"Not by bread alone", or how to understand what the woman is clearly not enough sex? Part 2

Today we, as promised, we continue to talk about sex, or rather how its absence affects the behavior of women, and on what grounds can almost ninety percent of the time to understand exactly what this woman is not enough "active love."

is discontent

Sometimes the constant dissatisfaction of women disguised as a critical, if not poisonous, comments towards beautiful women, and especially if this babe even younger than her. And it suggests that a woman very concerned about own appearance, and not only worried, but it is possible that an active and not satisfied. One of the main reasons for this dissatisfaction and anxiety may be the lack of sex in her life.

Every woman needs to feel wanted and loved, and otherwise inevitable lack of confidence, doubt their own attractiveness, inadequate self-esteem. As a result, we have a notorious, forever unhappy with each woman. And no matter how corny it sounds, but usually (though not, why do normal, passionate better) sex can easily cure her of the disease called "nobody loves me, and I in response to hate the whole world." Thus, we take the liberty to say that if a woman is unhappy, then next to it there is no man who would both word and deed, and sex gave her pleasure.

Premature aging

The women quickly grow old, if their life is not sex, and, first of all, it affects the facial skin. It becomes flabby, his face looks tired and haggard. And why? And all because of the elasticity, beauty and youthful skin needs collagen. Of course, you can rub in the face tons kollagenosoderzhaschie creams or use in food supplements with collagen, but it seems to us that it is much nicer to have sex regularly, because this is the collagen easily produced during sexual intercourse.

By the way, at the same time, you can get rid of those irritating and annoying pimples, thanks to another is produced during sex hormone - progesterone. That's so simple. A woman who regularly and enjoy having sex, always looks much younger than his years, well, and, accordingly, a woman who looks 30 at all "under 50", there are problems in bed.

Poor memory

The women in my life that sex - a rare phenomenon, often brings the memory, they are scattered and regularly something to forget. And to ensure that women's memory was not "leaky", it is necessary not only to train, a day memorizing the poem or a paragraph from the encyclopedia, but also just to have sex. Yes, we agreed, but you heard right - sex improves memory.

And all because during orgasm blood circulation is not just better, it occurs at maximum speed, enriching the blood with oxygen. Blood several times faster than running through the veins and blood vessels and reaches all organs, including the brain. Here you have a better memory. So if a woman is too forgetful, and it thus has no 80, it seems, in her sex life is not all rosy.

The skin loses its tone

If a woman is unhappy with the tone of your skin, it is likely to stand in her life is not enough. Of course, it is possible and it is necessary in this case to try a variety of healing massages with oils, douches and rejuvenation treatments, but more affordable way is sex. Did you know that 20 minutes of sex can be equated to 30 minutes of morning exercise?

That is, now that you know about it, and still know that in addition to this, another magical hormone - testosterone is very beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal system. In addition, and if you do not know about it. During sex, the active load test all muscle groups, especially such "problem" for women, as the muscles of the hips, abdominals and buttocks. It somehow we were distracted on the advice, as a sign of something, it is on the face - or rather, on the body. Woman with flabby body, seems deprived of sex, sadly sounds.

Too much to say about men

Remember the saying "Who it hurts, he says, and that"? It is directly related to the topic of our today's article. The explicit, we would even say, a flashy sign that a woman is not all right to private and, in particular, with the intimate life - her constant conversations and discussions about men. Generally, women who have a loved one, and there are no problems in sex, do not spend your time and energy to discuss the shortcomings of the strong half of mankind. A good man and a good sex with him makes a woman confident and satisfied with their lives, and as a result, she was not interested in gossip about other people's men, and certainly it would not be lamenting the fact that "all men bastards", and dream with Thus, wherever this "scum" found.