Why do so many successful and happy people choose a life without children?

Why do so many successful and happy people choose a life without children?

For many children - are the flowers of life, joy and happiness. For others - it is an incredible burden and the inability to fully relax in principle, as well as to engage in parallel ascent of his career. Just a hundred years ago, no contraception especially was not, and if you have a sexual partner and intimate relationship, make sure you have children.

A person who has reached the age of sexual maturity and not got the offspring, was considered ill or totally unattractive to the opposite sex, which was at that time a kind of stigma.

Why do so many successful and happy people choose a life without children?

More recently, we have learned to control their sexual life without any harm to health. And, it would seem that more needs to be happy? But then, tearing to pieces by a centuries-old pattern that kids just needed were childfree. And what happens? It turns out that it is quite possible to live without children, without suffering, and getting full enjoyment.

The joyful life without children

Why do so many successful and happy people choose a life without children?

The term "Childfree" means "free from the children." Advance reservation, that we should not confuse this concept with childlessness. Childlessness - is when the family wants, but for some reason can not have children. Childfree, on the contrary, they do not want offspring and do not suffer on this occasion.

Based on numerous studies carried out in research institutes in this regard, to determine what percentage of the population is impossible childfree. Because it will have to divide people into those who are for any reason unable to conceive a child, and those who simply do not want. In addition, many people may change position. For example, in one study, a survey was conducted with an interval of six years, and a third of respondents in the one hundred and eighty degrees to change its decision.


Most childfree argue their views in different ways. Everyone has their own priorities and goals in life. And options that answer the question "Why?" A lot. Let's look at the most common ones.

1. Freedom of action

Why do so many successful and happy people choose a life without children?

In most cases, the presence of children in the family restricts the freedom of parents. Yes, of course, it has long been known that the parental responsibility should be carried to the execution of eighteen a child, but it is only a theory. Experience shows us that the children always remain children for their parents, and sometimes you need to take care of them in 40 years.

2. The responsibility of

Why do so many successful and happy people choose a life without children?

Perhaps not many people realize that all this responsibility. Some can not keep track of their actions and desires, while others are simply not confident in their abilities. And if a person clearly understands that can not cope with such a burden of responsibility as a child, then it is well done. Many live on the principle of "maybe you are lucky", but this is one of the worst mistakes that can prevent people. Adherents of this view often suffer from the fact that at the time did not have a good brain to think about everything.

3. Cash

Why do so many successful and happy people choose a life without children?

Agree to dress, shoes, food, do all vaccinations and buy new toys are expensive. Most families who tell the world about how it's hard, but, in spite of this and its low income, do decide to have a child, are the best means of contraception and visual agitation for childfree.

4. Career

Why do so many successful and happy people choose a life without children?

We're sorry, comes to an end in most cases, even the most rapid success, when a woman learns that she is pregnant. Flying into the abyss of all desire to become a great boss or have their own business. In principle, a woman is now taken seriously only when she gave birth, and it is very sad.

As of today, more and more members of the fairer sex are guided by a career than to the child. Undoubtedly rejuvenate through -nadtsat can be changed in many priorities, but by then there will be a house, a stable high-paying job and an opportunity to provide their child.

And now do not need to throw slippers and throw stones at the monitor. Everywhere has its pluses and minuses. Childfree do not impose their views, do not arrange meetings that call to legalize abortion, and so on. This is a separate caste of people who just have a good one. They understand and are aware of their desire to know what they want, and think clearly. Everyone chooses what he wants. In no case do not think that we encourage people to give up the joy of motherhood and fatherhood. Again, everyone gets out of life exactly the way he wants it.