Advice to the fishermen how to catch carp

To date, perhaps the most popular trophy from anglers is carp. It just so happened that this fish at least once, but get hooked everyone. Moreover, it is widespread and dwells even in those bodies of water where other species simply do not survive. Also impresses the fact that you need not be a professional to know how to catch carp. Fishing for this species in ponds and small rivers is ideal for beginners who want to learn a float fishing rod or even a donk. By the way, can add excitement and the fact that in addition to gold and silver carp, on the hook, you can catch and various hybrids.

Types of carp and its habitat

Advice to the fishermen how to catch carp

Karas - one of the most unpretentious and easily available fish species. It floats among the vegetation at the bottom of ponds, lakes and small rivers and going through even such positive winter when the pond freezes completely. But not only are not afraid of cold him. During a drought, when the pond shallower, crafty carp just buries itself in the mud. It can be detected at a time, even at a depth of 70 centimeters. Here's a way to survive the bad weather and all explains why this form of widespread.

By the way, there are plenty of interesting facts concerning the phenomenal survivability carp. If you put it in a bucket of wet moss or grass, he will live there for another two or even three days. It can exist in overgrown Bolotin, where there is a clear lack of oxygen in the water. How carp survive? It is proved that this type able to breathe through the body surface. Of course, this flexibility allows him to quietly exist where other simply will not survive. The only thing that is dangerous for carp - a predatory fish, such as pike. It is this toothy predator often side by side with them in the reservoirs. In carp there are natural ways to defend themselves. He quietly floating in the bush in the water, hoping that it will not notice. Before we elaborate on how to catch carp, it is useful to learn to distinguish between its subspecies. Just two of them. Crucian carp has a rounded body shape. Scales in his major. It is called the golden color of which varies from brown-reddish to golden. The back is always darker than the belly of a fish.

goldfish body is more elongated. Large scale bright even silver. At the caudal fin clearly noticeable split.

Despite these differences in appearance, these two subspecies carp are the same way of life and are often found in the same pond. The only thing that you can notice - is that silver carp prefer running water. Both subspecies interbreed freely with each other. Also, it is known that caviar crucian can fertilize tench and carp. From these eggs grow carp, although these hybrids may be slightly larger.

Despite the large spread of these fish, you must still know when and how to catch carp. Although they are very durable, yet they exhibit their activity only when the water warms up to 16-18 degrees. Their eggs they spawn later than other species, around the end of May. Young animals hiding in the undergrowth vegetation and feeds on zooplankton. Adults looking for their own food, digging in the mud at the bottom. They are happy to taste the plants and worms. Therefore, baits and lures to catch them, there are many.

Putting on carp float rod - rod

Very many consider fishing for carp too simple and even primitive. But it is not so. There are many nuances and characteristics. Just how successful will be collected tackle and bait is chosen, will ultimately determine the amount of the catch. So, how to catch carp using a well-known float rod? If the pond is not only home to small fish, but also large specimens, need to prepare thoroughly. We are first determined with the rod. The most convenient and practical - telescopic. The rod must be firm, and its apex - elastic. Also taken into account that Karasev places must be sought, which means frequent transitions from place to place. Therefore, choose a compact, easy-going rod. Without significance and weight. The easier it is, the more convenient for the angler. In general, these are the main points that you should consider when choosing a rod. It only remains to add that it is the optimal length - 4-5 meters. But here all individually. If you have to catch in lopushkah, near the coast, it is more convenient to take a three-meter rod.

The line for catching carp

Advice to the fishermen how to catch carp

How to catch a big carp? An important role is played by the tackle. Attachments should be strong, but lightweight. Crucian carp - fish carefully. His bite is not always clear and sharp. Also, the fish should not feel the weight of the tackle, otherwise it will just spit out and hook, and bait. If the carp after the first attempt to feel that something was wrong, he will leave, and bites will not. Therefore, the line set must tackle diameter 0, 10-0, 15 mm. This would be enough to pull large specimen, as well as the experience and see even the most cautious poklevochki.

What else can be said about the fishing line on the carp? It is better to make it thinner. This will give it elasticity, resulting in bites will be more. Of course, it is important to tackle the quality, do not need to take that on which there is a thickening or roughness. At the beginning of each fishing season, the fishing line on a fishing tackle necessarily change. Over time, it loses its strength. And it is fraught with cliffs at the most inopportune moment.

