6 things that can happen when you stop taking contraceptives

Many women begin taking birth control pills not only to protect against pregnancy, but for the control cycle and control of various gynecological problems. Over time you get used to the oral contraceptives as something normal and no longer remember how to feel them. Heroine will tell you what experienced by women who have decided to abandon contraception and get pregnant.

1. You can get pregnant at any time by

6 things that can happen when you stop taking contraceptives

According to experts, there is no buffer period between the cancellation of the contraceptive pill and the protection of the loss: once a woman stops taking contraceptives, it is ready for pregnancy. Many girls do not expect it to happen so quickly, so you can not properly plan further contraception or maternity. Cancel preparations should be at the very moment when a woman is ready to conceive, rather than in advance.

This also applies to other birth control methods. Technically, a woman can get pregnant on the first cycle after the abolition of contraception, so make sure that it is willing to see a positive test.

2. Or not get pregnant for some time,

Despite the fact that contraceptive stops working immediately after discontinuation of the drug, ovulation may not occur for some time. So that a woman should be ready to get pregnant immediately after stopping the pill, but do not be afraid if it does not happen. According to obstetrician-gynecologist of the Wexner Medical Center, Ohio State University Dr. Megan Quimper, sometimes, to get pregnant after the abolition of contraceptives, a woman needs from six months to 12 months - and that's fine. With failed attempts to get pregnant face even completely healthy couple, so do not be alarmed if you have a partner is not immediately work.

3. The cycle can not immediately return to normal

6 things that can happen when you stop taking contraceptives

Women who use hormonal birth control - oral contraceptives - may find that their body needs time to rebuild and return to the usual reproductive cycle. Typically, it takes several months. During this period, possible irregular menstruation and delay ovulation.

After the abolition of menstruation contraceptives may not occur several months - a phenomenon called post-tablet amenorrhea. However, in this case, it is still worth doing regular pregnancy tests - all of a sudden conception occurred immediately after discontinuation of contraception.

4. Menstruation can become more abundant

Hormonal contraceptives, as a rule, make menstruation more comfortable and not as intense as usual. After deselect tablets can be the same as before reception OK or even ample. Additionally, you may return to other unpleasant symptoms like pain in the first day of menstruation. All this is fine, however, if your period lasts longer than 7-8 days, should seek medical advice immediately.

5. You can immediately start drinking prenatal vitamins

6 things that can happen when you stop taking contraceptives

If you are canceled contraceptives, because it decided to get pregnant, take prenatal supplements should sooner than many people think. It is a common misconception that vitamins for pregnant women should drink only once saw a positive test. As we have said, the conception can occur immediately after the abolition of tablets. Prenatal vitamins are especially important in the first weeks of pregnancy, when a woman often does not know what is in the position. Therefore, if you plan to become a mother, begin to prepare your body immediately after the stop contraception.

6. The PMS symptoms may become worse

Refusing to hormonal contraception, a woman can change her symptoms of premenstrual period. Often prescribe birth control pills to patients to help them alleviate the condition during PMS. But after the abolition of drugs unstable emotional state and physical symptoms - weakness, chest pain and back pain, cramps in the abdomen - can come back with the same force, or even worse. Contraceptives are not being treated for painful menstruation, and only temporarily relieve the symptoms.