Where the fish are biting? Weather for fishing. fishing spots

Fishing can be called the main topic of conversation almost half of the male population. Discusses how and where the fish are biting, on what it takes nozzle, new gear, appeared on the market, and so on. D.

Where the fish are biting? Weather for fishing. fishing spots


These professionals are engaged in a favorite pastime at any time of the year, day and night. They did not stop even the fact that the street is not very good weather for fishing.

For every lover of "quiet hunt" fishing underwater inhabitants - is a mystery, because even the most experienced of them do not know exactly how to catch back home. These fans, they are constantly thinking about the upcoming hike in the body of water: in advance prepare gear, to on-site to avoid the problems a long time and carefully select the most catchability places are wondering where are biting fish, etc. But the happy hours spent with a fishing rod in his hands.. become the best recreation.

Where the fish are biting: Tips

Fishing ... So, tomorrow, had a free day, and the man decides to devote his hobby. The first raises the question of where to go, where the best fishing spots. No one wants to spend all day on the waterfront in vain. To begin interrogating beginners as their relatives and friends who really enjoys a quiet hunt. Surely someone has reliable information about where the fish are biting best. And if the question of the place has already been resolved, we can safely collect gear, cook nazhivku- and go. But if you do not have anyone to ask, then you need to know the most common signs by which one can determine where the fish are biting. Knowing some of them, you can not worry about the catch.

For example, in waters where shallow or sandy bottom, but because of small fishes is very small, does not meet predator. However, at night it is quite possible to get the fry, which dug into the sand in search of food. In such cases, it is best to catch a minnow.

Where the fish are biting? Weather for fishing. fishing spots

Fish place

If you have to angling on the river, where there is a relatively rapid flow, you should know that the underwater inhabitants go on stream or relax in those places where the flow subsides and forms whirlpools. If there is a large stone in the water, wood or something else, you can be sure: for this obstacle is a very promising place where the fish bite more often. No less catchability sites there are on the bend in the river. If the beach goes sharply to the right, and the flow direction is a straight line, resulting in formation of turbulence, it is a very promising place. It is there and should throw the bait, and the result will not take long. It should also be aware that the bed of the river, passing under the steep bank, often forming deep enough places where there may be a lot of loot.

Experienced anglers know that the bridges, trees, flooded barges - anything that can create a barrier downstream, creating areas where the fish are biting just fine. Basically, all the underwater inhabitants are kept not on the jet and the "cubbyhole" in such. However, there are times when the fish are actively powered, so it can be fishing on the rapids.

Where else are the best fishing spots and can hide prey? It may well hide in holes and creeks, the old piles, bridges and dams, near waterfalls or near fallen trees in the water. At such sites, for it can always find what to eat.

Where the fish are biting? Weather for fishing. fishing spots

Weather conditions and their impact

Do not think that the fish does not react to heat or cold. If a person is exhausted from the scorching summer scorching heat, even underwater inhabitants also have hard times. They go to where the water is warming worse - into the depths. If on the shore there is at least one tree that leaned over the smooth surface of it, it is necessary to seek his fortune is in his shadow. On the lake you need to look for places where rills. At such sites, water cooler, so maybe there will be a good bite. If it's autumn cold, the fish need to look closer to the shore. In places where a strong current and a flat bottom, it is better not to waste time looking for prey. Fish in the summer is not there, where the water blooms, as well as wetlands, where there is a severe lack of oxygen. In heavily overgrown waters mining to look for on the open frontier of clean water and thickets. After heavy rainfall it will be good to peck at the place where contact is clean and muddy streams.

Where the fish are biting? Weather for fishing. fishing spots

For a successful fishing wind - additional help, of course, if it blows from the west or southwest. Prevent biting north, east and north-east air currents.

