10 things you can not do to women in Saudi Arabia

It is said that in Saudi Arabia, women have more restrictions than rights. They can not drive a car, leave the house without a male escort and attending sporting events. The majority of the prohibitions are not officially registered either secular or religious laws, they exist only at the level of traditions. But as a punishment for breaking these traditions often even killed.

10 things you can not do to women in Saudi Arabia

to do anything without the consent of a male guardian

Male guardian - usually a husband, father or brother - a man who fully controls the life of any woman in Saudi Arabia. Without his permission, a woman can not enter into marriage or to break, to get an education, to work, to go somewhere abroad or within the country, and even make a scheduled operation. Every step, every action requires the consent or direct involvement of the male guardian. Even just to chat with the man-neopukunom strictly prohibited.

10 things you can not do to women in Saudi Arabia

To perform something that could affect the honor of the male guardian

In this case, the male guardian, protecting and tutelary woman is entitled to demand from it prudent behavior. It is believed that if a guardian lose control over women, will lose honor in the eyes of society. And this is very serious. If the woman is his behavior spoils the honor of the male guardian, the right to punish it, and in extreme cases even kill. And it's not just some outdated dogma. The practice of honor killings occur in Saudi Arabia every day. In 2007, the father killed a young girl, when I learned that she talked with a young man on Facebook. The most conservative citizens then urged the government to ban Facebook, because it is, according to them, incites lust and causes social discord, encouraging sexual confusion. For women in Saudi Arabia is the strongest shameful arrest of the religious police. And they can be arrested for anything. So in 2009 the two young girls after his arrest as a result of intercourse with strange men publicly executed brothers, in the presence of his father.

10 things you can not do to women in Saudi Arabia

appears on the street with open parts of the body

According to Sharia, to a foreign man does not seduce a woman, it is obliged in public to cover all parts of the body other than an oval face, hands and feet. But in some provinces oblige women to close the entire face except for the eyes, and leave open only the hands. However, in 2011, religious police began to require women to cover also the eye, referring to the fact that sometimes they can be too "sexy."

10 things you can not do to women in Saudi Arabia


Leaving a special "female" in public areas

In Saudi Arabia, there is a pronounced gender segregation. It affects all women, whose male guardians try to limit as much as possible from the surrounding society, and any contact with strange men. Any celebrations take place with the division between men and women. Most of the houses in the country have separate entrances. Besides, any man, except for the owner, it is forbidden to enter the women's part of the house. Also divided and all public areas: shopping malls, amusement parks, beaches, public transport, educational institutions. And quite often the students of the two sexes are learning not just in different buildings, but at different times, so that they in any case do not overlap with each other. Violation of the principles of gender segregation, especially by women, is equated to the crime.

10 things you can not do to women in Saudi Arabia

Work where she likes to

To begin with, it does not encourage any of wage work for women in Saudi Arabia. From early childhood, girls are taught that their primary role - to bear and raise children, maintain the family home, taking care of the family. The woman, of course, can work, but only in designated places for women and not in all areas. You can work as a doctor, a nurse, a teacher. But this is only if you could first get a good education, which is also very difficult to do. In addition, any work of women in Saudi Arabia can be arranged only with the permission of a male guardian.

10 things you can not do to women in Saudi Arabia

access to the outdoor sporting events

Despite the fact that in the country there are women's sports teams in any more or less significant sporting event they can not participate. Until 2008, Saudi Arabia was the only country in the world that women are not represented at the Olympic Games. In Saudi girls schools receive no sports education, and to the rest of the sporting facilities are extremely limited access. But access to the outdoor sports activities for women are strictly prohibited.

10 things you can not do to women in Saudi Arabia

Driving is

The movement of women across the country and so is very limited. Unaccompanied by a guardian-men are not allowed to even leave the house, not to mention any trips or travel. Women are forbidden to drive a car, they do not issue state licenses to drive even if they have a foreign law. The majority of Saudi scholars and religious leaders rank as driving a car woman to sin. For example, Professor Kamal Subhi claims, honor if women in the country afford to drive cars, there will not remain virgins in ten years. But another influential Sheikh Saleh Lohaydan once said that if a woman is driving a car, she can have a baby with birth defects. In fairness, it should be noted that the prohibition on women driving cars is violated everywhere in the rural areas of the country.

10 things you can not do to women in Saudi Arabia

to use public transport

As a rule, women in Saudi Arabia can not use and public transport. Firstly, because it is not safe in terms of contacts with strange men. Secondly, many transport companies, in principle, do not carry women. Although, in some trains there is a special section with a separate entrance, located at the end of the compositions, especially for women.

10 things you can not do to women in Saudi Arabia

Select a husband

Despite the fact that in 2005 the religious committee officially banned the practice of forced marriage, the contract between the bride and the bride's father is still considered mandatory. The situation is complicated by the fact that there is no minimum age for marriage. Most senior religious leaders believe that the girl was suitable for marriage, 9 years old, and a boy with 15. They also believe that the girl has to marry before puberty. Neither of which the conscious choice of a spouse there can be no question. In addition, this practice is extremely negative impact on women's education. Girls who have entered into early marriage (16 years) then as a rule do not receive a full education, and, accordingly, may not work. Do not forget that the country is officially permitted polygamy. Men are allowed to have up to four wives.

10 things you can not do to women in Saudi Arabia

is released from prison ahead of schedule

And here begins the most interesting. In Saudi Arabia, religious police can arrest a woman literally anything. For example, for the "wrong clothes" for communicating with a foreign man. And even if a woman was raped, she may be punished by a prison term for being insufficiently covered body or was acquainted with a future rapist. In this country there is a tradition that a prisoner may be released early if memorized the Qur'an, or get a pardon from the king on the occasion or coronation. But women prisoners are deprived of such privileges. Moreover, even after the expiration of the full term of imprisonment, the woman could be released from prison only to resolve a male guardian. And often it happens that the guardians insist on the increase of the sentence, or even completely abandon women. And then they have to go to prison for many years. Wide publicity was an incident that occurred in 2015, when a woman has convicted her husband of adultery with a servant and secretly removed a couple kissing in the video, and then published on the Internet. Most of the women now face imprisonment and a fine of 87, 6 thousand euros for "insulting the honor and dignity of man."

10 things you can not do to women in Saudi Arabia