Steroids for muscle growth. To quickly increase muscle mass

Today, everyone wants to look sporty and pumped. To do this, people go to gyms, acquire various nutritional supplements that help muscle growth. If most women dream of a slim figure, many men - on the muscles. The fitness centers coaches work to pick up a diet and exercises for each client individually. Many run in the morning, practice at home, try to take the form of a fly. On the covers of fashion magazines and then there are different models and inflated man. There are a variety of exercises, among which everyone tries to choose suitable. In general, we can say that today can be athletic - it is fashionable.

Steroids for muscle growth. To quickly increase muscle mass

sport from an early age

From an early age children are trying to teach the sport, given in various circles and sections, where they engaged in a coach. There were sports equipment for children, for example, small bikes, scooters and roller. Many parents want their child to grow up healthy and athletic.

Steroids for muscle growth. To quickly increase muscle mass

proteins and steroids: legally or illegally?

Looking for bodybuilders, and would like to say that all this is based on chemistry. But not all of these athletes consume so harmful to the body. Many accept proteins for muscle growth that does not have a destructive influence on the human body. Inherently proteins - proteins is deduced by artificial means. But still, many of the athletes have resorted to the use of harmful and often illegal drugs. Such means are, and steroids for muscle growth. They are illegal in most countries, but on the black market they can still be purchased. Although not all steroids for muscle growth in Russia are on the list covered by the ban. But illegal substances is becoming more and probably soon to buy them all would be impossible. Most steroids at the same time can cost a lot of money, it all depends on the place of purchase, and the legality of a particular drug.


For the first time steroids were obtained in 1935. After two years, they have been used in medicine and in sports. It was then that began the "steroid era". It is known that Hitler wanted to get into his army super soldier who would obey, but strong puppets in the hands of warlords. And he was just not able to ignore substances like steroids. During World War II Nazi special forces have received them for endurance and strength of the soldiers, although the preparations were limited. After the end of World War II all the "sick" flight into space, where steroids are used to prevent the leaching of calcium from the body.

Steroids for muscle growth. To quickly increase muscle mass

It is interesting that in medicine there is, perhaps, a little unnecessarily techniques using steroids - only a narrow field of endocrinology. Therefore, these substances did not produce the coup, such as antibiotics at the time. If we compare the use of these drugs in areas such as medicine and sports, it should be noted that the latter is still far ahead. Many athletes use steroids for muscle growth.

In a sport

Each workout athletes bodybuilders passes without the use of any drugs. Some people use steroids for muscle growth, although they are banned in Russia. But what makes bodybuilders use such harmful substances? Pressure from others interested in the fact that the athlete gained muscle mass, good results adversaries who may also use not only legal drugs, and the desire to win the competition. It is also interesting that there are a lot more amateurs who use steroids for muscle growth. At the pharmacy, of course, to find such substances is not possible, but on the black market - easily. Therefore, many and take the opportunity. And if professionals have coaches who can, and do not forbid his players to use the substance, but at least they know how much you want to substances for muscle development, the fans consume steroids for muscle growth at home, not caring about their own health. Furthermore, such "athletes" often do not have sufficient knowledge to use similar substances. In general, the steroid issue does not end with bodybuilders.

What it is

But what steroids for muscle growth. Reviews of them are different, but the purpose of consumption is clear. Complete and most correct name products - androgenic-anabolic steroids. They are analogous to (but not copies, not to be confused), the male sex hormone - testosterone. Therefore, the consumption of these drugs girls inflict much more damage than men. These substances can cause changes in the body, which entails an increase in muscle mass. But any chemical effect on the human does not bring anything good, so, especially at high doses, there is a high probability of being in the hospital, or even die.

Steroids for muscle growth. To quickly increase muscle mass

It is interesting that most steroids help build muscle fibers. In order to show the effect, it is necessary also a special diet, which can be described as "all that is, you can eat." Of course, preference should be given to products containing large amounts of protein. Such a strong influence on the human body does not have any more with one known substance.

