Sports nutrition for muscle growth for beginners

Many people involved in sports halls, faced with the lack of muscle growth. And exercise are chosen correctly, and constant trips to the gym, and the normalized power, and the lack of bad habits there. Created all favorable conditions for the body and the muscles do not grow. How to be? In such cases, help sports supplements. No chemicals - only natural product! The purpose of this article is to describe products such as sports nutrition for muscle growth. How to choose the right, which brand to give preference as to consume, is it possible to gain muscle mass a special diet?

No muscle physiology knowledge does not rise

Ignorance and lack of understanding of the processes occurring in the body are forced millions of people to spend their energy, time and money is wasted, as evidenced by the thousands of comments both beginners and professionals. It is important to know what is metabolism and how to properly manage, muscle growth will not take long.

Sports nutrition for muscle growth for beginners

Metabolism - is the body's metabolism. It includes anabolism (growth) and catabolism (breakdown). For gaining lean muscle anabolism important. Slimming - catabolism. Sports nutrition for muscle growth can be taken only after full settlement of their own metabolism, to which complex substances and to what extent absorbed, how much energy is released.

How to grow muscle

If explain accessible language, the entire human body consists of complex substances - fats, proteins, carbohydrates and water. Food consumption is also composed of the same complex substances. For normal functioning of the body needs energy, it can get out of any complex substance other than water. Any aerobic exercise causes the body to consume its own complex substances for energy. First of all - carbohydrates, protein and then fat. But physical activity, together with the power consumption, contributes to the rupture of muscle fibers that tries to restore the body so that they are not torn in the future, increasing their thickness of a few percent. Proportional increase in the thickness of the fibers and leads to muscle growth, what they see people. For the growth of the desired protein. A specialized sports nutrition for muscle growth can significantly speed up the healing of broken fibers, respectively, and gain muscle mass quickly.

Absorbed in mathematics

Before choosing sports nutrition for muscle growth, for beginners it is recommended to calculate the required intake of calories and protein by the body. For muscle mass kit protein and carbohydrate intake must be 3 and 4, respectively grams per kilogram of body weight. For full functionality of the body throughout the day is necessary consumption of 33 kcal per kilogram of body weight of the athlete. To help estimate by enclosing a calorie complex substances:

  • 1 gram of protein = 4 kcal;
  • = 1 gram of carbohydrate 4 kcal;
  • 1 gram of fat = 9 calories.

From Theory to Practice

Below we give an example of calculation for a person weighing 60 kg. The need for calories is 33 x 60 = 1980 Kcal. Protein requirements - 60 x 3 = 180 grams, and carbohydrates - 4 x 60 = 240 grams. Transferring protein and carbohydrates into calories, we get 720 and 960 calories respectively. To calculate the fat, rather simple mathematics: 1980 - 720 - 960 = 300 calories, or 33 grams.

Sports nutrition for muscle growth for beginners

to make your own food menu for the day with a protein content of tables, carbohydrates and fat in foods is not difficult to calculate how much protein and carbohydrates the body loses daily. This deficiency will block and sports nutrition for muscle growth. For girls calculations differ by 20% in the smaller side. That is, all the results should be reduced by 20%.

protein - the basis of muscle growth

Very often, after mathematical calculations young athletes find a huge protein deficit in food consumption. Trying to save money on sports nutrition, athletes increase the volume of consumption of meat, fish, cheese and other foods high in protein. After a couple of months, considering their power to such expenses, they unwittingly come to the conclusion that it is cheaper to buy sports nutrition for muscle growth. Reviews athletes both beginners and professionals alike confirm this conclusion.

Sports nutrition for muscle growth for beginners

For a set of muscle mass in the first place athlete must pay attention to protein, essential and nonessential amino acids, as well as creatine. The protein contains a large percentage of the protein, which enters the body is cleaved at amino acids into the blood and then collected in the protein molecule, and of these muscle fibers are constructed. Amino acids immediately enter the bloodstream and converted into building protein. A creatine delays in water muscle cells, increasing in size thereby all muscles, whereby the lifter is able to work with great weight in training.

Types of proteins

On the origin of the proteins come in several forms - whey, egg, soy, milk and casein. But athletes are divided somewhat differently - according to the degree of comprehensibility.

  1. If you want to quickly saturate the body with proteins taken serum concentrates, isolates and hydrolysates of protein. Their consumption is recommended in the morning, after sleeping when the stomach is empty, and the organism is not building muscle protein.
  2. It is not possible to eat in the diet or not enough of protein and carbohydrates - helps protein complex. The mixture includes virtually all known proteins in different proportions. Often such a composition, and more calories due to the presence of carbohydrates.
  3. proteins with slow assimilation is used at night, because of their complete processing body needs up to six hours at a time.

When choosing protein as a sports nutrition for muscle growth, it is important to know the body's need for carbohydrates. One wrong calculation - and a set of muscle mass will turn into a growth of fat folds, as many novice is given the choice when buying cheap protein complex.

proteins Manufacturers

Early in his career, many athletes are faced with the problem of how to choose the sports nutrition for muscle growth. For many beginners are advised to use the cheapest protein. This is the wrong approach. The correct choice is considered to be the best product of the famous brand. This choice is guaranteed to enable the beginner to see the result in the use of sports nutrition. Later, you can get cheap products and the results obtained to make their own conclusions.

