How do I use chamomile for face: recipes and reviews of result

Benefits of chamomile for the face and body as a whole can not be disputed. This unique plant is used in traditional and folk medicine since ancient times. All kinds of herbal teas, tinctures and extracts of chamomile is used to treat a variety of diseases. The healing properties of this amazing flower, many women today are used in the home cosmetics.

How do I use chamomile for face: recipes and reviews of result

The use of chamomile Face

Of course, many women prefer to go to the store and buy any liked cosmetic. However, we know that it is much more effective to work on the skin means, cooked their own hands.

Chamomile face has long been used in the form of tinctures and decoctions. It has a positive effect on the skin, exerting an anti-inflammatory, soothing, allergen and whitening effect. Moreover, chamomile is excellent moisturizing and anti-aging agent. The secret of this effect lies in the chemical composition of this plant.

How do I use chamomile for face: recipes and reviews of result

The chemical composition of

Overestimate the cosmetic and healing properties of chamomile is quite difficult. Even in the times of Hippocrates, it was one of the main medicinal plants. In our country it grows everywhere and has long been used in both traditional and non-traditional medicine. This unique effect of chamomile on the state of the epidermis is due to the substances included in its composition:

  • carotene, which is a natural form of vitamin A, softens and smoothes the skin upper layers;
  • sitosterol activates metabolic processes in the skin;
  • flavonoids protect the skin from the damaging effects of UV light on it;
  • sesquiterpenes - a special substance, creating a kind of protective film, it also protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and low temperature;
  • chamazulene - substance having antiinflammatory, antibacterial and antiallergic action;
  • caprylic acid relaxes muscles, thus contributing to smooth out the wrinkles, moreover, it has an antifungal action;
  • organic acids included in the daisy soothe and cleanse the skin.

have said many times that the products manufactured on the basis of chamomile, perfectly combines cosmetic and medicinal properties. And all thanks to its unique chemical composition, which is suitable for all skin types: normal, dry, sensitive, oily and even problematic.

However, we must not forget that the use of chamomile for the face, the use of which is undisputed, can lead to some difficulties or complications. That is why it is very important to understand how to prepare cosmetic products from this plant at home.

The amazing properties of plants

Although chamomile is called many plants, but in cosmetology and medicine taken only use chamomile for skin. But the people, in addition, it is used by other species - chamomile bezyazychkovuyu. It is similar to the pharmacy and in appearance and properties. Its flowers are yellow center with no petals.

Chamomile is distinguished from other similar colors on a characteristic odor, which is caused by a large number of essential oils that make up the plant.

How do I use chamomile for face: recipes and reviews of result

A large number of scientific studies and centuries of experience in the use of this plant are evidence of the complex, the effects of chamomile for the face, real huge number of people are also indisputable confirmation. The main directions of action of camomile:

  • narrowing of pores;
  • the fight against acne and pimples;
  • normalization fat balance;
  • bleaching and removal of irritation;
  • activation of blood circulation in the upper layers of the epidermis.

The main house is considered a means of daisy face in the form of decoction. Its concentration is adjusted depending on the application purposes. Substances that are contained in this plant, dried skin, so the owners of dry skin is best combined with a nutrient broth means. There is another option: you can use chamomile for a person who has at least a positive effect on the skin.


The spectrum of action on the skin chamomile is very diverse. Dermatologists recommend the use of it in the presence of the following diseases and deficiencies:

  • thin skin needs extra care;
  • inflammations (acne, boils, comedones, etc...);
  • oily skin, which is recommended to steam with the help of a decoction of chamomile for the cleansing of contaminated pores;
  • age-related skin changes, which are accompanied by the loss of elasticity, wrinkles and so on. D .;
  • possible skin microdamages (scratches, cuts, wounds, etc...);
  • pigmented spots;
  • dryness, peeling and so on. Etc .;
  • uneven skin relief.

This long list is also a confirmation of the uniqueness and universality of the flower. It is suitable for all skin types, adjusting to the existing problems. And it is equally important that this herb provides maximum ease of use at home. However, we should not forget that the plant belongs to the drug, which has its contraindications.

How do I use chamomile for face: recipes and reviews of result


Certain substances which are a part of this amazing plant, highly active, thereby can have too strong influence on the processes that occur at the cellular level. That is why wiping face chamomile may not always have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Amazing properties of chamomile will not be able to take advantage of those who have the following contraindications:

  • idiosyncrasy;
  • rosacea persons (use of chamomile ice will harm);
  • inflammation, which occupy 75% of the skin;
  • serious diseases dermatological nature;
  • the recent holding of aggressive salon procedures, or operations on the face;
  • in the presence of asthma, cardiovascular diseases, pulmonary diseases, and also forbidden to use high temperature steam bath with chamomile face.

Therefore, it is not necessary to experiment, it is necessary to adhere to the above list, otherwise there is a risk to face the complications that have to be treated more seriously.

In addition, you need to get acquainted with the instruction to start preparation amazing cosmetics.

A decoction of chamomile

Decoction of this plant has a positive effect on all skin types. If you wipe the face chamomile, you can get rid of greasy, mild inflammation, and improve overall skin condition.

