Elegant hairstyle on long hair for every day

Elegant hairstyle on long hair for every day

Before you go to the grand and important event, the girls usually visit the beauty salon. Cosmetologist, makeup artist, hair stylist ... But what if this is not enough time, and you need to look great? Moreover, even if there is no event, you still need to do packing. In this article, we'll show you what hairstyle on long hair for each day can be elegant and beautiful; with a laying after work is not ashamed to go on a date and how to stay in shape every day. It is not necessary to go in the morning to a beauty salon - hair style long hair every day is created effortlessly by hand.

Greek node

As the name implies, this elegant hairstyle came to us from ancient Greece. She is very feminine and romantic, to the same ideal and to your office suit and an evening dress. It is very simple. Comb your hair parted in the middle and use the curling curl in soft curls. Then gather in a knot at the nape and secure with pins. A node can be free or, on the contrary, more stringent, tight, as you wish. Hairstyle can be decorated with elegant hoop and ribbon. all kinds of pins or small ridges are also suitable.

Elegant hairstyle on long hair for every day


Very stylish hairstyle that can come along for the evening and for casual wear. At first glance, this hairstyle on long hair for every day may seem strict, but looking more closely, you will notice its elegance and sophistication. Long strands need to gather in a high ponytail, and not at the back and side. Then start to roll your hair in a plait. As folding tow becomes taut and going to a small loop. Now we need to fix it in the usual comb and fix the paint. Insert the comb into the concave side and scroll to the left, if the tail is tied up with the right hand, or to the right, if the tail is on the left. So you commit great "shell". For a more relaxed way of stylists recommend to make a knot free and let a few strands.

Elegant hairstyle on long hair for every day


Hairstyles for curly hair every day look very interesting in this style. Straight strands also easily be converted into "ponytail". With the help of some accessories and techniques everyday hairstyle is easy to turn into elegant. To make the "ponytail" a lush, it is necessary to divide it in several pins at the base. The hair on his head is better with lacquer, so the tail will look neater. Hide gum can be separated one strand wrapped by it and the base of the tail, the tip of the inward tucking using invisible. The above simple hairstyles for long hair every day and suitable for a variety of evening activities. But keep in mind, it's just a few of the standard options, you can do yourself in the comfort of home. If you do the experiments, it is possible to choose other, equally interesting styling, which can be described as casual and as the evening time. Each woman chooses what elegant hairstyle on long hair for every day of her suit.