How to make a mask for hair growth in the home

Spit on a belt - it's great, but not everyone falls such a luxury. There was a time when the beauty of the girl measured the hair length, then in vogue short haircut. And here again long hair - the object of desire of every woman. But as they grow? Spend money on fashionable cosmetics? Increase in hair salon? Or be able to help mask for hair growth in the home? Let's try. Home remedies are good because they are always at hand, and in just a product suitable as an ingredient. Women do not suspect at times, some people's cosmetic masterpieces are holding during cooking weekend lunch. Why is the output? Yes, because the cooking process can be combined with the hair supply process. Examples?

How to make a mask for hair growth in the home


His love is not everything. But our love his hair. If you rub it into mush, put on hair, put on plastic cap and a scarf roll up for half an hour - it will be unequaled remedy for hair growth at home. Wash off, of course, need special care, rinse with acidified with lemon juice or vinegar with water, but when you do not know your hair! They are soft, fluffy and shiny. But the main thing - the hair follicles engorged receive push for rapid growth. Egg

Suffice it to one beat fork yolk with a tablespoon of honey, pour 50 g of olive oil and a little brandy. This mask for hair growth in the home may be on the head at least an hour, although two, no harm. On the contrary, after washing will be a feeling of airiness hair roots receive a luxury food, and with regular use of this method will soon start new hair growth.


We prefer to eat them, but it is possible for the hair to allocate some strawberries, or a handful of raspberries, sea buckthorn. Berries grind one yolk, plus a couple of tablespoons of any oil - olive, castor or burdock. To sustain the hair to half an hour, and then washed with copious stream of lukewarm water. It is also very effective mask for hair growth.

How to make a mask for hair growth in the home


It sounds scary, but the pepper tincture (preferably the pharmacy, not to overdo it with the sharpness), rub into the roots of the hair - this is the first mask for hair growth in the home. Of course, bake the scalp and apply it can be only in the absence of irritation and allergic reactions. But as she awakens hair follicles. You can use the pepper tincture both separately and adding it to the other masks, for example, in the oil, the effect will not be worse. Kefir

It makes hair smooth and manageable, and has been successfully used as a mask for hair growth in the home. Only need to add in a cup of fermented milk product of a handful of salt. This composition is necessary to massage the scalp. Then the mask is left on the hair for twenty minutes. Of course, bake, salt, after all. But the mask, first serves and peeling removes dead skin flakes from the scalp. Secondly, literally animates the roots and causes them to grow rapidly.

How to make a mask for hair growth in the home

All these masks are simple and effective, but there is one condition: they need to do regularly. And then - to grow a braid to her waist!