: "What remedies are useful, and most importantly, safer"? Experts say that the best oil for body massage - this is something that is made on the basis of natural herbal ingredients. In another way it is called a base for the reason that such a structure is perfectly combined with essential substances - it allows to make massage oils at home.

What oil for body massage is better to choose: advice beauticians

In accordance with their individual tastes and preferences, you can receive a variety of oily mixture, which will help you to strengthen your health. However, it should make a reservation: you have to know when to stop, when you add the essential components, or a person with sensitive skin may be a means to an allergic reaction. For the same reason it is not recommended to buy ready-made products that contain a higher concentration of essential substances.

With regard to mineral oils, then, in spite of their relatively low cost, they are of little use. In addition, they often cause allergies, make the skin dry and poorly absorbed.

The basic means of

Consider the most common base oil, which is recommended to use in various situations.


The present body massage oil is replete with minerals and vitamins, it has a pleasant flavor and tones. It is used in the manufacture of mixtures, focused on the fight against cellulite and aging skin.


This natural component is used in the compositions to massage the face, and the "eye".

What oil for body massage is better to choose: advice beauticians

Also, almond oil is used for massage brittle and split ends. In combination with other herbal ingredients, it eliminates the effects of sprains.


This massage tool does not have a pronounced flavor and is ideal for all skin types. It is quickly absorbed, and the effect of "greasy" behind leaves. Jojoba oil is used for normalization of scalp conditions, strengthening and growth of hair.


Experts recommend the use refined coconut oil since it has no "specific smell" and does not cause clogging of the process since, in contrast to its antipode. It also has a moisturizing effect. Use it to massage the scalp and body. Coconut oil forms the defense and neutralize the negative impact of environmental factors on the hair.

The essential components of the

If you intend to cook your own massage oil, you must first analyze the properties of essential substances to be included in its composition. It should be clearly understood for what purpose you make a mixture, and whether it is suitable for a particular skin type.

If you, for example, want to get rid of dry skin, the composition of the mixture should be required to include components that have a nutritious and moisturizing effect. These include, in particular, essential oils of chamomile, sandalwood, orange.

What oil for body massage is better to choose: advice beauticians

In the case where you want to relieve fatigue from the skin and make it more flexible, you can not do without oil kayaputa and patchouli. For people with problem skin are necessary mixture on the basis of daisies or carnations.

Owners of oily skin should make it a rule to use oils with a content of ylang-ylang, bergamot and grapefruit.

When the scars and stretch marks on the body is indispensable combination of a base oil plant components such as razmarin, lavender, mint.

If you have problem skin on the hands or brittle nails, then eliminate these problems help tools, which include those contained thyme, eucalyptus, lemon and patchouli.

To massage the scalp (oily hair) should take advantage of the compositions on the basis of cedar, bergamot, cypress.

For dry and brittle hair perfect massage oil containing natural ingredients such as sandalwood, mandarin or ylang-ylang.

After studying the properties of essential components, you can make the best for yourself compositions easily, and you no longer need to spend money on means made in an industrial environment.

What oil for body massage is best for you? Of course, the fact that you have made with their own hands.