How to quickly pump up the house?

Keep yourself in good shape you need to constantly, but is particularly relevant to the summer period, this problem. It is not surprising that there is a question of how quickly pumped up for beach season? In order to become stronger and look better to have a large number of different techniques, but really effective programs can literally be counted on the fingers. Whatever it was, you must follow some mandatory rules that help you learn how to quickly pump up the house, using any means available and the classic exercises.

How to quickly pump up the house?

concentration, purpose, method

If you do not know where to start and how quickly pumped up, the first thing you must set itself a specific goal and focus on it. In order to get a good physique, some classic exercises you can use:

  • bench press;
  • weight lifting on a biceps;
  • deadlift;
  • French press;
  • pulling on the bar;
  • squats.

Almost all of these exercises can be performed both at home and in the gym.

Once you have designated with the training and selection of muscles to which it will be used, must be properly grouped them according to the muscles. Exercises should be done systematically and combine work with hands and feet t. D.

Most people experience some doubts about the effectiveness of training at home, but in fact it is just as easy as in an expensive gym. In order to see results, it is worth noting two rules by which you can make your body perfect:

  • well-designed power supply circuit;
  • the systematic implementation of a specially prepared set of exercises.

Uniform Activity

It is understood that the main thing - do not learn specific exercises to improve their appearance, and skillfully use them. That is, you need to know how to properly and quickly pumped up does not harm your body, and get in the end quality result. For example, if you just start to squat, it is likely that the amount of muscle mass remains unchanged, despite the fact that the legs become stronger. This is due to a small number of muscle fibers.

exercise performance will be visible only in the case if they could use different principles and methods of their implementation. Especially at home training, it should be understood that only during regular and long loads muscles will work in the best possible range.

The only side effect that will occur when intensive work - pain, which are caused by delayed onset muscle soreness, but they disappear within a few days.

How to quickly pump up the house?

Half a minute load

Many scientists proved that the muscle fibers are activated and begin their active only after 30 seconds of voltage. It should be understood that different muscle groups are different from each other on time. This is due to their structure - than it is more difficult, so, consequently, will be a long and activation. In this case, the longest are the leg muscles.

In order to learn how to quickly pump up, it should be understood that in any training complex must be present three components:

  • the systematic repetition of exercises without respite and stops;
  • active weight loss;
  • high-intensity training.

The value of basic exercises

To learn how you can quickly pump up, you should be familiar with the basic set of exercises. So, to increase muscle mass is recommended to focus on large muscle groups: breech, quads, thighs, biceps. As for the back, it is round, big and small muscle. Latissimus, extensor, trapezium and of course the chest.

Of course, this list is not complete, do not forget about the other muscle groups. Only complex load on the large and small muscle will give a positive result. You can begin to engage in the following plan.

On the first day train legs. Squats with weighting.

On the second day train chest and tightened. Bars, beam, bar.

On the third day of the deadlift. Soldier's bench.

How to quickly pump up the house?

How much time and what to do?

As quickly as possible to pump? Very simple, if you know that the amount of exercise should be directly proportional to the weight of the athlete.

  • full - 5-6 approaches for 10-12 repetitions;
  • People usually complexion - for 3-4 sets of 8-10 repetitions;
  • thin men - 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps.

Remember that in order to achieve effective results, you can not miss a single workout.

How to quickly pump up the muscles in the hall

If you are interested in the question of how quickly pumped into the hall, then there are several nuances that are fundamentally different from training at home.

Immediately it should be noted that it is necessary to forget about work with their weight and more emphasis on the bar, bench press, becoming biceps and squats. Due to the fact that the body has a protective effect on such a load, a rapid muscle growth. In order to create a fully adequate load on all muscle groups, you need to train no more than 1-2 hours 4-5 times a week.

During training the athlete must firmly believe in the end result, without any doubt.

Do not abruptly end the workout, as this has a negative impact on muscle growth. It is best to check out gradually, with decreasing weight for 10 minutes.

In the event that an athlete suddenly there is an overwhelming desire to give up the exercise, there is probably a bust with the load. It is therefore recommended to reduce it by a third, but in any case not to miss classes.

How to quickly pump up the house?

How to lose weight quickly and inflated?

Before quickly pumped into a "rolling" (sports hall), you need to take care of your diet, because otherwise the result will not be. The diet should be balanced and maximally directed to the fact that muscles consume the necessary elements, among which is the main protein. If you increase its content in the diet several times, the prolonged and systematic weight loads will increase the growth of muscle mass by an average of 2 kilograms per week.

Also, do not forget about the complex carbohydrates that are present in a variety of cereals and porridges.

To saturate your body with all the necessary trace elements and substances to the full it is necessary to break their usual food intake for 5-6 times and eat more often but smaller portions.

How to quickly pump up the house?

Proper nutrition on the weight of

If you're wondering how to quickly pump up the past month, it is necessary to understand that it will not work without proper nutrition. There should be only easily digestible foods and the most diverse.

As for the good assimilation of protein, it is best to do it in the morning or in the first 2 hours after the end of the workout. In no case can not go on a diet drastically, because the cessation of food intake in the required amount for the muscles provokes stress, due to which the body begins to stock up fat and stops the growth of muscles.

Long break between meals is also dangerous. Any feeling of hunger need to immediately quench, but you need to be extremely careful with confectionery and animal fats.

Of course, before going to bed can not be tightly dinner, and the best choice will be an apple or other fruit can, low-fat yogurt or kefir.

In the event that an athlete adds to your meal protein, it is necessary to take not more than 2 grams per 1 kilogram of their body weight. Of protein can be almost all dairy products, fish, chicken, veal and eggs.

How to quickly pump up the house?

How to build muscle on the bar

How to quickly pump up on the bar? It's very simple, such as a projectile can be found in almost any yard. Horizontal bar is one of the unique equipment for sports activities, which can help to develop virtually all groups of muscles. Of course, provided that you know the necessary exercises and implementation techniques. Even an ordinary pulling different grip (parallel, forward, backward) with a broad or narrow hand position can adjust the different muscle groups.

F ore muscles

For such training muscles enough classic pull-ups, but it must be done as much as possible smoothly, without sudden jerks, then exactly the same way and go down to the starting position.

H, akachat shoulders

To enable the shoulder muscles, apply a narrow grip, and the exercise is good, if an athlete as possible approaches the lower part of the chest to the projectile. B itseps on the bar

These muscles develop when pulling reverse grip. There are options when you want to climb up to the point until the hands will not create an angle of 45 degrees, then return to starting position.

C Pin and

Direct grip hands medium removed from each other, the exercise should be carried out with the greatest possible amplitude.

Particularly effective exercise on the bar is the development of abdominal muscles (press). Hanging on the bar, you need to pull your knees to your chin or raise straight legs, without bending, and lifting up the socks.

If you want to learn how to quickly pump up, the horizontal bar will be one of those shells that can help in this.

How to quickly pump up the house?


After any workout is an important step in recovery, both physical and psychological, namely:

  • healthy sleep;
  • bath, walk in the woods;
  • permanent sedentary life with minimal impact;
  • a good mood.

In order to achieve results, you only need to want and to comply with all the rules. Now that you know how quickly pumped up, and you can not start from Monday or the New Year, but right now.