"Omnadren 250" - reviews of doctors and athletes

For every person who believes training in the gym with something more than just entertainment and tracking of health, sooner or later there comes a genetic limit. This is the moment when no efforts and will no longer help you gain muscle mass, since the nutrients and protein can not be absorbed in the amount by which the body can not be calculated. However, the desire and the desire is not lost, and the only way out here - to undergo artificial testosterone, which helps to overcome the genetic limit and again to continue the growth of muscle mass and strength. The first question that arises when searching for the drug "Omnadren 250": "Do I need a prescription to purchase it?" According to the instructions he needed, but in fact available in the free market.

Artificial testosterone "Omnadren 250"

He is one of the most affordable products. Means "Omnadren 250" response from physicians and athletes gets very specific. But before you go to them, consider the preparation itself.

The drug "Omnadren 250" - an anabolic steroid, according to their pharmacological properties it is almost identical means "Sustanon". They differ only one air testosterone. Available product in cartons that contain five ampoules of one milliliter.

The drug contains four types of testosterone:

  • to 30 mg testosterone propianata;
  • 60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate;
  • 60 mg testosterone izokapronata;
  • 100 mg testosterone decanoate.

as adjuvants in the formulation includes an emollient for injections - peanut oil, and preservative - benzyl alcohol.


If you are going to gain weight using the drug "Omnadren 250" instruction to the therapeutic course should not be the basis for the purpose of the course itself, but it is recommended to study. A detailed description is in the package. The first step is to deal with allergic reactions and side effects.

The number of side effects are gynecomastia and reducing natural testosterone. When you receive a period of more than 8 weeks is possible testicular atrophy. This is the most serious consequences. Harmless but very unpleasant too short: acne, prostate hypertrophy, alopecia, and other androgenic side effects. It is also possible fever. If incorrect injections and increased irritability organism may form lumps at the injection site. They may well be avoided if the trust to carry out the injection experienced people. However, nothing terrible will not get any bumps and disperse themselves, no more than five weeks.

According to the instructions injections can be done only once a week, but some types of testosterone in the composition to quickly end their action, such propianat necessary to supply the body every two days. Advance consult with an expert before you increase the frequency of injections of the drug "Omnadren 250". Feedback from athletes who means every four days, mostly positive, but each organism has features so you should not ignore the advice because the reception frequency is determined by the very long ester (decanoate - from 7 to 9 days).

The course of preparation "Omnadren 250"

Not only for the first experience, but also for the usual artificial testosterone athletes approach the drug "Omnadren 250", a solo course. Reviews very divergent, some of the most experienced athletes make injections every day, and someone - once a week. Although the drug in the body and is delayed by 7-9 days, athletes are not afraid to increase the dosage and up to 500 ml per day. Most of the reason is the low price. However, the practice and the advice of doctors say that it is the optimal dosage is 250-500 ml per week. To achieve better results it is better to take it in conjunction with other esters and drugs that increase its effect, for example by means of "Stanozolol" or "Winstrol" that increase the absorption and activity of testosterone. As the solution "Sustanon", the main drawback ingestion "Omnadren 250" (solo rate) called ratings decline in muscle mass and strength performance after admission. In addition, there is likely to gynecomastia, without taking aromatase inhibitors, as while taking the drug increased levels of estrogen.

It starts with two weeks course of 250 ml, more frequent injections of one to four days. Three weeks after the completion of the course is conducted post-cycle therapy.

post-cycle therapy

means "Proviron." The most popular hormonal drug, taken after a course of steroids. The active substance - masterolon. It helps avoid flavoring steroids, their processing into estrogen. Prevents gynecomastia. Taking 50 mg per day, preferably split at two dose of 25 mg. The course lasts for about 3-5 weeks. Better to buy the drug, so you do not have problems, because the body needs help after taking potent steroid. It also eliminates excess water in the body, removes fat deposits on the body.

The drug "tamoxifen". The most affordable and effective anti-estrogen. Steroids courses taken at 20-40 mg per day. The drug "Tamoxifen" struggling with flavoring of steroids, eliminates the accumulation of excess water in the muscles, combats the appearance of acne, which is important when receiving "Omnadren 250" means. Unlike drugs "Proviron," "Tamoxifen" only prevents flavoring rather than struggling with the appearance of its symptoms, so you can start receiving the right after exiting the course.

means "Omnadren 250": reviews of physicians

The drug is very similar to the means "Sustanon". Because of this, quickly became popular solution "Omnadren 250". Reviews and recommendations of doctors is quite clear - the drug has a positive effect on the body with a minimum of side effects, which are easily eliminated, but it is recommended to use no more than 500 ml per week, and only when strenuous exercise and the use of funds, reduce testosterone aromatization. Doctors are not recommended to take the solution "Omnadren 250" without concomitant drugs, and more than stabbing dosage without relevant knowledge.

Health Impact

As with all steroids, the main negative impact of the drug "Omnadren 250" causes the hormonal system, temporarily reducing testosterone production and aromatiziruya it. It also leads to excessive accumulation of water in the muscles and disruption of the sebaceous glands of the skin, from which often begins after taking a rash and acne. All this can be avoided by following the instructions described in "post-cycle therapy."

Reviews athletes

weight increase - the main purpose of the drug "Omnadren 250". Reviews bodybuilding environment voiced only positive, as the drug price is much more attractive than that of similar funds, and their main task it performs better than the solution "Sustanon".

Feedback from the athletes, the drug has the disadvantages:

  • A number of side effects, which, in principle, have all of these drugs (acne, hypertension, gynecomastia, water retention, low testosterone).
  • Accessibility. Whatever may be said, as is the availability of the urgent need to inject 250-500 ml per day.
  • Much of the gain muscle mass goes away after use of the drug.

In general, it is all the negative aspects of the drug "Omnadren 250". Reviews athletes celebrate its positive qualities:

  • esters totality gives the stunning effect for increasing muscle mass.
  • the water retention in the body increases the resistance of joints to large scales, which allows to increase the power rates without the risk of getting injured.
  • It accelerates the process of regeneration, increases appetite.


Consider the results of the drug prima "Omnadren 250". Reviews allow specific people to conclude that the difference in the initial data and results.

For example, an athlete weighing 95 kilograms over the course of 5 weeks, gaining ten kilogram for high-protein diet. The course includes:

- Preparation "Omnadren 250". Between the first two injections a difference of 7 days. Further, every four days for the prick 250 mg of material, that is, one milliliter of the preparation.

- Means "Proveron". It begins its course with the last shot of the previous. 50 mg per day for three weeks.

- The drug "tamoxifen". To 20 mg per day, ending with rate means "Proveron".

After exiting the course athlete weighs 102 kg.

Power figures are growing as follows:

Bench press - 130, after a course of 145.

Squat - 140, after a course of 155.

Deadlift - 155, after a course of 180.

This is an example of the work of preparation "Omnadren 250" for the first course. With it, you can achieve much better results, especially if you take other anabolic agents at the same time.


After considering means "Omnadren 250", real athletes and doctors about it, we can conclude that this is a great drug to increase muscle mass and strength indicators. It is suitable even for the first course with proper application. The drug gives good results in the use of other, and at the reception only means "Omnadren 250". Do I need a prescription from a pharmacy it depends. The drug was approved in the free market, why, and gained such popularity. However, due to the fact that he bought in large quantities, its forbidden to sell over the counter, but some private pharmacies can still engaged in its distribution, which is why he is still the most affordable steroid.