The forecast of fish activity

There are certain factors that have the greatest influence on the behavior of underwater creatures. It depends on them whether the fish will indiscriminately miss any bait or refuse even the most tempting bait. Underwater inhabitants are cold-blooded creatures. During the warmer months they feed more intensively, but in the heat of liveliness significantly reduced. For carp, for example, the optimum temperature for a good bite is considered to twenty degrees or more, and for salmon - slightly below fifteen.

fish cloudless sunny days, usually it goes away from the surface layers. In this period, it should look a little deeper, where the water is cool, since there do not get direct sunlight. If the sun comes out after heavy rains or cold weather, the fish flock to the more shallow areas - where the water warms up quickly. Under normal season temperatures characteristic for specific regions, they are fed on a normal level.

Where the fish are biting well in the winter?

For those interested in where to fish in the winter, you need to know that in cold weather it is more active on the flow in the rivers. In standing water, where there is a lack of oxygen, production is much worse responds to the bait. If selected for the fishing lake or pond, you need to look at the confluence of these streams or small rivers.

Where the fish are biting? Weather for fishing. fishing spots

The greatest activity on cold days experienced anglers note predators, whereas peaceful fishes - carp, carp, roach, etc. -.. At low temperatures is reduced. Thus it is necessary to know that each kind of vast amounts of underwater inhabitants react to changing weather conditions in the direction of cooling in different ways. Bream, perch, roach in the winter months are experiencing difficult times. Reduced their food supply, decreasing water temperature and oxygen content. Therefore, fishing in gluhozime may have a few bites.

At the same time every experienced angler will tell you that perch on the first ice jigging usually ends with a good catch. The same thing happens during the beginning of melting.

True lovers of fishing since the warm-season get accustomed to the places where they will be fishing on the ice. The rate of flow, vegetation, water, depth, shoals, vector deflected jet, rapids, islands, bottom structure, the presence of stones, boulders - all these signs have interest to them, as any information needed in the winter. Drill a few holes in the ice mnogosantimetrovom without checking the presence of fish in the first, but is useful when there is complete certainty that the fish in this area is, and the work will not be in vain. And it may be only in the case of a good reservoir of knowledge.

When to catch perch

In our country this is not a fish caught just lazy. In the spring she is going to spawn, so the best perch fishing in the shallow bays, where a lot of food. In May, postponing eggs ends, so the fish begins to travel the river on hot days long lingering in shady places. Favorite places for big fish in deep waters in the summer are snags, holes, whirlpool. With the onset of autumn leaves perch in the bottom layers. There he spends the whole winter. The best time for his angling - a perch on the ice first and prespawning Jora - in the spring, when he was particularly active feeds, gaining strength after a severe winter. This fish loves the calm, calm weather, is not strong, but steady frosts.

Where the fish are biting? Weather for fishing. fishing spots

Going on a fishing trip, it is worth pre wonder where the perch are biting on a particular body of water. It must be said that within days of the mining activity may vary. Many of our waters better perch bite in the morning, especially in the winter. Although it also happens that the mining activity begins only in the evening.

On the winter perch fishing

Search for catchability places like Tips experienced "winter roads", should move in shallow areas. Ready to fish wells best moderately weighty, it is not very rough tackle. The main task of fishing with a snap - finding fish. After that, the tackle is best replaced by a more suitable one.

Unique shallow water is the volatility conditions as perch on such sites is very sensitive to various factors. If coastal areas there is no grass, holes should be drilled to a depth of at least a distance of five meters.

On small depths should not begin to catch at dusk, especially in cases where the depth at which the fish is worth, is not known beforehand. Otherwise, the risk is great proshlyapil Okuneva horizon before you start a good bite. Angler will have to spend a lot of time in search of prey, where it's gone.

In fact, according to experienced anglers tips, where the perch a few. Firstly, it attracts the grass, especially if the water is not enough oxygen, and secondly, bush line is a sign of a significant differential depths. The latter feature is especially important when fishing for the first or last ice. After finding Okuneva horizon to begin drilling wells, focusing on the coastline.

