Essential oils for the face: Use the recipes at home

Ever since ancient times, the first beauty recipes of their grandmothers used to preserve eternal youth. They used not expensive substance. Essential oils have been used for nearly all parts of the body. In ancient times, there was no proper hygiene, so they rubbed all the skin surface to eliminate odors, or to avoid a variety of acne.

Such means their properties are not saved one woman from rapid aging, as well as any skin imperfections. Our ancestors used their intuition, which they very well assisted in carrying out cosmetic procedures. It was necessary to create the right recipe and ingredients to dissolve the desired consistency is dotted with acne or wrinkled face becomes smooth.

General characteristics of

More from past centuries scientists proved that essential oils for the face is essential if you want to have a beautiful, smooth and ever "blooming" the skin. Their healing components perfectly adjusted hormones, contribute to the improvement of skin regeneration, and possess antioxidant properties.

Essential oils for the face: Use the recipes at home

In particular, this kind of elixirs create biomassazhny effect - they work on various points that conduct impulses, thereby improving blood circulation, normalize water balance, which is so necessary for youthful skin, and, of course, affect the condition and complexion.

Toning particles can lead to normal psychological state. They are very refreshing and soothing. Peace of mind comes instantly, so alertness in the morning you guaranteed.

Owners encourage normal skin to become more familiar with lemon oil, rosemary, lavender, peppermint, tea tree, rose, bergamot and jasmine.

Those who suffer from dry skin, can deprive yourself of this problem with the help of mimosa oils, incense, fir, chamomile, lavender, tea tree, jasmine. Eliminate fat person by using the following oils: rosemary, lemon, juniper, ginger, chamomile, tea tree.

And for combination skin suggested to consider peppermint oil, geranium, orange, rose, lavender, tea tree.

All of the above essential oils for the skin will become indispensable, because it is better natural resources problems can not cope any expensive cream.

Further in this article will be considered expired and the most popular potions that will help solve almost all the problems of the skin.

Australian antiseptic

It will focus on the tea tree essential oil, which is an indispensable tool in cosmetology. Its composition gives a drying effect, therefore, at any rash all defects are neutralized. This ingredient, which are obtained from the tea tree leaves, has a pale yellow color and has a spicy, but sharp flavor. The plant is common in Malaysia and Australia.

tea tree essential oil for the face will be a major tool in the home medicine cabinet, if you - the owner of oily or combination skin. To achieve the desired effect, it is necessary to add such an ingredient in all kinds of lotions and creams that you use, one drop.

Also for fast action of these procedures use this facility when you make a face mask with white or blue clay. Here we have got to be careful, because if not properly calculating the proportions can overdo it and leave red marks on the skin. They go, but after a few hours. Yet before going to an event we do not recommend doing this procedure, plan, conduct them at least two hours before to leave the house.

Here is an example of a mask, which is used in the composition of essential tea tree oil. For the person is the best option, if the skin is oily, improvements will be noticeable from the first time.

Essential oils for the face: Use the recipes at home

Mix half a tablespoon of clay powder with two teaspoons of low-fat sour cream, at the end, add two drops of tea tree oil. Pre-clean face tonic for everyday use and apply uniformly thickened mass of approximately fifteen minutes. Then rinse with cool water and apply any nourishing cream. A feeling of freshness and smoothness of the skin comes from the first application.

Citrus assistance

Orange essential oil is helpful for a person in the event that you are the owner of dry or rough skin. it is not recommended to use it in other situations, as it is less gentle than other means.

Such means are used to soften and moisturize the skin. Furthermore, it has the effect of lifting and compensates for the deficiency of collagen. Also, when the systematic use of the complexion acquires a healthy look, through the pores of toxins from the body.

If there is a problem of age spots or freckles, to be added orange oil in a variety of masks. It has an excellent whitening effect.

Recipes such masks are very simple. First, let's try a mixture of white and blue clay three drops of essential oil of orange. Apply to cleansed face for ten to fifteen minutes, then rinse with cool water and apply moisturizer.

The result is evident in repeated proceedings, namely if they do once every two or three days. Proportions adjust themselves, given the state of the skin.

The soothing inflorescence

Essential oil of lavender face is indispensable tool, since it can be used by women with any type of skin. It is particularly well suited for those who suffer from allergic rashes or redness.

Essential oils for the face: Use the recipes at home

Also, this oil is very good for cuts, wounds, and in all other cases, when the skin is damaged. Next, consider the use of such means in the home. First it should be noted that the essential oil of lavender facial is an excellent tonic. Therefore it is necessary to add it in lotions and tonics for a drop and wipe the face with them no more than once a day.

should not be applied in pure form such ingredient is added in small quantities in the mask and creams. This tool gives a good cosmetic effect, when used with other natural products.