Steroids for muscle growth. To quickly increase muscle mass

Prohibited substances in sport

What makes athletes to take harmful drugs (not necessarily a tablet-steroids for muscle growth, and any others)? Of course, all the result is important. Today the track receiving prohibited substances becomes more difficult, but there are new ways of doing this. With the reception of these drugs any athlete can show phenomenal results. Often, even the risk retire and lose all rewards are not afraid of any trainers or the athletes themselves. But the effect depends largely on the characteristics of the organism. Therefore, at equal consumption, for example, the same steroid novice can show better results than those who have long in the sport. However, there are permitted steroids are described below.


But what sense to consume steroids lovers who are far from the competition? Why traumatize your body? First, let's clarify that not all non-professional athletes are aware of the dangers of steroids. Also it is necessary to distinguish between those who want to be stronger. They are, as a rule, do not expect a dose, so make yourself worse. Another thing - the athletes who have seen stagnation in the growth of muscle. They eventually come to consume steroids or similar substances. But since these drugs, it is necessary to weigh the pros and cons. It should be understood that in addition to the injury, steroids can cause dependence. It is expressed in the fact that after complete abandonment of these substances muscle mass typed using them, is completely lost after six months.

Steroids for muscle growth. To quickly increase muscle mass

It is interesting that while steroid use can not affect rehabilitation. Also pay attention to the fact that if after receiving substances muscle mass is preserved, it was possible to do without drugs.

Training for the result of

Many are convinced that the "magic" of a substance will help them to pump up before our eyes. Nothing like this, increasing muscle mass and perhaps without steroids. And they can not without a body workouts a positive impact on it. Begin and continue to rock absolutely without using drugs. The average person does not make sense to consume steroids, did not come close to its natural maximum results.

Steroids for muscle growth. To quickly increase muscle mass


If we consider the fact that over a long period of its existence steroids only slightly fine-tuned, it can be argued that there conservatism in bodybuilding. It turns out that this sport is the most "backward" among all the existing ones. A study of almost not moving in the muscle set, so the most qualified experts believe that today there is no general advice on building exercise program. For every individual fits its duration workout. Individually selected and exercise, and drugs involved in the program.

Price and species

It turns out that the pharmacy you can buy some steroids for muscle growth. The price is different. There are several drugs that are in the public domain, or requiring a prescription, which is necessary, by the way, can be neglected in some pharmacies.

"Retabolil" and "Methandrostenolone" available over the counter only on prescription. The first formulation causes activation of genes in the cell nucleus regulators due to binding to specific receptor proteins on the surface of cells of target organs and special complex formation, providing transportation of the active substance through the cell membrane in hyaloplasm where it penetrates through the nuclear membrane into the nucleus. Preparation "Retabolil Aktavis" (tablets 5 mg, 28 pcs.) Can be purchased at 150 r.

"Methandrostenolone", stimulating protein synthesis, set accelerating muscle mass, increase of power and has a bracing effect on the skeletal system and the whole organism. It also retains water in the body, increasing the weight. Excellent starter drug for beginners in the use of steroids, although the great success he enjoys even among professionals in this field. "Methandrostenolone" PHARMABOL 10 (10 mg tablet, 100 pcs.) Can be obtained for 950 p.

"Sustanon" and "Omandren-250" is an androgen drugs. In the form of the prescription form, they are written as antibiotics. Testosterone will cause both muscle growth and fat loss. "Sustanon-250" from the company Vermodje (10 ml 250 mg / ml) can be obtained for 1800 p. "Omnadren-250" from Jelfa (250 mg / ml x 5) is about 450 p.


Reviews of the above preparations for the most part positive. However, it does not have to choose, because it is one of the remaining small amount of nezapreschonnyh substances, which can be purchased in pharmacies. But everyone decides which of the drugs to choose what is best for his body. you need to understand whether it is really necessary before the start of steroid use. If the proteins are not strike the body (in moderation) tablets steroids for muscle growth and capsules may greatly harm if improperly consumption. It is also worth noting that according to the law of the Russian Federation prohibits the sale of many substances. Of course, you can consume them, but it is difficult to buy.