How to drive safely in winter

• How to safely ride in the winter

Day tinsmith - probably every driver is familiar with the beginning of the winter season car. The holiday begins with the start of the cold weather and the first snow. Untrained or just rely on Russian perhaps reckless become a real headache for all road users. We have prepared for you a few not the most obvious secrets that will help circumvent the winter road hazard side.

How to drive safely in winter

Traps at stops

Particular attention should be given to stop the process in - attention! - the bus stop. Presented to your attention a semantic masterpiece fully reflects the dangers lying in wait for inexperienced drivers in the winter. This site, however, like any other place where there is often slows down and touches public transportation (it is not a status, but constant), covered with fine Roll the ice, if not slow down smoothly and gently, the risk to fly to the margins will be very great.

How to drive safely in winter

Parking Secrets

Forget about summer parking rules. Even the metropolis, where the machines are trying to get used to as close as possible to each other, will allow a person to find an adequate space. The fact that the narrow spaces between machines, it is very likely to get a scratch. It only takes one careless movement of the wheel - and ice will finish the rest.

How to drive safely in winter

Learn emergency tormozzheniyu

Some, of course, and do not need to learn - a skill they have from birth. Everything else we strongly recommend that measurements of its own stopping distance at the beginning of each winter. Blank outdoor parking is fine: I bet you're surprised to see how to increase your braking distance is already forty or fifty kilometers per hour. Imagine what it would be on a standard for the city 80!

How to drive safely in winter

The brake pedal

In an ideal - winter braking there should dispense with the same name by the pedal. Stop the machine smoothly dropping gas and engine braking. Try to learn the braking step.

How to drive safely in winter

Dangerous track

Another year life hacking, which does not work in the winter - driving on the tram tracks. The first wheel that touches the rail when you restructure of its range, can easily slip off, sending your car to an abrupt skid.

How to drive safely in winter

Winter tires

Exactly what you should not do - so it is to save on winter tires. Special protectors provide a reliable connection to the road, which can not make a summer.