Workout biceps. The training program for biceps

The men and women involved in sports at home or in gyms, you should always pretty biceps workout, because to have a powerful and massive arm muscles everyone wants. But success can not please everyone. Many people think that all a matter of genetics, but in fact it is a profound mistake. Not only a desire, you need to get up and act.

If you can not attend the gym, then get upset, and even more generally to postpone this matter until later, it is not necessary, because the biceps and triceps workout for luxury hand can also be performed at home.

Workout biceps. The training program for biceps

In order to achieve excellent results, not necessarily even take anabolic steroids and every day to absorb a huge amount of protein products. Proper nutrition is undoubtedly one of the main factors, but the primary - only training.

How to swing the biceps

During the training the biceps is necessary not only to give all the power, but also to comply with the technique. Of course, when an athlete reaches a more advanced level, cheating (movement with intentional violation of technology implementation) will benefit, but in the initial or middle stage of this will not happen.

Most celebrities who can create for themselves and others the training program on the biceps, triceps, leg muscles, back and so on, often resort to wrong approach. For them, these "feats" contribute to further advancement in the field of bodybuilding, but the mere mortal absolutely no benefit they bring. As it happens for the reason that the muscles are not used to large scales, will not be able to respond as necessary to such training. These exercises will give the opposite effect and lead to microtrauma so the training program for the biceps must be formulated so that each move was obtained to perform as much as possible correctly. Called biceps biceps muscle, which performs two important functions - the movement of the forearm and elbow flexion. The main part of this muscle is a long head, which becomes noticeable especially after training biceps, because more than anyone else is involved. With the short head it is more complicated, since the need for special exercises for her, where the elbow bends and the long head of the virtually non-existent.

The effective exercise of the biceps can be called that, where implemented approaches in the average number of reps from 5 to 8, to which responds perfectly biceps. Upon reaching a certain level, when the athlete has become accustomed to such trainings, it is necessary to increase the load, but perform approaches in which the number of repetitions does not exceed 5.

Workout biceps. The training program for biceps

Common Errors

Novice athletes when training biceps admit blunders. One of the most important is to work with heavy weights, which violates the exercise equipment. Often young athletes too early to begin the so-called "Pumping" (biceps training on the weight of a large number of sets and reps, but using a small weight).

The third big mistake is overtraining. During the execution of a training exercise for biceps you need to forget about this principle as "a lot, so good." Of course, to achieve the desired result will have to train a lot and for a long time, but this should be done in moderation. Newbies are not ready for exhausting training, so not even worth trying.

Often people are faced with a problem when the training program for the biceps in the home does not give the desired effect. It's not in the program, and in its implementation. Athletes engaged in the house, do not want to control your body, because of what make the wrong movement and do not get the result that we wanted. In fact, to monitor the correct execution is very easy - just put a mirror near enough that not only helps to control the body during training, but will also provide the opportunity to admire his own power and the results already achieved.

The recommendations of professionals

Start training, you need to remember the advice given by true professionals in the field of bodybuilding:

  1. If you experience discomfort in the joints need to use fixing bandages. Each painful sensation is a signal for cessation of exercise, and treatment by a doctor.
  2. be sure to relax your arms After one approach. Ideal for this will stretch.
  3. Before each class should be a good warm up your muscles. This will provide protection from injury, and excess strain. The warm-up is required to pay at least 10 minutes.
  4. In order to achieve the best results you need to adhere to the correct and balanced diet, and one should not forget that the protein - an excellent source of muscle tissue growth.

Lifting rod

To perform the best home exercises for the development of the biceps is only necessary to purchase special equipment that does not take up much space. Lifting rod standing - is a universal exercise biceps benefiting all, regardless of their type or form. But, as with any other exercise, when performing the wrong it does not give the desired result. Even during the cheating error in curl it may be the most minimal.

Workout biceps. The training program for biceps

When the shell is necessary to lift stand straight without arching your back and do not slouch, placing feet shoulder width apart. At the highest point of the rod movement in any case should not touch the chest and in the lower position should not be too long delays. The most optimal rate - one second when picked up and two seconds when lowering, without making any delays at the bottom.