Hooks for carp tackle to

For hooks, too, have their own requirements. Since they are completely different in shape, thickness and length, to catch carp, of course, does not fit all. Experienced fishermen put only those in which the width of the bend in half the length of the forearm. It will be easier when buying hooks rely on what will suit №5 and №6, and if planned large carp fishing for small and medium fish, then №7. Check sting. It must be very sharp. Several times during the season the hook should be replaced by a new one. But, of course, it's not all the wisdom of how to catch carp on a lake or river. It is important to pick the right float.


Advice to the fishermen how to catch carp

An experienced fisherman in the reserve, there are always a few floats. All of them - a different kind. That which must be installed on the float tackle, define the fishing conditions. For example, if fishing is carried out with the boats in the thickets of aquatic vegetation, it is best to use a fixed dvuhgrammovym float. In such circumstances, the fish is directly beneath the angler. it is not necessary to carry out long-distance casting. The sound of falling float only scare carp.

Quite a different situation, if the fish from the shore at a depth. There can be very useful have a sliding float. Its weight varies from 5 to 8, the Well, in order that it can be easy to see from a distance, using bright colors. The question remains, how fast to catch carp in the rivers with a strong current. There handy fixed heavy floats weighing not less than 8 g Typically, they slid almost to the top of the rod.

A bit of snap rod

For catching carp in the waters, as a rule, use the float rod. Therefore it is necessary to describe more options for their equipment. If you need to decide how to catch carp in the lake with water lilies overgrown beaches and calm waters, it is all quite simple. It is best to take the usual float rod with fixed float. The length of the rod will depend on how distant will casting. It can be from 3, 5 to 7 meters.

The second option involves the use of snap sliding float. He slides freely on the scaffold, but the depth limiter must be adjusted. Most often it is the rubber latches, which are set slightly above the float. Well, throw distance is controlled by a coil, unwinding the desired length of line. The main thing here - be careful and prevent tangling.

Bait carp

Advice to the fishermen how to catch carp

After you have collected a tackle, exposed depth, it will be necessary to fasten the bait on the hook. Here begins in carp fishing in the fun. Karas, perhaps the most capricious while omnivorous fish. He will not miss the moment and not by the worm swims and a piece of bread crumb. In densely stocked ponds lure the fish does not make sense. But if the question is, how to catch a big carp, for example, on the river or lake, then there is the lure is required.

Balls with a feed mixture throw the vicinity of the place where the hook is baited. Since carp - fish carefully, the bursts may scare her, then you need only wait 15 minutes, and the fish will come back. If, after feeding for a long time, no bites, then there comes a time of experimentation with bait. It is best to use when fishing for carp two float rod. We strung on a first worm and throws. But on the hook for the second rod skewer another alternative bait. In the case of carp it may be a maggot, bloodworm, caddis, a crumb of bread, semolina, barley, mastyrka. In general, there's plenty to choose from. As to how to catch carp to the bait, then there is most important to correctly guess what today is currently wants this fussy. His preference may change several times a day. Therefore you should always be ready and "fully armed".

The main bait carp - is, of course, hearts. As a rule, the fish prefer them, especially in spring and autumn periods. In summer the carp sometimes "chudit". It can dramatically stop to take the worm. Bite in this case are very rare. Then it is necessary to offer him other options. Maggots carp fan of rare, these larvae is better to use in the manufacture of groundbait mix. Fisherman spring can help out the presence of bloodworms. Karas loves him, but then you have to be prepared for the fact that it immediately fly off rudd and Leucaspius. So, when deciding how to catch big carp, you need to remember that the best treat for him - this is, of course, a bunch of manure worms.

Plant attachment

If, during the fishing subside bite carp and disappears, then there need time to orient and change the bait. Consider what else you can offer on the hook this fish. In addition to animal bait in fishing with them should be even and plant. Best of all carp caught on a mash of semolina, steamed barley and pea mastyrku. There are cases when the carp picks and corn. But this head soon to carp.

So, how to catch a fish carp when it starts to "act up"? Once again it is worth recalling the basic rule: the more tips, the more chances of success. On one rod plant the attractive bundle of worms on the second start experimenting. It is recommended to make a sandwich, for example, to spread the worm on the hook once, and barley. If the bite is not, take mastyrku or mash. To something necessarily carp bite. In any case, if there comes a lull, then you need to change the bait.


