The hunt for the fox. Hunting season for foxes

Hunting for fox - an exciting experience. In Russia, a lot of her fans. Animal prized his fur, and his skin is a great trophy for a hunter. There are several ways of catching this beast. Now tell us more about them.

With the help of flags

Hunting season for foxes opens as soon as the first snow. Tentatively in November. Hunting with the flags - a kind of persecution battue. It uses the fear of animals in front of a piece of cloth, especially red. As a result, to come close to the check boxes are not at risk.

Held such hunting fox in the winter, during which time they are clearly visible on the white snow. And on the trail is easy to determine where the animal was gone. Then the salary is. To do this, go around the maturation of the beast, making sure that the trace output from the territory there. It is not close to the fox closer than 250-500 meters.

Then surround this place red flags 20 x 10 cm, attached to the cords. They are wound on a special double-ended plug. They need a salary three. Further, along with the flags hung on the bushes prepared in advance slingshot. They should be approximately at the level of the fox eyes.

You need to choose a place of ambush. It should be located on the leeward side, so that the animal did not have time to smell the smell of man. Beaters moving silently. Arrows need to stand motionless, in camouflage overalls, while Fox will not appear in the 20 meters, at a distance shot. If her scare, she can just jump over the cord or under it to undermine.

The hunt for the fox. Hunting season for foxes

Hunting with decoy

Hunting with ambush possible at any time - day or night, when the fox mouse. With this method of semolina are used in addition to the bait, but independent of the application that does not change. Constantly beckon impossible, as animal quickly notice the deception at close range, having an excellent hearing. Hunting fox with decoy based on the food, which the animal feeds. The basis of its diet consists of rabbits, mice, and birds. Monkey mimic the sounds of prey. For example, a mouse squeak, rabbit scream. Monkey vary in price, the more expensive - the better.

The process of

If hunting is conducted in the afternoon, the good physical shape is required, as you have to take quite a long distance. Since it is desirable to have a good binocular. We remind you that the fox should be approached on the leeward side. Then you need to get to a shelter or lie on the ground. Only then begin to beckon.

If Fox was interested after the first sounds, then there is a big chance of it getting caught. But when she approached the 200 meters, stop enticing, and so it is very suitable to the firing range, because the fine stores, where the sound came. it will check its source. I need to shoot shot from a distance of 25-30 meters. Thus it is desirable to get directly into the upper part of the body, because the animal a second chance and can not give.

Hunting for a decoy is well combined with the approach and skrad. If the fox-fed - lure is useless, better skrast.

With dogs

For this four-must be specially prepared and trained. Mainly for this purpose, take the hounds, greyhounds or burrowing. Hunting fox with dogs previously carried out in the field. Psari kept them on dozens of leashes. Originally released lead, and only then the whole pack. Today, this method has changed a lot, but it still holds true today.

on fox hunting with hounds - a bright and catchy

Dog is lowered off the leash, and she works independently, showing the direction of the outgoing fox. Firing position is occupied, being guided by the barking of hounds. Fox usually move in circles, trying to confuse the trail. Intercept her best in open areas. This hunt fox has both pluses and minuses. The beast was initially trying to confuse the marks, then seeks to break away from the dog, moving with the utmost speed. Therefore, aiming to get into it does not always work. Fox may seek refuge in burrows, which is inconvenient for the hound. Its mission - to drive the beast to drive a hunter under the shot. Therefore, the ideal working dogs being driven slowly, and the fox often stops without making large circles.

The hunt for the fox. Hunting season for foxes

Norn fishing

It is mainly used dachshund yagd- and fox terriers. They can work independently or their turn comes when the hounds chased a fox hole. Beast increasingly seeking shelter in the cold, in the rain or strong wind.

Norn hunting fox looks like this: hunters bypass holes, and check that dog. They start to get one. Fox prefers not to engage in battle, and led his pursuers on the underground maze, trying to leave through a different exit. And here are just hunters and catch it. Norn dog with experience, grabs the fox behind the ear, neck or cheek and backed pulls out.


Autumn hunting is carried out in the desert or in the fields, because the dogs need a lot of space. Nowadays used hiking hunting option when lifting fox, dogs are lowered. They are catching up with her, a few grip and stop pressuring. The main advantage of greyhounds - agility and roll when they instantly catching prey.


This breed of dog is great for such a class. Ideal hunting version - in rainy and windy weather. That's when the animal tries to hide from the storm. Dog for hunting foxes must meet certain requirements:

  • It should not be overfed;
  • is not very big, but not small;
  • dog must be hardy and strong;
  • age - at least a year, a perfect option - a two-year.
The hunt for the fox. Hunting season for foxes

Preference is given to the most stalwart Dachshund in an area where the soil is loose and comfortable to dig. And if it is rocky, then the dog should be angry, playful, small, which can drive the fox entered the fray. Hunting with a taxi being as follows: a hole must be approached on the windward side and plug it in once all the holes. But you can leave the grid with large cells, 120 cm in diameter and with bullets on the sides for more in them tangling fox. Left free only one opening. Then the collar with the dog is removed, and its launch into the hole. If the fee is returned back without barking, then it's empty. If she gave out a voice, you need to slowly start to dig a hole.

