The strangest pictures from deep space

• The strangest pictures of deep space

Man has always tried to find the gods and demons where they do not exist. More often than not, he turns his face to the sky: distant twinkling light constellation formed in the human mind to mountain lions, musketeers and mermaids.

Now, despite the fact that we all live in the 21st century, many are still trying to find evidence of extraterrestrial intervention in images that convey the land space telescopes. Contemplate carefully - maybe you think that these photos hidden more?

The strangest pictures from deep space

Face on Mars

When NASA's spacecraft, Viking 1 transmitted the first images of Mars, the public was shocked by the abundance of items that are similar to human faces. For example, here is this photo was called lovers of conspiracy theories evidence of the existence of life on the red planet.

The strangest pictures from deep space

Rats in Space

Another surge of interest in images from Mars came in 2003. Curiosity gave a series of shots, one of which enthusiasts have noticed a rat. Needless to say, that on closer inspection, the rat was the usual stone.

The strangest pictures from deep space

The hand of the Lord

Experts from NASA recklessly gave this picture to the press service. The publication caused a series of religious riots: people claimed that the telescope took a very real hand of God. In fact, we have a spectral picture of an exploding supernova.

The strangest pictures from deep space

Friendly Pluto

This year, the NASA probe made an incredibly intimate pictures of Pluto. On one of them the planet is turned so that you can see the heart symbol. Scientists believe that it consists of a mixture of methane and nitrogen.

The strangest pictures from deep space

Space Mickey Mouse

In general, recognize the familiar silhouettes of objects in space - a common practice. In this image of Mercury, for example, people noticed a muzzle Mickey Mouse.

The strangest pictures from deep space

Cat's Eye

This picture gave fans of conspiracy theories, the Hubble Telescope. On the part of a cloud of space dust resembles a cat's eye.

The strangest pictures from deep space


The color and the appearance of the image is literally forced the scientists to identify it so controversial word. Before us - the Horsehead Nebula, located in the constellation of Orion.

The strangest pictures from deep space

Jack of Shadows

Hard to believe, but the photo was taken exactly at the eve of Halloween. Frightening planet immediately dubbed hellish.