Features zander

Sudak, being a very popular fish, attracts a large number of fans of silent hunting. The bite can be expected throughout the year, whatever the weather. To catch walleye was successful, the angler must have good knowledge of production habits, their habitats, as well as the most effective ways of fishing. The hunt for this predatory fish begins in early spring. Then, at the walleye spawning runs, and after that it goes to the usual for a particular water body diet. Full walleye fishing on open water begins in June. It was in the early summer of this fish-hunters flock to the ponds. However, the best period for catching "river tiger" is considered to fall, because it is the most stable. In winter, a constant positive result is obtained only individual fishermen. Therefore, with the Mid-Autumn spinnings not lose a single day. In October, walleye fishing is characterized by numerous bites. Fishing with bait can give in this period as trehsotgrammovyh "caps" and weighty "Agapov". There are also frequent instances of catching trophy with a weight of more than five or six kilograms.

Where the fish are biting? Weather for fishing. fishing spots

The secrets of catching carp

The representative of the family of carp in our country is widespread. However, winter places where carp are biting, a lot less. It's only deep water reservoirs in areas with mild climate. The fact is that in small ponds and in areas where the long cold winter reigns, this fish buries itself in the mud. She goes into a deep sleep, from which wakes up in the middle of spring, when the water is just starting to warm up.

On a calm surface of the lake or pond that representative freshwater carp family makes itself felt bubbles. Often it can be found in places that are overgrown with reeds. Whole carp flock willingly grow roots in areas where there are water lilies, as well as where on the surface of the pond floating duckweed. Thick and clumsy carp prefer still water, moving away from the flow of the tranquil location. Muddy lakes are preferred habitat of this representative of carp. This enduring underwater creatures can be found almost everywhere, even in the cold of spring pits, although he loves vodichku warm.

For a successful fishing on carp are incredibly important good weather conditions. In addition to the positive temperature, a catch is also influenced by the amount of the separated eve rainfall and atmospheric pressure. On cloudy days with strong wind for the angler likely to return home with empty cages. In most fishing performed on carp fishing rod for long keel and float from 0, 2 to 7 grams. also must have an antenna, wherein the sinker on the gear is set so that it is necessarily located above the water. This helps the angler to choose the most opportune time for sweeps.

Fishing for pike

Hunting for the toothy predator differs incredible excitement and adrenaline increase. It is from fishing requires not only skill and ingenuity, but also some knowledge. This is - a worthy and strong competitor for the true connoisseur of silent hunting. That fishing was successful, and in the catch turned out to be the coveted trophy, you will need to carefully read those places where the predator lives, to know where the pike bite, to study its habits and choose wisely tackle.

no fundamental significance in the question for this fish, which inhabit. Pike feels equally well in salt water and in grown or swamps bog waters with sulphurous water. Small water reservoirs for this predator with the arrival of winter, it becomes destructive. Even deep lakes and large rivers without having them cut through the keys or are not comfortable this fish habitat, as a result of the decay of vegetation in them the amount of oxygen is sharply reduced. And without this vital component of an underwater inhabitant of choking.

Average size individuals often follow the shoreline, where they find a small grassy areas, whereas for large specimens rather great depth. Young pike mainly gather in places that are overgrown with grass or reeds. There they find a shelter and hide in snags, bushes and Moche.

Usually pike anglers looking for in the thickets of aquatic vegetation in the flooded bushes, among the remains of buildings and sunken snags, as well as in places where there are a variety of uneven bottom. This fish bite in flooded pits, whirlpools in the river channel, oxbow lakes, quarries. In such places are often the hooks, so fishermen are recommended to have on hand to unhook. Usually pike standing motionless in ambush. Noticing prey, predator, rapidly rushing at her, missing and comes back again. Activity in the search for parking of this fish is one of the important conditions for its successful fishing. Best of all fishing for pike is held in spring and autumn, although it is well and bite in the winter months. It caught on spinning, track, float rod, mugs. But many in the winter go fishing, trolling and zherlitsy.

Weather conditions also affect the catch. Predator prefers to feed on a cloudy day, when the rain is not very strong and light winds. The best bite is observed during the low atmospheric pressure.