Terrible things can happen to us in the colonization of Mars

• The terrible things that can happen to us in the colonization of Mars

Recently, talk about Mars colonization is increasingly raised in the press write about it as scientific papers, as well as adventure novels. We decided to find out whether this kind of talk right to be, and that will result in migration of mankind space.

Terrible things can happen to us in the colonization of Mars

To get to Mars will be very expensive. The current concept of mission "Mars", proposed by NASA, includes the cost of about $ 50 billion over ten years. It is about two times larger than the value of all US lunar 1962-1972 programming period.

Terrible things can happen to us in the colonization of Mars

Spaceflight - a risky thing. Even if everything goes perfectly at the start and landing, the ship's life-support system disorder may at any time, for the 9 months that will last flight. And this is not to mention the intensity of the radiation on the planet itself and the reduced gravity.

Terrible things can happen to us in the colonization of Mars

Even if we collect enough money and survive in the harsh conditions of deep space travel, to get to the surface of Mars will still be a highly complex task. In fact, today there is simply no technology that could carry a safe landing on Mars. At this point the probe Curiosity is the largest sent to the object.

Terrible things can happen to us in the colonization of Mars

Let's imagine that we have, nevertheless, reached Mars. The average temperature here is -27 degrees Celsius, reaching -90 from the poles of the planet. Not an easy winter, agree.

Terrible things can happen to us in the colonization of Mars

The atmosphere of Mars is very thin and contains only 0, 15% oxygen, while on Earth - all 21%. Will breathe sparingly. Moreover, most of the atmosphere, about 96%, is carbon dioxide.

Terrible things can happen to us in the colonization of Mars

Another gift from the local atmosphere: it will not protect us from harmful radiation. Ultraviolet light of the sun and cosmic radiation can seriously damage any representatives of the terrestrial flora and fauna.

Terrible things can happen to us in the colonization of Mars

Agriculture will be one of the main problems on Mars, if it turns out that the local soil is not fertile. We need the right balance of bacteria and chemicals for growing plants in the world, and as far as we know the Martian soil, nothing like the red planet there.

Terrible things can happen to us in the colonization of Mars

The water is a key factor for the initiation and maintenance of life. Part of Mars was once covered by a vast ocean, which now remained only the ice at the poles of Mars.

Terrible things can happen to us in the colonization of Mars

In addition, Mars is constantly happening dust storms that last for several days. The rate at which they are tiny particles of dust as much as 70 km / h. Sometimes the storm is so powerful that cover the entire planet for a few weeks.

Terrible things can happen to us in the colonization of Mars

In addition to the already difficult conditions, people are surviving in flight will have to struggle with a sense of loneliness, by virtue of which it is simply impossible to imagine our planet.

Terrible things can happen to us in the colonization of Mars

Mars is 12, 5 light-minutes from our home planet. This means that it will take at least 25 minutes just to reach the Earth. In other words, if something went wrong - good and timely one should not expect the board.

Terrible things can happen to us in the colonization of Mars

On Mars you weigh 1/3 of its weight. Our muscles have evolved under the influence of Earth's gravity. Lower gravity will cause the body to lose muscle mass, which will be a significant blow to all internal organs.