Pulling up on the bar: training program (from scratch)

Catch up on the bar is able to only a fifth of the entire male population of the planet. The rest is a lot of excuses to explain the reasons for the failures. Actually win the horizontal bar is very easy, and it requires a little bit of free time and a great desire. This article will help all newcomers to master pulling up on the bar. The training program will be interesting not only for beginners, but experienced athletes, for muscle growth is limitless.

Pulling up on the bar: training program (from scratch)

Necessary equipment

Naturally, the main gear for the athlete is the availability of the crossbar at which a beginner athlete will run pulling up on the bar. Training program, designed for people who are overweight or weak muscles, presupposes the existence of an athletic rubber band, which can be purchased at sporting goods department. Preference is recommended to give the wiring, the tensile force which is 50% of the weight of the athlete or close to this figure.

For equipment professionals recommend and add a small weight dumbbells (8-16 kg), with which you can in the shortest possible time to develop the muscles of the arms. In the future, when pulling up the load will need to focus not on the muscles of the back, and on development of the hand, thus facilitating the process itself. This trick is used by all beginners in bodybuilding, performing pulling up on the bar. The program provides training with dumbbells classic climbs rounds to the chest and applying supination, when the reversal takes place when lowering the brush away. This addition allows you to quickly pump up the muscles of the upper part of the forearm, which perform the function of grasping at the bar and keep the body of the athlete canopy.

Pulling up on the bar: training program (from scratch)

C blank sheet

People who are overweight, which is hard enough to hang on the crossbar, standing slightly to modify the pull-up on the bar. The training program for beginners engaged in fitness centers, there will be more interesting. Horizontal bar must be replaced or bars like the bar, which will be no higher than 100-130 cm. Holding hands on the bar, it is necessary to place the body under it, his legs stretched out as far as possible in advance. In the initial position, provisnuv on hand, you must try to reduce the blade and podtyanuvshis, approach the chest as close to the bar.

In carrying out this exercise, it is recommended to permanently alter the grip: hands, palms toward or away from you, to take on the bar narrow, wide, or neutral. Variety grips make the work involved in all secondary muscles that will later take part in the pulling - their development will have a significant help in the future. We need to strive to ensure that the pull-up to the bar with no problems performed as broad grip with the location of the palms away from you. In this case, 100% will work the back muscles.

Pulling up on the bar: training program (from scratch)

The zero level

Hanging on the bar, do not need to take up her wide grip, if you have not mastered pulling up on the bar. training program for beginners recommends at the very beginning to use force developed muscles, causing gradually incorporated into the work of the other muscle groups.

In the early stages you need to use a reverse grip (palms to itself), placing the brush as close to each other. Back muscles that have to work in the classical tightening, there will be at rest. A whole load will fall on biceps hands, which is very easy to deal with this kind of work. When the exercise is prohibited to make any sudden movements, especially when returning to its original position, otherwise you can damage the ligaments of the elbow.

Pulling up on the bar: training program (from scratch)


Help the early stages of

There are some simple ways to help speed quickly pulling up on the bar. The training program, photos and full instructions on the application of one of the options available in the bundle to that recommended equipment, like a rubber band, without which the novice simply can not do. Securing one end of the rubber band on the bar, it is necessary to put the legs knees in the other end of the ring gear. With this simulator tightened twice easier. After 50% of the load harness takes on by pushing up the beginner athlete.

The second method is less productive and many coaches do not recognized as work permits partial force. Placing under a horizontal bar stool, you need to use the legs to catch up on the bar. Legs crossed under him, slowly moving his arm at the elbow, drop down. Reverse pull-ups are less effective for beginners, however, for lack of other options, it is worth a try.

Pulling up on the bar: training program (from scratch)

Start is given - it's time to fight!

Newcomer is very important to perform independently at least one pull-up on the bar. Training program from scratch, whether it's a three-, seven- or 30-week, requires the athlete's ability at least once to catch up. But many trainers in bodybuilding is not recommended to switch to the classical schemes of tightening if the rookie made a breakthrough zhimom biceps. The fact that it will take much more time to learn how to shift the focus of the load on the back muscles. It does not interfere with the technology to meet and perform:

  • pull-ups are carried out only with the help of muscle strength, rocking and ups due to inertia here is not suitable;
  • at the top tightening chin should be crossbar levels:
  • when picked up body need to make a breath, and the descent - exhale.
Pulling up on the bar: training program (from scratch)

The protracted training

Do not be afraid of long time training, because their goal is the systematic development of muscle mass, strength and endurance, which requires pulling up on the bar. The training program "30 weeks" is considered to be the most loyal of all the existing ones, because it is designed for the development of muscles, rather than the number of repetitions that only tortured body ( "100 pull-ups", and similar systems).

Pulling up on the bar: training program (from scratch)

Attention all beginners need to be taken to ensure that the scheme we are talking about thirty weeks and not training. That is, one week may be some training, in which the number of sets and reps will be the same. Ahead of the program makes no sense, because it is designed by professionals who know a lot not only in sports but also in physiology (metabolism, recovery and rest, without growth there will be).

Alternative solutions to help

For the development of the broadest muscle is responsible not only pulling up on the bar. The program begins the athlete's training may include a set of exercises that can make the back muscles to grow faster.

  1. Thrust block to the chest while sitting. Alternative pulling up exercise is very popular only among the newcomers who have difficulty doing the exercises on the crossbar. The fact that the trainer is limited maximum weight (120 kg), so the only technique to sharpen the ideal recommended on the block. Professionals recommend when the traction control unit on complete mixing vanes in weight loss.
  2. Thrust dumbbell to the hip in the slope. A great exercise for the latissimus muscles, which can be done at home. In the gym you can do pull rod in the slope. In both cases, it is important to monitor your back during the whole exercise remained flat.
Pulling up on the bar: training program (from scratch)


Acquainted with exercises any budding athlete will notice that it is not so difficult pulling up on the bar. The training program, even a man distant from the sport completely available. The main thing is that to achieve results, as well as in other areas, you need three things:

  1. The great desire, which is defined as greater motivation (for himself, for others, spores and similar reasons).
  2. Knowledge technology, without which it will be able to catch only a few times due to the laws of physics (inertia while swinging) and arm strength.
  3. Conduct training, without which progress does not happen ever. To help newcomers presented developing exercises and 30-week pull-up circuit.