For example, for dry and combination skin, mix a few drops of lavender essential oil with one tablespoon of olive oil. This composition can be used as a mask - applied for half an hour.

Also means a good fight against mimic wrinkles. Therefore, those who have there is a problem, we recommend adding a few drops in a night cream.


Essential oils for the face at home are used, will be able to give an effect that you do not have any syschete cosmetologist. That rosemary elixir will be no exception. Its properties help to owners of oily skin prone to rashes remove defects from the first week of application.

Only the composition of the oil is quite complicated compared with other means. Allocate camphor, tsineolny verbenone and rosemary. In most cases, the problem of facial skin using the first embodiment, and the dry and wrinkled - third.

Furthermore antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action, rosemary essential oil has a tonic effect and restores moisture balance.

If there is a problem with facial wrinkles, such means have handy: it contributes to their leveling and lightens dark spots.

Rosemary essential oil should be mixed with various vegetable oils in a ratio of one to one. It should be noted that the means of this type is not suitable for those people who suffer from hypertension and epilepsy, as it can not be used by pregnant women.

Essential oils for the face: Use the recipes at home

Elixir of preserving youth

Lemon essential oil facial wrinkles used since ancient times. It's no secret that they have excellent anti-aging effect, inhibit the action of the enzyme elastase, which breaks down collagen fibers.

Lemon essential oil is perfect for those people who have generated excessive sebum and clogged skin. Before using this tool, it should be noted that it is very photosensitive and when exposed to the sun can scorch the skin. Therefore, to make any manipulation with them before going out we do not recommend.

with the means of the procedure is very simple, and at home they can be carried out without much difficulty, one has only to acquire an arsenal of other esters which are able to solve your specific problem.

Thus, for example, suitable for oily skin blend of lemon and grape seed oils, and skin, which fade, suggested to add peach, olive, castor or coconut oil.

Herbal echoes of

The use of essential oils for the face at home will enrich your skin with all the useful and important natural ingredients. And one of the best tools that will make cosmetic procedures are not only useful but also enjoyable, a grapefruit elixir.

It has a bitter-citrus fragrance with a touch of forest herbs. In cosmetology it is used as a tonic for greasy or combination skin. More grapefruit oil has the property to retain moisture well and thereby prevents premature aging and fading skin.

Essential oils for the face: Use the recipes at home

treat skin surface clean means without admixtures of other ingredients In rash on the face. Only necessary to be very careful and try not to affect the healthy parts of the epidermis. If you want to lighten dark spots on the face, then mix a few drops of grapefruit oil with sea buckthorn and apply as a cream (residues do not rinse).

Toning bergamot

Essential oils for the face recently supplemented by another means which at first glance does not produce a visible effect, like the others. But this is not so.

Healing liquid obtained from wood bergamot, great for people with excess sebum and increased sweating. it is also perfectly refreshes and tones the skin, while improving complexion.

Another effect which brings the elixir of bergamot - is accelerating tanning when sunbathing. We recommend adding this ingredient in tanning oil, but not in the cream. Apply the product on the skin should be one hour before you go out in the sun.

Essential oils for the face: Use the recipes at home

As for other cosmetic procedures, the use of bergamot oil is no different from the use of the other ingredients listed above. So choose a mask at its discretion and depending on the condition of the skin.

Anti-Aging flower

Citrus essential oils are used for the face, perfectly eliminate the defects of the skin. One of these is the elixir flower neyroli. It is obtained by steam distillation of wild orange petals. At the outlet a liquid is formed with a light yellow tint, having pleasant spicy aroma.

This oil is used for a person suffering from decay, regardless of its type. It greatly improves the firmness and elasticity of the skin and prevents premature wrinkles.

Masks with essential oils, used for face, good effect in combination with other herbal ingredients. Elixir neyroli not use in its pure form, except in the case of spot-on acne. Typically, it is mixed with olive oil (in one tablespoon butter neyroli one drop).

Essential oils for the face: Use the recipes at home

Elixirs in action

Every day of the fair sex use essential oils for the face. Comments on the results of their application, of course, are very diverse. Someone stops on one vehicle, someone always tries to experiment and combine the ingredients in different proportions and consistency.

Most of the owners of problem and oily skin choose essential oils for the face of the discharge antiseptics - is the elixir of lavender and tea tree.

Those who suffer dry face, stop at the citrus components means: oils of mandarin, lemon, orange, grapefruit.

Also, many women prefer the means to penetrate into the deeper layers of the skin and saturate multiple vitamins. These include sesame oil, jojoba oil, wheat ears, walnut and cocoa.

Essential oils for the face: Use the recipes at home

What are the essential oils for facial use, choose, of course, to you, but before you try one or another means, should seek advice from a beautician. This will help avoid the negative effects. Be beautiful and healthy!