Exercise with weights

Training biceps dumbbells can easily replace the complex with a barbell. Exercises are performed with a barbell, on the same technique can be performed with these shells. Holders biceps oblong shape is dumbbell fit best.

It should be noted that the longer the biceps, the more it needs to be stretched at the lowest point, to put more emphasis power. Therefore, long biceps well can pump on the bench with backrest tilted back at a slight angle. Here, as you would with a barbell is required to keep your back straight, but not overtaxing her and movements carried out with biceps effort rather than due to inertia of the shoulders and elbows.

Holders of short biceps classic exercises are ideal:

  1. Lifting dumbbells while standing. Hands with dumbbells to pull along the body, turning the palms inward. Alternately or simultaneously, it is necessary to bend the elbows, biceps straining while turning palms outward. After that, hands with dumbbells are lowered, but at a low point do not relax, and then repeat the same movement.
  2. Hammers. The exercise is performed by the type of the previous one, but the hands are raised only to turn and brush remained motionless.
Workout biceps. The training program for biceps

The good horizontal bar

Athletes who can not afford to engage in sports complexes, can work out your biceps and pull-ups on the bar. In this case, they must be carried out not as a classic.

The grip must be reversed, and the distance between your hands should not be more than 8 centimeters. You must rise to the level exactly when the chin will be flush with the bar and the sink should not be to the end, not to relax the muscles. The number of sets and the number of repetitions in them should be considered the same as in the training of athletes. At the first level to do more than 5 sets of 10 reps. When the muscles accustomed, you can proceed to the next stage, where additional weight is used, and the number of repetitions is reduced to 6-7.

training biceps on the weight of

Those who wish to pump up your biceps you must fulfill several conditions:

  • pass the initial course, preparing the muscles for more hard work;
  • to train at full strength, but not overdo it.

In order to increase the mass, it is necessary to perform all the exercises described above, but in no case can not prevent cheating. In this case, it is very important, as the slightest error, all previously achieved results can be lost.

In order to set the mass is recommended to perform three sets, supersets, and other similar programs that work smoothly only if laid out completely.

Workout biceps. The training program for biceps

With supersets have to make a minimum rest or do without it. By performing the first exercise (of a compound), the number of repetitions should equal 6, in the second (insulating) - about 8-10.

on the relief Exercises

In order not to turn the "drying" in "Pumping", you need to approach the issue of creating a relief competently. The best option in this case would be three sets. The first (basic) exercise should be 6 repetitions, the second (insulating) - 10 repetitions, and the third must be a base, but with the mold.

Athletes with short biceps muscle to complete the three-set best lifting barbell on bench Scott or conventional lifting dumbbells in a standing position, and to elongate the biceps more suitable lifting dumbbells using a bench with backrest.

Workout biceps. The training program for biceps

The number of repetitions in the last three sets of exercises should be slightly above average. Despite the fact that these exercises are basic, their main task is pumping the main part of the bicep. In just one training session is allowed to carry out no more than three sets of three, because as more of a will to anything.


Some athletes believe that the conventional push-ups will not help in the elaboration of the biceps, while others say that such exercises are quite effective. None of these versions can not be true, as push-ups - this is not even the most effective exercises for athletes whose bodies are predisposed to it. But at the same time, they are useless for people who are very difficult.

With the help of push-ups, created specifically for the biceps, you can pump it, but do not develop, since for this purpose only fit exercises, engages its maximum.

Push-ups for biceps performed almost as well as classic, but it is necessary to expand the brush back and his hands pressed to the body as possible. When lowering or raising the elbows should not deviate.

Use of the weight

In working with the biceps can be successfully used as a projectile and a weight. Despite the fact that it is recommended for people who have a natural predisposition to athleticism, her exercise will be useful for the commission of any of the body structure. The weight can be used in the same exercises that are performed with dumbbells.

Workout biceps. The training program for biceps

training techniques

That all recommendations described in the article gave the maximum effect, it is necessary to engage in cycles, completely laying out and taking the time to rest. An ideal option for training the biceps will be twice a week, alternating with the intensity required. With the need to exercise only once a week, the purpose of "drying" or of "peak".