10 mysteries, over which science puzzles now!

Science seeks to embrace and describe the whole world, to make the unknown known and explain the incomprehensible. We humans are curious creatures too, to sit still!

Discoveries of scientists committed them at this rate, it would seem, has not remained unsolved mysteries in the world. But the universe is in no hurry to reveal all its secrets. We offer you ten puzzles have long occupied the minds of scientists from around the world.

10 mysteries, over which science puzzles now!

Why the visible matter more than antimatter

Most of the discussions going on around b-mesons, short-lived subatomic particles composed of one quark and one antiquark. B-meson decays slower than the collapse of the anti-B-mesons, and thus could appear a sufficient number of B-meson to form everything in the universe. We add that the existing B-, D- and K-mesons are subject to change and become antiparticles, and turn into the particles again. According to one hypothesis, mesons, in all likelihood, take the normal state, it is quite possible, as ordinary particles still more than antiparticles.

Where did the universe from lithium

In the early universe, when the temperature was extremely high, isotopes of hydrogen, helium and lithium formed in large quantities, but with time from lithium 7-isotopes only one third remains. Various theories including hypothetical and based on the hypothetical boson called axions, trying to shed light on the reason for the change. And offered theories to explain the disappearance of the lithium that he was absorbed in the nuclei of stars that can not be detected by modern telescopes. Whatever it was, a single, accurate version that explains this phenomenon does not exist yet.

Why do people dream

Although we know that the human body is regulated by the so-called circadian clock - biological tool responsible for sleep and wakefulness - the essence of this phenomenon is not explained. During sleep, the human body regenerates tissues, cells and many other processes. There are organisms that do not need sleep, so why is it necessary for people? Regarding this issue was made a few suggestions, but none of them is not exhaustive. While scientists do not know exactly why we sleep, but they have already found out how much sleep is important for the body and how much influence on processes such as mental work and flexibility of thinking.

How does gravity

We all know that the moon's gravity causes tides, Earth's gravity keeps us on the Earth's surface, the sun gravity keeps our planet in orbit, but how deep our understanding of these phenomena? This force affects the way that large objects have the opportunity to draw to yourself smaller. Scientists do delve into the essence of the action of gravity, without having a sufficient explanation, the reason why it exists. Why atoms are mostly made up of empty space? Why force that restrains the atoms together, different from gravity? Will the gravity of some of the particles? Answers to these questions can not be obtained with the help of modern understanding of physics.

10 mysteries, over which science puzzles now!


Where are all

The diameter of the observable universe is 92 billion light years, billions of galaxies filled with stars and planets, however, there are visible signs of life only on Earth. Statistically, the chance that we are the only life form in the universe impossibly small, but why do we have hitherto no one contacted? This puzzle is known as the Fermi Paradox. many explanations for this paradox was proposed, some of which are quite plausible. We can always talk about some possible scenarios: missed signals about what they are here and we do not know about it, they can not or do not want to mess with us. Or - that's the most disappointing scenario - Earth is really the only inhabited planet in the universe.

What is dark matter

About 80% of all matter in the universe is composed of dark matter. Dark matter - this kind of substance which did not emit electromagnetic radiation and does not interact with it. Despite the fact that the first theory about dark matter appeared about 70 years ago, direct evidence of its existence was not revealed. Many scientists believe that dark matter is formed of weakly interacting massive particles, which can be hundreds of times more massive than protons, but their interaction can not be easily detected by existing devices.

How did the life of

Proponents of the theory of "Original broth" believe that the fertile early Earth formed their own ever-increasing complex molecules, which have given rise to life on Earth. This could happen on the ocean floor, and in the craters of volcanoes and ice strata. Considering that DNA is the dominant basis of life on the planet, RNA could be one of the root causes of the origin of life on our planet. Other theories consider important aspect for nascent life electromagnetic and volcanic activity. Some believe pansermiyu, the hypothesis that life was brought to Earth by meteorites or comets in the form of microbes.

10 mysteries, over which science puzzles now!

How is tectonic activity

The theory of lithospheric plates move, the continents and redistributing causing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, has spread recently.

Despite the fact that the first postulate in the early 1500 century, says that all the current continents could be a single continent (which is not particularly exaggerated, simply look at the map of the world), this idea has not received wide acceptance until the 1960s, when there was a reasonable physical evidence theory spreading ocean floor, according to which blocks of the lithosphere of the oceanic crust move apart and release the space is filled with magma generated in the mantle.

Scientists are not exactly sure what causes most of these shifts and how to indicate the boundaries of tectonic plates. There are countless different theories, but none of them does not fully explain all aspects of the tectonic activity.

How do animals migrate to

Many species of animals and insects migrate throughout the year, escaping from seasonal changes in temperature and decrease of vital resources. Migration can take thousands of kilometers in one direction only, as the animals repeated the way there and back, year after year? Each kind uses different navigation tools, including some that allow you to harness the power of the magnetic field of the Earth. Animals they serve as a kind of internal compass. Scientists still do not know how such a capacity can be developed or animals from one year to determine the exact direction.

What is dark energy

Of all the major unsolved mysteries of this. Dark matter, referred to earlier, up to 80% of the substance in the observable universe, dark energy hypothetical form of energy on the assumptions scientists can take up to 70% of the universe. It is called one of the reasons for the expansion of the universe, although it is at the moment no more than a theory. So far, about her we only know that it has a low density, very evenly distributed, and, presumably, does not interact with ordinary matter through the known fundamental interactions.