The best hair mask from the yolk

Beautiful hair is the dream of every man. However, in order to get a thick and healthy hair, it is necessary to pay attention also to the scalp. To do this, not necessarily to attend fashionable beauty salons, learn a few popular recipes enough.

The best hair mask from the yolk

Hair yolk masks began to make even in ancient times, when people realized that the eggs can be used not only as food, but also to give the head of hair a healthier appearance. These recipes have been preserved until today.

How effective

Do not underestimate the hair mask from the yolk, as they have a very powerful effect on the hair follicles, resulting in a truly stunning effect can be achieved. In addition, they affect the metabolic processes that occur in the follicles and scalp.

The egg yolk contains a huge amount of vitamins:

  • A - is responsible for the regeneration of damaged cells.
  • B5 - smoothes hair.
  • B12 - is responsible for skin cell renewal.
  • N - improves carbohydrate and fat metabolism.
  • Cobalt - makes hair shine.
  • Choline - reduces skin irritation.
  • Hardware - normalizes blood circulation.
  • Potassium - is responsible for the long-term moisture retention.

This vitamin complex makes simply indispensable for hair egg yolk. As a result of all of the components as a whole, even the most capricious hair becomes pride for its owner. In this case, these masks are recommended not only for women, but also representatives of the masculine half of humanity.

How to properly use a hair mask from the yolk?

Although eggs are a product of animal origin, but when used correctly, you can achieve the desired result. In order not to spend your time, you should pay attention to several important aspects: - Hair masks from egg yolks suitable for all hair types.

The best hair mask from the yolk

- Use only homemade eggs. The fact that the store does not contain egg yolk relevant vitamins, respectively, it does not possess cosmetic properties.

- It is important to properly prepare the main ingredient in the mask. Yolk very carefully separated from the protein. Otherwise, the composition will not be nutritious.

- Masks should be applied only in dirty hair is dry.

- For best effect after application of the composition is recommended to cover the head of a plastic material or a clean towel.

- If you leave the mask on your head longer than the specified period, then nothing bad will happen. The fact is that the egg yolk hair does not have a negative impact, it will not dry your skin or irritate it.

- Rinse with masks of the type hot water is strictly prohibited. This will lead to the fact that the yolk begins to curl and it will be very difficult to clean up. Therefore, only slightly warm water can be used.

- optionally while washing using a shampoo masks, as yolk itself is an excellent detergent.

- The standard course of treatment is 10-15 procedures. Then you can change the mask recipe.

- For long hair it is recommended to use multiple yolks.

Useful properties of

Yolks advantages possess a complex. Among the useful properties of this natural ingredient is to provide the following:

  • back hair a natural shine;
  • active struggle with dandruff;
  • to prevent total loss of hair;
  • nutrition and hydration over-dried strands;
  • give your hair more volume and density;
  • acceleration in the growth of hair shafts;
  • removal of greasy;
  • normalization of metabolic processes.

If you spend some time on the Internet, it is easy to ensure that reviews of the hair mask from the yolk mostly positive. This is not surprising, because if such a component part of the home of cosmetic products, the hair just will be doomed to recovery.

To choose the right mask, first is to determine the type of hair. Thus, you can choose the best means.

For dry hair

Holders of this type of head of hair we recommend the following recipe:

- With castor oil. For self-catering you need to whip the 2 egg yolks 1 spoon of castor oil. The resulting mask for hair from the yolk and oil applied to the entire hair and distributed evenly on it. In the next step you need to wrap your head and wait 40 minutes.

The best hair mask from the yolk

- From vodka. To create this mask you want to add a half cup of hot drink 1/4 cup of water and a small spoon of liquid ammonia. The resulting mixture, slowly pour whipped 2 yolk constant agitation to obtain a homogeneous composition. The mixture is applied on the scalp for about half an hour, after which it is washed off without the use of detergents.

- With honey. This composition is suitable for dry hair. To create such a hair mask of egg yolk and honey will also need a little bit of burdock oil. First, you need to break 2 eggs and gently split their contents. In the next step they are mixed with 2 spoons of honey and burdock oil. The final composition gently rubbed into the scalp for half an hour.

