Strange traditions in different countries schools
• Strange traditions in different countries schools
You can blame the post-Soviet schooling for various reasons, however, we must acknowledge that it is - in fact one of the most humane in the world. Material will show and describe the 5 most bizarre traditions in schools around the world that make eyebrows soar up.
1. Paper scolding on his head during a test in China
In most cases, the Chinese students simply does not occur to write off a neighbor's party: so high morale Eastern people. But in some schools, where children of the middle class and the poor, may still be a sin such as cribbing. Therefore, during the test on its head pupils put the blinders from the newspapers.
2. The penalties in the form of the North Korean forced labor
In North Korea, a valid reason for late or non-appearance at the lessons in school is only hospitalization. Such thing as a stay at home on sick leave, it does not exist. Even with a light step, and the most severe pneumonia or bronchitis, rhinitis child goes to class. And for the delay and other disciplinary offenses punishable in the form of forced labor. Most often it is cleaning the school floors. Therefore, employees, whom we refer to as cleaners or technicals, North Korea is simply no schools: all their works do delinquent students - potential future criminals.
3. A mandatory change of schools and teachers in Italy during the period of study
In the homeland of pizza schoolchildren go to school for 13 years and it is obligatory for a period of training twice completely change the teaching staff and / or school. The principle is as follows: in 11 years, after 5 years in "nachalke 'children go to another school, which may even be in a different area (it is considered to be more pedagogically from the point of view of the Italian Ministry of Education). There they come in the middle link. And before the release (by the way, graduation parties in Italy are missing!) Necessarily desirable again to change schools. According to the Italian teacher is from an early age children learn to adapt to new circumstances and not be afraid of change.
4. Fines and criminal charges parents for missing children of their lessons in the Netherlands
The entrance to the school in the Netherlands, you can often find the following slogan: "Strict discipline - a guarantee of the quality of knowledge!" Such is the view from the top of the education in the country of tulips and windmills. And for misconduct rely severest punishment ... the parents of pupils. For the first truancy, parents receive a fine and will be repeated if the absences, parents face a prison sentence. Accordingly, the lumpen elements in Holland simply do not send their children to school at all. Well, it's a great guarantee of safety for children of decent people. Interesting fact. In the Netherlands, the school children to give short courses, always ending with the reference work, the names of which may shock the residents of the former Soviet Union, "Sex", "Drugs", "Alcohol". It is aimed at making children aware of the dangers to health and life can carry these phenomena.
5. In India, the first grade - 3-4 years
In India, children go to school July 1 at the age of 3-4 years .... There are no kindergartens. Each school day begins with prayers local gods. This early start of school life due to the poverty of the country. Children at school are fed for free twice a day, rice, sweet cakes, tea and spices and herbal tea.