How to learn to catch up from the ground? Many would like to know about it

Recently we began to use particularly popular classes on the bar. But this is understandable, because they are very well help in getting rid of excess weight and muscle pumps in the initial stage. But not everyone will be able to catch up at least once. If you question arose of how to learn to catch up from the ground, it is necessary to understand that without the desire to achieve certain results will not work.

The methods of pull-ups

How to learn to catch up from the ground? Many would like to know about it

Pulling is one of the best exercises, by which develops the shoulder girdle and back. If you want to back you had a beautiful and powerful, that without this lesson is indispensable. Very often it prevents tightening overweight or incorrectly developed technique. All this is easy to fix. In order to find an answer to the question of how to learn to catch up from the ground, the following methods you need to know:

  1. In the event that you can not catch up, but at the same time apply the force, do not despair - the advantage of it is still there. Muscles begin to gradually adapt to the stress, and the results will subsequently be felt. In this case, can also help static exercises. In other words, it is necessary to take the chain and try to break it, and when doing so all his strength. From this lesson, the muscles will be strengthened not worse than from the bar.
  2. It is possible to ask for help from a friend. The partner can help you by supporting legs when you catch up.
  3. Still learning how to catch up with zero? You can use the horizontal bar, which does not differ a great height. Catch up on the bar so you will be helping small jumps. In other words, it is necessary to jump up so that his chin was on a level with the bar. Then you have to go down slowly. This exercise should try to do as much as possible time.
  4. technique "Australian pull-ups" may also help answer the question of how to learn to catch up from scratch. It is as follows: you need to grab the bar, put your feet up on a chair and begin to be attracted to breasts horizontal bar. This exercise is similar to the simple squeezing, only in the other direction.
How to learn to catch up from the ground? Many would like to know about it

How to increase the number of pull-ups

Based on these methods, you will not only begin to catch up, but also to answer the following question - how to learn to catch up a lot of time. By the way, to increase the repetitions in this lesson should know some tricks. For example, you can already catch up about six times. It is necessary to divide this number by three and increase the number of approaches. But it is necessary to ask a certain number, which you will need to achieve when tightening. For example, you set out to catch a dozen times. Accordingly, you will have to do six sets of two pull-ups in each. Of course, then the number can be increased to more significant digits. Conclusion

How to learn to catch up from the ground? Many would like to know about it

If you exercise regularly, over time even a question regarding how to learn to catch up on one hand, will not cause you any problems. Good luck to you in the classroom!