Sports nutrition for muscle growth for beginners

The best protein producers considered the company Ultimate Nutrition, Optimum Nutrition, SAN, ALLMAX and Scitec Nutrition. Proteins are the market leaders are not cheap, but the numerous positive comments athletes indicate that these products are working and contain a high percentage of protein per serving.

protein Which to choose?

All newcomers, without exception, in the first place it is recommended to use a slow protein digestibility. Casein protein - the best sports nutrition for muscle growth. The composition of the casein always sets it apart from most other proteins high in protein. If finances allow, it is recommended to buy milk or egg isolate to be taken in the morning, immediately after waking. If mathematical calculations, which starts athlete made mandatory, show a great deficiency in the body of carbohydrates and proteins, it is recommended to purchase a complex protein. Attention should be paid to the percentage ratio of protein, carbohydrates, and the price per piece. Each manufacturer ratio is different. Someone's emphasis on protein content, raising the price of their goods, and someone lowers the price due to the large calorie product.

The easy way to amino acids

Many manufacturers are trying to cater to athletes, independently processed protein proteins in essential amino acids, which, when ingested, immediately get into the blood and used as building material by the body in protein synthesis. The beauty of the amino acid complexes is that they have an instantaneous assimilation. No need to calculate how many minutes will be processed plate of porridge in the stomach and synthesize sports nutrition for muscle growth. How to take the amino acids indicated on the package. Each manufacturer is different dosage.

Sports nutrition for muscle growth for beginners

But the negative in relation to the complex amino acids, judging by the reviews of athletes, a lot.

  1. Overpriced. If you compare the output with the amino acid composition of whey protein, the amino acid complex is more expensive and a half times the minimum.
  2. Not all the amino acids needed by the body in the complex. Many nonessential acid independently synthesized by the body and are found in a person's excess.
  3. If you exceed the dosage of amino acids derived from the excess is excreted in the urine, because it did not have time to participate in the synthesis, unlike any protein.

Expensive variant with a guarantee of quality - BTSAA

On the question of whether there is a sports nutrition for muscle growth and burn fat at the same time, we can no doubt give an affirmative answer. Name it - essential branched chain amino acids, and if briefly - BTSAA. The structure includes only three amino acids that are synthesized by the body only from the external protein obtained during use. Also, synthesis occurs as a result of eating meat, fish and eggs. Price BTSAA amino acids is very high, but justified. Because these amino acids are a guarantee of success of any athlete. Hundreds conducted in research institutes around the world tests have repeatedly confirmed the effectiveness of the reception BTSAA. Besides improving metabolism and promote the growth of muscle tissue, essential acids cause the body to produce energy by combustion of fat starting lipolysis.

which brand to give a choice when buying BTSAA?

Another dilemma for those looking for sports nutrition for muscle growth - how to choose the correct amino acids BTSAA producer. essential amino acids market is quite interesting. There are many brands that claim on a par with world leaders to ensure that win the customer's attention. World leading manufacturer of BTSAA assumed Ultimate Nutrition, Optimum Nutrition, SAN. However, lower-cost competitors do offer customers, from which it is very difficult to refuse.

Sports nutrition for muscle growth for beginners

According to the feedback of professional athletes who have proven themselves the following companies and their products:

  1. AminoCore from ALLMAX.
  2. Xtend from Scivation.
  3. BCAA Xplode by Olimp.
  4. Modern BCAA by USPlabs.
  5. Amino X by BSN.

Another important component in the recruitment of muscle mass

Creatine - important sports nutrition for muscle growth. What is the name in biology molecule from which the body gets energy? Adenosine triphosphate (ATP). So, this molecule is generated by the body with creatine, which is produced in small amounts by the liver, kidneys and pancreas. In the case of high-intensity load on the body creatine is spent on the creation of energy, with the result that the athlete feels tired and spends more time to rest between exercises. The consumption of creatine will allow the body to always be on our toes, reducing the rest between sets you can achieve great results in muscle growth.

Sports nutrition for muscle growth for beginners

The negative aspect in the application is the ability of creatine to retain water in the cells. On the one hand, the total mass of the athlete is increased by 5-8%, and accordingly, power increases and performance. On the other hand, for weight loss and drying with the joint use of creatine will not be able to observe the results.

It is useful to know the novice athletes

All, without exception, beginners are interested in sports nutrition for muscle growth at home. Recipes for cocktails and training systems can build yourself by studying bodybuilding base, respectively, and receive an answer regarding employment at home.

To increase muscle mass, it is necessary to force the organism to consume energy to improve metabolism and carry loads by muscle tissue breaks. The more muscle, the more energy is required to work it. Chest, legs and back - the biggest muscles. Accordingly, squat barbell or dumbbell, pulling up, and becomes dumbbell thrust rod, push-ups, press with breast and beams are required to perform exercises. The remaining muscle pumped proportionally.

Finally, the joint use of

For a set of muscle protein and amino acids are recommended to be used alone as a protein slows the assimilation of amino acids the body. But creatine can safely be mixed with both the protein and with BTSAA, harm in it no no. The following recipes are recommended as protein shakes.

In the morning, after sleeping. One serving of protein quickly whipped in a blender with a banana, a boiled egg with the yolk and two boiled eggs without the yolk. The density of the mixture, if desired athlete regulated milk. The more liquid in the mixture, the less will be a cocktail. When muscle mass set necessary to make low-carb cocktail at night. One serving of casein protein to dissolve in a glass of kefir with no added fruit and sugar. As an alternative to casein well established soy isolate which is capable of providing body proteins overnight.