Karas - lazy fish. Going on a fishing trip, never forget groundbait mixes. However, dear brother does not need bait. In the villages, the fish generally lure garbage. But there are small nuances on how to catch big carp. Bait must necessarily have an odor. Karas has an excellent sense of smell, its taste receptors are also well developed. The best bait for him - a porridge. And these are the main ingredients - at the discretion of the angler. To give the desired flavor of the finished mixture, the most commonly used anise and sunflower oil.

Catching carp spring

Advice to the fishermen how to catch carp

Very interesting spring fishing. How to catch a carp in this period - the question is not simple. When the water warms up in the pond, the fish to the shore. Catching crucian begin in late April. But fishing in this period is very difficult. Water light, so the visibility is very good. Karas spring very timid and shy away from tough tackles and unintelligible sounds. It is also necessary in the spring to choose the right bait. There are many solutions. In the spring time for carp bait the animals preferred. This ground and manure worms, maggots and bloodworms. If the fish is no longer react to the animal heads, it is necessary to replace them with something vegetable. This can be mastyrka or semolina-talker. Also carp responds well to bread crumb. Search fish must be close to the reeds. In open spaces difficult to catch.

Summer fishing on carp

In the warm period of stable biting notes from the first days of June and ending mid-August. But here the role played by the weather and atmospheric pressure. Most bites occur on a brisk morning and evening sunset. In general, it should be noted that good carp takes the bait up to 11 hours of the day. Then there is a slight lull, during which the bite sluggish and frequency. The second wave of activity takes place in 17 hours. Karas continues to pull the float until the sun goes down. But after sunset, have a chance to catch. So, how best to catch carp hefty size? It is noticed that such individuals come to feed in the wee hours and in the evening twilight. Location of fishing need to look carefully. In the summer, especially on hot days, the fish is kept in a thicket of grass in the shade. But she goes on to feed overgrown shallow water, where water is warmed up and you can find an abundance of food. Catching carp in this period can be a worm, steamed peas or barley. Lure reservoir sites need a mixture of corn porridge and crackers. Smell, such a mixture should anise or sunflower oil. But you should not mix these flavors.

In the second half of August, the nights are cooler. Water cools slowly. Aquatic vegetation is gradually settles to the bottom. Karas in this period, moving away from the shore at a depth. You can find it, but the catch will not be as abundant as in the previous months.

Catching carp autumn

Advice to the fishermen how to catch carp

In the autumn bite carp weakens and sometimes disappears. Fish goes into depth, and near the coast it is almost not find. So, how to catch a lot of carp in this unfavorable period? Search fish should be in the backwaters and in the pits. Here it is collected in the pack. When fishing from a boat, is easy to find such a lot, or as they are called - "rays". Throw gear need not in itself a hole, and on its edge. And, of course, can not forget the bait. It is very important. Suitable peas and cake. As always taken the bait worms. In some regions catch carp even the first ice.

The effect of the bottom when fishing for carp

Karas produce their own food, digging at the bottom, while the cloud of haze. Experienced fishermen can find Karasin path by the abundance of bubbles that rise to the surface. This means that at this moment a flock of carp digging in the ground, breaking it in for something nutritious. But in summer, especially on hot days, the fish can dig shallow in mud to cool off a little. There's also a crucian and hibernate, but find it a little deeper.

But sometimes this kind can be found on solid ground. You can think about how to catch carp on the donk. On the solid bottom in a large number of small live organisms, so the fish should be brought to the place of fishing. That's what is needed, and the feeder with groundbait mix. But first you need to find out what the nature of the soil at the site of the pond. For this purpose, the line snag a weight of 30 grams and make a throw. Wait until it falls, and begin slowly to drag him to the shore. If the resistance is virtually non-existent, so the bottom is muddy. If the fishing line is to force, it is likely that the sinker hit the clay. In areas with sandy or rocky bottom carp practically does not occur. Catch him in such places is useless.

Advice to the fishermen how to catch carp

So, how to catch a carp in a pond with muddy bottoms? The main thing - to realize that most likely will take the bait baited with a sinker in the mud a few centimeters. Of course, the carp can find it, if there is a swarm in search of food, but it is best to give the lure buoyancy, for example, putting a hook foam ball. If you use the feeder, then it must be equipped with special strips of foam. It is also necessary to refuse from metal models. Silicone feeders work best.

Catching carp on a spinning

The question is how to catch carp on spinning. Many people think that this is not possible and this tackle this type of fish is not caught. But in recent years in some areas of large carp began to catch it spinning. As a bait color is taken for winter jig fishing, to which is attached artificial crank. Fish perfectly responds to a moving bait. This method of fishing brings good catches.