Dog task - to drive the fox into a corner and hold it there until they otroyut hunters. It is not to be appreciated by a taxi which only barked the animal is returned to the host, even if in a hole of its bite.

Hunting skrad

Patience when hunting skrad plays as big a role as an ambush. It refers to the kind of the most popular methods. Mouse on the fox notice is not difficult, but to approach it in the distance shot is much more difficult. You must move quietly, so she did not smelled the hunter. This is where observation and patience - the most important components.

The hunt for the fox. Hunting season for foxes

For catching chosen field with woods and ravines. If it's autumn hunting, you can find a lot more shelters than in the winter. So, it increases the chances for a successful outcome. Notice the fox in such conditions difficult, but get a shot is much more real than in the open field.

Seeing the animal and determining the direction of its movement, it is necessary to approach or creep with extreme caution, be sure to leeward. You must use all the shelters and noting concerns fox, freeze, so she calmed down.

If found fox resting in the field, then, following, after which time the animal is examined carefully, using all the shelters, to approach it. All that hurt to smell the hunter, you need to use - wind, rain, snow.


Fox burrows consistently failed to live, they use them only for sleep and rest, or offspring O. If there are hidden dangers. Mating also held near the burrows. At the beginning of the season is always the fox returns to brood burrow, it was on its approach and you need to watch. It is necessary to get close, waiting for the vicinity of the young.

The hunt for the fox. Hunting season for foxes

Norn hunting fox does not require traps or snares directly in the pit, as the fox is very cautious and they do not fall. Usually just breaks the second hole. Only to set traps on the way to the hole.


Such a method will require patience and a little preparation. fox hunting starts with the opening of the season, but more interesting and productive in the second half. It was at this time animal often visited the place where the feast is laid out for him. And the fur is in perfect condition in their qualities.

Ambush is best to arrange the night on the tree, it will facilitate the review and increase the chances of remaining undetected for foxes. Some hunters prefer to settle directly under a tree or near a haystack. When the device ambush important to the human silhouette in the moonlight night was invisible. Much less commonly used for this purpose, dug with small loopholes. But it is usually only commercial hunting hunters, professionals or hired rangers for paid fishing.

For bait use any waste from the kitchen, so how to get a fresh carcass and placed in position is problematic. Suitable fish and meat offal, guts, skin, waste from canteens, carcass crows fox likes to eat.

The hunt for the fox. Hunting season for foxes

If you use large bait (carcass sheep, goats and so on. D.) It is tied to a tree or nailed to the ground stake. This is done to ensure that it was impossible to steal from the ambush. Carcass crows, on the contrary, is chopped into small pieces and scattered on the territory, so the fox, not being able to drag and feeds them on the spot. If the waste is brought from the dining room, then you need to pour them in a pre-dug pit. Bird on top of their shelter canvas or wooden planks. Hunt the bait is best in moonlight, light nights. You can also use artificial lighting (head projectors, lights). Warm clothes just brought with him and is put directly at the hunting place.

The use of traps in catching foxes

Catching foxes using traps is rarely used, since this valuable fur suffers give damage. Nevertheless, right after all, you can install them. Hunting fox traps necessarily require knowledge of the habits of the animal, its life, biology, nutrition and response to man.

Animals that live in the dense forests, the most careful person appearance, the smell deters them even from the trap, which is perfectly camouflaged. Therefore, to catch them in this way is very difficult. Foxes living near cities, villages and towns, more accustomed to humans. They are not averse to visits to landfills, farms, and not against profit food that people have.

They are so accustomed to humans that often do not experience before it even fear. Therefore, to catch them a lot easier. When visiting places where foxes may encounter humans, they become accustomed not only to the tracks and the human smell, but also to the iron, and it allows you to prepare traps are not as thoroughly as for the dense forests.

But to equip the trap is still required in advance. Cleaned of rust, fix the problem in the mechanism, boil in coniferous or herbal teas. Traps should be kept outside the premises - separately, with the gloves. The best option - to deliver them to the installation site in the same bag in which they lay.

fox hunting begins early in the year, in the deep snow. It was at this time the animal willingly attends bait. To set a trap you need to game trail, as animals prefer to run on them. Most often, these paths trodden to landfills.

The hunt for the fox. Hunting season for foxes

Setting the trap

Place it in two ways. Cut a piece of track small wooden spatula and tamped snow, put the trap in the resulting hole. Then the piece is returned to the place, the gap is filled with snow shovel and restore the following figure. You can simply dig a path near the side of the hole to keep the integrity of the trail has been broken.

Traps necessarily provided with rope, chain or swivel and fixed to the tree stump. Fox got into the trap and pulls out a piece of wood for themselves. Therefore, to find it later on the trail that it leaves quite simple.

For catching the most commonly used numbers 1 and 2. This small traps, with the second spring. They are very easy to install, besides not slaughtered fox paw. Blades are mainly used with a long handle, which reaches 3-4 meters.