Oily skin face: what to do to deal with the problem?

Problems that delivers this type of skin

In its external structure such skin resembles orange peel because of its enlarged pores and a constant brightness. In addition, it the most inopportune moment jump up pimples and acne. What you need to know if you have oily skin of the face? What to do to deal effectively with this problem?

Oily skin face: what to do to deal with the problem?

The right for oily skin care

If you have very oily skin, what to do, how to deal with it, will decide endocrinologist. Women in need of the consultation on the presence of hormonal disorders, only a small percentage. For all other cases, instead of special treatment is sufficiently effective and proper skin care. Every day, our skin needs gentle protection from various unfavorable factors, such as strong wind, frost and UV radiation. there are special recommendations for care for every skin type. So you need to take some action if you have oily facial skin. What to do, what are the secrets - this is every woman should know. Since the pores in oily skin type advanced, they quickly become clogged by the fact that they easily gets the dirt, dead skin cells and, of course, excess fat. In the skin of greasy very quickly begin to breed a variety of bacteria, which leads to acne and unhealthy gray complexion. When the spot becomes chronic, facial pores further stretched, extended and inflamed. This is the main problem, if you have oily facial skin. What to do first? Not only to prevent, but rather to try to avoid such an unpleasant emergency.

Oily skin face: what to do to deal with the problem?

Simple daily routines and healthy eating

Every woman wants to look attractive and spends a lot of time and money on maintaining the appeal. But actually have quite a bit. The whole secret is to choose the right care that would be acceptable in your particular situation. Careful daily care requires very oily facial skin. What is known to many, but few adhere to these rules. Take, for example, the normal procedure for washing. If you come to this daily habit properly, then we can soon see a wonderful result! Every time when washing should use special means, such as a gel for oily skin and a special brush. It is very important to monitor the temperature of the water, which must be neither hot nor cold. To your pores on your face are well opened, it is necessary to wash with warm water.

Oily skin face: what to do to deal with the problem?

Then (after a perfect cleansing of skin pores entity) it is necessary to wash with cold water, to narrow them and make it less noticeable. Daily application of simple procedures can greatly help to combat oily skin. The list is constantly used in cosmetic products must include a disinfectant exfoliating lotions, peels and facial creams that will gently remove dead skin dead cells, reduce inflammation and reduce the greasiness of the skin. If you combine these simple tips with proper nutrition, then it will be possible in a relatively short period of time to achieve the maximum effect. Because your skin has enough fat, should not eat fatty, fried, and sweet and savory foods. Why is this so important? These foods trigger the sebaceous glands, and they begin to be active, even more aggravating the situation. So it is better to focus on a variety of fruits, vegetables, herbs and dairy products. By reviewing your diet, as well as picking up the proper care, you can improve the condition of the skin, and it will become a beautiful appearance and a healthy complexion!