What you need to know about nootropics

What you need to know about nootropics

Every day we do not need to carry so much physical work, many had ancestors, but our mental work, too, may prove unsustainable. Sometimes one gets the feeling that everyone in 2019 there is a problem with the mental health, which has to fight every day. The good news is that the understanding of these diseases is increasing stigmatization of anxiety, panic attacks and depression is reduced, and we are available new tools to facilitate a variety of symptoms. Now it is becoming increasingly popular method of improving the mental state with the help of nootropics, and today we decided to find out how they can help you cope with the fuss and problems.

What nootrops

The term "nootropic" is used to describe additive or a medicament that is used to increase one or more cognitive functions. they are often called cognitive enhancers - and it does not mean that your IQ will grow by taking pills.

Nootropics include both natural additives, and synthetic substances - stimulants and depressants. Although many of the popular nootropics are approved agents for the treatment of specific mental disorders, they are often misused by those who do not have a serious illness.

What are they for?

What you need to know about nootropics

In the main nootropics are used to improve cognitive abilities, to increase productivity, as well as to the body to effectively cope with fatigue.

Specific advantages are dependent on the drug. For example, piracetam has neuroprotective properties and can improve short-term memory, thinking, mood and other cognitive processes. Adrafinil is nootropics are used to increase vitality and concentration, and in its effect similar to caffeine.

By Nootropil also include other additives, which are often found in the recommendations of the network: glycine, L-theanine, and Phenibut Noopept. These include both stimulatory and calming connections, and affect not only cognitive, but also on motor skills.

In order to understand what kind of preparation you fit, it is necessary to consult a physician and to choose the appropriate course for your state.

Who should use nootropics?

What you need to know about nootropics

The unequivocal answer to this question is no. Studies of these substances is currently carried out is not enough to be sure of the effectiveness and long-term security. Moreover, each additive have certain side effects, and not all of them are small. Nootropic supplements are rarely prescribed by doctors, with the exception of glycine, and almost do not recommend pharmacy chains. nootropics manufacture insufficiently regulated, and tablets easily acquired may be incorrect dosage or other mismatch certificate.

Some supplements are psychoactive substances, and this leads to the fact that they start to abuse, and then to develop a dependency. Some countries even prohibit the sale of psychoactive substances without a doctor's prescription, but in Russia these restrictions yet.

Perhaps a short course of nootropics will really help you to survive the difficult period: pass the session, write your diploma or prepare a complex project. But it is necessary to consider the possible long-term effects of taking these pills, and also remember that if you are a long time suffering from any mental disorder - it is necessary to see a specialist.

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