Efficient mechanical face cleaning

The facial skin - is a reflection of the state of the whole organism, which is why it requires constant and careful maintenance. It is prone to acne, increased sebum production, various inflammations, as well as aging. In order to for many years to keep your skin fresh, young and healthy, you need to regularly clean the face. A huge number of women appreciated this procedure, but many are still tormented by the question: "Is it possible to do cleaning of the face?"

Efficient mechanical face cleaning

No doubt, do cleaning of the face can be, moreover, it should be done. The main thing to take into account all the features of your skin:

• the degree of pollution;

• the type of skin;

• general state.

Skin Types

If you have dry and sensitive skin, cosmetic facial cleansing should not be done 3-4 times a year, and the intervals between treatments should be the same. If you are the owner of oily and problem skin with enlarged pores, the skin treatment should be done often enough, once a couple of months, and sometimes more often. The interval between cleanings should not be shorter than one month, as it is stressful for the skin. Only the cosmetologist can say exactly how much it is necessary cleansing of your skin.

Efficient mechanical face cleaning

Mechanical cleaning of the face

Such a procedure is probably the most popular and popular for skin care. Thanks to her, the skin becomes more elastic and smooth. In addition, the mechanical cleaning of the face is the first, but it also is in great demand. Only such cleaning is able to deep clean the pores and rid you of subcutaneous acne.

How does the mechanical cleaning of the face

To begin, the skin is cleaned by special means of conforming to a type of your skin. Then superimposed cleansing mask, which is removed after 15 minutes napkin. Further, in order to uncover all the pores, the skin steamed for twenty minutes with superheated steam. It should be remembered that in asthma or bronchitis, this procedure is contraindicated in such cases, a warming cream. After the pores open, beauticians proceeds to the most important - the cleaning process. Primarily using cosmetic strainer removed old horny cell, and after that by means of the special tool pores are cleaned from dirt and accumulated in them secret. This entire procedure should be performed no more than twenty minutes - then begin to close the pores. In the end, to soothe the skin and prevent irritation, clay mask is applied. Just such a procedure takes an hour, but sometimes can last up to one and a half hours. Carry out mechanical cleaning more than once a month is not recommended.

Efficient mechanical face cleaning

Mechanical cleaning of the face alone

Also, such a procedure, you can hold your own at home. To start, you need to thoroughly clean the skin with milk or gel and then to steam the face with steam over a bowl of hot water (it is advisable to cover the head with a towel). Once the pores on the face expand, start cleaning. When cleaning is complete, you can wipe the skin with ice or a mild lemon juice.