- With onion. To create this fragrant mask, mix 2 large spoons of onion juice with the beaten egg yolk. The resulting mass is enough only to rub partings. After application of the mask from the bow and yolk hair must be kept for at least 20 minutes.

For normal hair

If nature has endowed a standard type of hair, it is also possible to make a healthier and more alive. It is recommended to use the following recipes:

  • with yogurt. As in all other cases, it is recommended to use only natural products. To prepare the required Beat 2 egg yolks 100 grams of low-fat yogurt. The finished mixture is added 1 small spoonful of lemon peel milled or orange. The mask is applied first to the roots of the hair, and then the rest of the hair. Hold composition coated with polyethylene, it is recommended at least 20 minutes.
The best hair mask from the yolk
  • With aloe. This mask is not only nourishes, but also strengthens the hair. For its preparation need to mix 1 yolk with aloe and natural honey (tablespoon of each component). All components must be thoroughly mixed up until the mixture is smooth and rub her head. After that, a mask with a comb distributed over the entire length of hair. After applying the composition of the head is necessary to cover them, wait 20-30 minutes and rinse.

For oily hair

If the hair is different greasy sheen to solve this trouble, you can also use the mask on the basis of the yolks. Consider the best recipes:

  • With lemon. This mask helps reduce the greasiness of hair. Its creation will need to mix the juice of half a lemon, 2 separated from the yolk protein and half spoon burdock oil. The prepared product must be applied to the hair and leave for 30 minutes. Rinse with warm water mixture is recommended with a small amount of detergent.
The best hair mask from the yolk
  • with an alcohol. In this case, you need to strongly shake the 2 egg yolks and add to the bubbling mass of 1 teaspoon of water. In this mass pour the same amount of alcohol and mixed. Apply the product must be in the scalp, gently massaging. Mask should be left for 15 minutes.
  • With cognac and lemon. These components are also very well-dried skin of the head and unruly curls. For the preparation you need to mix 1 egg yolk and 1 teaspoon of brandy, almond and castor oil, and lemon juice. The resulting mass is applied to the scalp for 20 minutes and the hair is rinsed with lukewarm water.

There are also masks from egg yolks hair, the recipes of which should be used for growth and repair of locks. Especially it will be useful for those who frequently change the color of his hair.

Masks for hair growth

To get long and lush curls, not necessarily to use the services of hairdressers. To do this, prepare enough mask for hair mustard, yogurt and egg yolk. The recipe of this composition is very simple. To do this, take 1, 5 tablespoons sugar, 1 egg yolk and 2 tablespoons dry mustard nut and fresh yogurt. The final component is often replaced with water, but it dissolves mustard much worse, so better to use sour milk products. In addition, yogurt suppresses burning, so the mask application will not be so painful.

The best hair mask from the yolk

All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the roots of the hair. For all the locks it is better not to distribute the composition, as it can dry up tips. Keep the mask to about 10 minutes.

Compositions for intensive hair restoration

If the hair looks lifeless, it will help the following recipe. It is necessary to mix whipped egg yolk with a teaspoon of honey and half the number of almond oil (burdock can be replaced or castor).

The resulting mixture was gently applied through the hair and hides polyethylene. Keep this mask should be at least an hour, after which it is washed off.

Hydration and Recovery

To this mixture was sufficiently mixed restoring 1 egg yolk and some big spoons glycerol 3 - castor oil and 1 teaspoon of vinegar. This slurry is necessary to rub into the scalp and distribute over the entire length. Hold mask to 30 minutes, after which the mixture was washed with warm water and shampoo.

The best hair mask from the yolk

also has a good effect of reducing the mixture of burdock and arnica oil (in the ratio 1: 1) supplemented with 1 yolk garlic cloves and 1 tablespoon of mayonnaise (preferably natural). The resulting mask is applied to the roots of the hair and wraps a towel warmer, which needs to be changed as it cools. The procedure is best to repeat every two days.


Egg yolk has a truly amazing properties. Masks made with its use, will transform the hair and make hair shine. It is only important to choose the appropriate option (depending on the type of hair).