When you open hunting duck

August for hunters - the most desirable time to, because at that time opened the hunting season for the rest of game birds: upland, waterfowl, marsh, meadow, steppe, mountain and field. Also open season for shooting wild boars, bears, marmots, ground squirrels, hamsters and moles. However, so many are interested in when you open the hunt for ducks. August - the month when the crop harvested, the whole summer bustle has already stopped, you can relax. At the end of the month feathered young steppes, marshes, and forests and water bodies has grown sufficiently. Excellent hunting of birds is carried out in tandem with cops, and be able plenty hunt owners of birds of prey. They also open the season.

When you open hunting duck

The beginning of hunting season

The shooting of game birds, particularly duck hunt begins in the second or third Saturday of August. Everything depends on the hunting regions. In some earlier, others later give permission. But what is the week? It's so small, and you can proceed to active recreation.

Hunting with the approach

In August, the young ducklings almost all have a pretty good flying, exceptions are more nesmyshlonye "hlopuntsy", but they are quite small. From the first days of the season begins the hunt for ducks with the approach. This is when the birds are very quiet, so as not to frighten off, hiding behind vegetation on the banks, are selected as close as possible to the shot. Because ducks often feed in the reeds, and various shrubs located near the coast, but as soon as they hear that someone is approaching quickly float away or fly away in the middle of the pond.

on plosah Hunting

Ducks often in the early days, and if no one is worried, then in the afternoon, looking for a meal on plosah. They come back whole broods, is a great place for hunting. It is also very convenient to hunt with a dog. Hunter admits it in the reeds or other vegetation, inhabited by ducks, and he is closely following the soaring individuals, shooting them on the fly. However, there are always experienced ducks who do not want to take off and hard to run away from the dog. In such cases, hunters are where there are bare patches in the vegetation, and wait for the bird of their crosses. However one needs to be careful not to accidentally shoot the dog.

in the marshes Security

When you open hunting duck

Swamp - a place where the best duck hunting. They are rich in game, but also a rather dangerous. There are often swamp into which can cater to the inexperienced hunter. Therefore, in these areas better hunt group. That all participants could hedging each other, in which case the rescue comrade.

The most popular way of hunting ducks

When you open hunting duck

Ducks comply with their regime. During the day they are in one place, and to migrate to another overnight. Hunters are very fond of these most flights to earn their trophies. These flights are in the morning and evening. Bird watching, you can calculate the exact time of their flight. To hunt for a duck in such a place was successful, you need a good disguise. In this case, a bird from the air will not see a person or group of people ready to shoot them. So hunters are building shelters and otherwise disguise their clothes under the surrounding vegetation. Before landing at the place kormozhki, pack makes a few laps, looking around. Such hunting, in addition to being productive and can produce at a time a few individuals, so more and very interesting. In areas flight hunters often compete in the mastery of a gun. It is often necessary to get a bird with different distances. Here you can show all his skill as a marksman.

Hunting entrance with

When you open hunting duck

This type of hunting is quite widespread and fascinating. Its essence is that in shallow waters, where a lot of undergrowth, to get unsuspecting prey nothing. Two hunters sit in the boat, one controls the second sitting in the bow part of it with a gun - a shooter. He has to shoot just sitting and forward such safety rules. Since everything is done in complete silence, the bird does not notice the people and get to it, you can pretty close. This distance may also depend on the vegetation in the specific area. When a bird flies, the hunter shoots it. Hunting for ducks and geese for many is the best way to show their skills in understanding the habits of birds, as well as the ability to shoot.

Hunting with the approach on small rivers

It is carried out where there are no large bodies of water, and the birds choose the place for kormozhki near small rivers. Ducks pinch sedge and vegetation, which lies directly in the water. For hunters shooting ducks with the approach - a tedious process that requires considerable strength and endurance. However, a lot of amateurs and professionals love it Brodova hunt, because the difficulty trophies do more desirable and memorable.

Hunting with stuffed animals

When you open hunting duck

It is necessary to come to a place two hours before dawn and at a certain distance sketch stuffed ducks. They need a lot of enough from eight to twenty. It is also highly recommended to have a decoy, and know how to use. Many hunters use decoy clumsily that scares the bird. Therefore it is necessary to explore the sounds that emit ducks, for example, during the mating season, when males call females. You should also know exactly how far away from the coast stuffed. Knowing this, we can competently aim for exact hit.

The behavior of ducks in different weather

When there is hunting for duck, very helpful knowledge of the behavior of the desired game. After all, the weather changes take place in the usual way of the day ducks, knowing that you can easily and accurately detect them. Such knowledge is absolutely necessary for a successful hunt.

When the weather is excellent sunny weather, ducks resting selected on the remote shore or floating objects in the water, such as logs or islands of algae. They sit, burying his head under his wing. Very calm and unhurried.

When quiet, but cloudy weather, ducks are selected plosy that are protected by dense vegetation, which is able to protect them from predators or hunters.

It is very important for a hunter to know that after the rain duck reluctant to fly. This is due to the fact that when there is rain, droplets accumulate in the plumage, and it is not like birds. To lose them, they occasionally fly from place to place. And if the rain went quite a long time, the ducks get tired, and when it ends, rest. But during the holiday hunt duck productive, because the bird can not at this time so briskly taking off due to fatigue, it is an excellent tool for the hunter.

When the weather is windy, duck hiding in the thick grass or reeds near the shore. They choose nevetrenuyu side, it is so they are not worried about a wave, wind-blown. In such weather conditions, the bird does not go on at all exposed areas, so that hunting at this time is meaningless, unless, of course, unknown place of refuge.

How to shoot while hunting a duck

When you open hunting duck

small birds get better, using a fraction number 6-7. Large animals such fraction can not take, so choose the number 4-5. But the duck whose plumage is very hard, you need to extract a fraction number 3.

on goose hunting

For many, autumn hunting ducks - it is a great pastime and hobby. But it is also interesting and equally exciting hunt geese in October and November. At this time, they fly over the fields and forests. Hunters, knowing their place of flight, making huts or simply masked by the surrounding vegetation. After all, the geese are very careful and, seeing people change their ways. This hunt is very exciting because it is possible to obtain excellent trophies rather large bird.