Hunting for a badger. Hunting with dogs on badger

Badger, which is found everywhere in Europe, Central Asia and the Far East, from the middle of the summer begins to accumulate fat. Its fat has long been known as an excellent remedy for the treatment of tuberculosis and other ailments.

By the time the hunt begins on the badger, an animal can be very bold. Some individuals may give up to six kilograms of fat.

Badger meat is edible. Experienced hunters know: that it had no taste, at the dead animal should immediately cut the gland under the tail.

Hunting for a badger. Hunting with dogs on badger

Season shooting

Hunting terms badger associated with a long period of its hibernation. They are very short. In areas where hunting is allowed on the badger, the season opens with the second half of August or beginning of September. It is that time is characterized by a maximum fat in his body. Hunting for a badger is closed, as a rule, the thirty-first of October.

The best time for hunting

Of course, to go to this animal at any time of the day. But the most dobychlivoy is hunting for a badger at night, especially when there is a moon. This increases the chances of accuracy of the shot. Yes, and look for the beast in the moonlight is much easier than it is totally dark.

Generally, hunting at night, the shooter must be completely sure that will get the first time. After all, if he did not immediately spot a badger, the latter breaks to burrow and hide where the subsequent finishing. Aim must be to the front of his body, and use a small canister.

Hunting for a badger. Hunting with dogs on badger

But if for some reason was unable to shoot the prey immediately, and a wounded animal disappeared into its hole, do not despair. You just have to come back in the morning to the place of hunting, to carefully examine the underground manhole badger with a powerful flashlight. Perhaps half dead prey-podranok will be very close to the entrance, and its carcass will be able to get almost bare hands.

In a badger with a husky

This method is quite interesting. Hunting for a badger with a husky effective until when the earth begins to freeze. The dog easily finds a hole production in which she lives. She begins to bark, and permitting its growth, is trying to penetrate, to come to grips with the beast.

Many rightly believe that hunting badger with a husky - it is one of the most interesting and very gambling methods of animal production. Particular interest attaches to such hunting is that it is most often carried out at night.

This is due to the fact that the badger is mainly nocturnal. Sleeping off the day in their burrow at dusk animal poisoned search of food. And during his utility bills and intercept using huskies.

Hunting for a badger. Hunting with dogs on badger

Features badger production with huskies

The principle of this type of hunting is as follows: after dark man with a four-legged helpers coming to badger burrows. On the behavior of dogs he is convinced that there is no animal in the burrow.

Thereafter Huskies descend from the leash and sent on the trail of a badger. And the hunters themselves at this time trying to close as much as possible the number of entries in the underground shelter badger. Along the way they listen to the barking of their dogs.

Laika If you can not stop production, and she runs to the hole, trying to hide it, at this point it is already lurking hunter. And an accurate shot brings first trophy.

As a rule, badger does not depart from their homes over a distance of five hundred meters, so Laika easily manage it quickly to find and attack.

In some cases, a very experienced and trained dogs have time before the hunter's approach to strangle the beast, but it happens quite rarely. Most often, huskies, find prey, only badger bites, not letting him go. Hearing the characteristic barking of his assistants, the hunter quickly gets to the point of a kind of duel between the prey and the dog. Highlighting badger bright lantern light, he kills it with a trident slingshot. In this case, it is necessary to be very careful not to damage your own dog in confusion. to badger hunting with dogs is usually performed with such four-legged assistants, whose age has already reached one and a half years. At the same time they have to be brave, strong and quite vicious.

With burrowing dogs

Hunting for a badger. Hunting with dogs on badger

to badger hunting at least recklessly with the taxi and Wire Fox Terrier. Knowing exactly where the animal lives, the person is sent back with two pritravlennymi burrowing dogs.

Examining the holes, and finally making sure of the behavior of his aides that the badger is inside, the hunter removes collars with them, running them in an underground hole.

Almost all taxes and especially the Wire Fox Terrier quite vicious and with great zeal and aggressiveness attacking prey in burrows. At the same time, and old mother badgers - a powerful and dangerous rivals for dogs. That is why as soon as possible the hunter tries to help dogs overcome their victim. Jumped out of the underground manhole dog animal attack, trying to hold in place. Hunt ends man to seek prey or a gun, or by using a slingshot - analogue of simple iron fork.

Hunting for a badger. Hunting with dogs on badger

For accurate shot in the dark, many people use a powerful flashlight, fastening it under the barrel of the weapon. Noticing the running out of the hole badger, hunter, aiming to clear prominent silhouette by a thread to attach comprises light. Bright blinding beam, especially in the dark autumn moonless night, so illuminates the beast, that it can confidently shoot.


Some hunters, who have not got four-legged assistants - huskies or taxi to resort to another type of trapping the animal. Hunting for a badger traps with not less successful. she sometimes even more productive. Traps must be strong --in double, a better framework. Their useful striking area should be larger dimensions than the trayed species. Traps are placed directly from the outputs of the holes. They need to be carefully mask leaves. Not bad "work" these traps and already well-trodden paths of badgers. A well-fed enough to the animal is unable to drag the trap to his burrow, the device chain or wire tied to a strong tree.

As readily badgers eat meat bait can be laid out not only within the trap, but far away from its hole, thereby luring it in the right direction.

Hunting for a badger trap is one of the easiest ways of getting this beast. However, for the majority of fans of sports gear such unattractive appearance. In their view, it is completely devoid of passion.

Installation Requirements traps

Hunting for a badger. Hunting with dogs on badger

Although hunting with traps badger is considered not very sporting, to mining landed in a trap, a person needs a certain skill and adherence to a number of requirements. Primarily they relate to correct processing and masking devices.

It often happens that the badger digs itself, or, on the contrary, digs a trap. Often he is doing, and additional output from their homes. So hunters need to think carefully about where to place their traps, to get the coveted trophy chances are maximized.

Traps must be checked daily as the badger, falling into the trap of trying by all means to escape from it.

On the way to ...

Hunting for a badger. Hunting with dogs on badger

One of the most reliable places where almost one hundred percent probability may catch this beast is a trail leading to his "toilet". Few hunters know that the badger is a fairly clean animals and is celebrating his need in a particular place, which secures to a once and for all. With this purpose, he regularly visits his "toilet", located near the hole. As a rule, it is about a hundred meters from his underground shelter. A seasoned hunter who is familiar with the habits of their prey, there is no difficulty to quickly discover it. Badger "toilet" - a small depression in the ground, the depth of which is about ten, and diameter - twenty-five centimeters.

Thus it is necessary to know what a cautious beast often feels the danger that comes from the trap and bait, located directly at the entrance to its burrow. Therefore Badger can unexpectedly yield using a different underground, in front of which there is no trap.