Very often, a decoction is used for dilution of cosmetic clay, thus enhancing the effect of the procedure and preventing the skin from drying. Especially useful is considered wiping face camomile in the summer, because it reduces the risk of skin inflammation as a result of the face is smooth and clean. To prepare the broth you must pour one tablespoon of chamomile glass just zakipyachennoy water. Pan with broth kept still for 10 minutes on low heat. Finished liquid is filtered, is poured into a glass container and store no more than one week in the refrigerator.

After straining the flowers also do not discard, they can be used for the manufacture of a scrub that cleanses and refreshes the skin. Soaked the plant to be mixed in equal parts with dry ground coffee. This purifying scrub is recommended to use once a week, it is best suited to owners of oily skin.

How do I use chamomile for face: recipes and reviews of result

The infusion of chamomile facial

Fresh infusion of chamomile is an equally useful tool for inflamed and problem skin. It perfectly moistens the upper layer of the epidermis and has the surprising effect toning.

Infusion is an excellent tool for daily use. If chamomile wipe face every day, it will be much fresher and whitening effect is like for women whose skin is prone to pigmentation.

To prepare the miraculous infusion is necessary to fill a tablespoon of dried chamomile inflorescences cup of boiling water. Capacity wrapped with a towel and allow the liquid brew for about 3 hours.

By using such a mask and infusion produce ice cubes face. In addition, it is used to strengthen nails and hair. Remarkable anti-acne agent for external application can be manufactured by using 200 g of camomile tincture, 100 g of vodka, as well as several aspirin tablets (crushed).

In severe skin diseases, as well as the constant and painful acne pimples recommend the use of chamomile for the face, which is applied to a dot on the damaged skin. It can be obtained by insisting on suhotsvety alcohol or vinegar, observing the proportion of 250 ml of liquid 1 tablespoon plants. This concentrated formulation is stored in a cool, dark place, and insist at least a week, shaking daily.

Ice cubes with chamomile Face

Wiping the face with ice cubes from a decoction of camomile, not only enriches the skin with nutrients, but also tones it. Chamomile ice can be applied to people with absolutely any type of skin. Even the owner of oily skin may not have to worry, because the ice cubes not only tone, but also eliminates problems such as acne and oily sheen.

Regularly using ice chamomile facial, one can observe a positive impact, such as:

  • soothing;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic.
How do I use chamomile for face: recipes and reviews of result

Due to this exposure of the skin can be carried out effectively combat acne. When ice is used for normal skin types significantly improves its state: it becomes more smooth, elastic and radiant.

Contrary to its effective impact, chamomile ice also has its contraindications. The presence of stars on the face and vascular network must be the reason for not carrying out such procedures.

Do not forget that prolonged exposure to cold on the skin is also not very useful, so do not linger too long in the same place.

Effective mask and compresses

Particularly effective are chamomile compresses when exposed to local rash and irritation of the skin. Prepare a cosmetic product is quite simple: a gauze soaked in a decoction of chamomile and put on the skin. In this state, you need to lie down for 15 minutes, wash it is not necessary after the procedure.

In addition, chamomile compresses are an excellent way to get rid of bags under the eyes. Cotton pads soaked in broth and put on the eyelids for 10 minutes.

Chamomile mask is recommended to use after any aggressive or traumatic facial cleaning methods. They moisturize, cleanse, tone the skin and have a soothing and anti-inflammatory effect. Mask Romashkovo-emberizidae skrabiruyuschaya

This cosmetic product is ideal for combination and oily skin, fine cleaning it, removing the accumulated fat and narrowing dilated pores. The procedure can be performed several times a week. A mask is a snap to make.

2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile collection pour a glass of boiled water, half an hour and filtered. Next, add half a cup of oatmeal, stir and leave for a few minutes means that the flakes are swollen. The resulting cosmetic applied to the face massage and leave for 15 minutes. At the end of the procedure you need to wash with warm water and apply on face cream daily.

Purifying Mask chamomile and clay

For its preparation is necessary to mix 1 tbsp. spoon white or blue clay with 2 tbsp. spoons decoction or infusion of chamomile (without alcohol). The homogeneous mixture is applied on the face for 20 minutes. Wash off this cosmetic product, without waiting for its complete drying. As a result, the skin is applied to a light moisturizer.

To avoid drying out of the skin during the procedure a person useful to periodically spray water from the sprinkler. In this case, it is best to wash using sponzhikom or small sponge. Mask soothes the skin, making it more smooth and velvety.

How do I use chamomile for face: recipes and reviews of result

Mask gelatin with chamomile

1 tbsp. spoon dry gelatin is poured chamomile broth and allowed to swell. Next you need to add in a mixture of half a teaspoon of flaxseed oil or olive oil. Thereafter means applied to the face, avoiding the area around the eyes and eyebrows, and held for about 15 minutes. Mask wash off with cool water and applied to the face moisturizer.

This procedure tightens the skin, restoring its elasticity. A person becomes noticeably fresher circuit - clearer and wrinkles - less visible. The procedure can be carried out 2 times a week. Honey and daisy mask with black bread

2 tbsp. l. rye bread crumbs mixed with 3 tbsp. spoons chamomile decoction and added 0, 5 h. honey. The homogeneous mixture was applied to a clean face and allowed to stand on the skin for about 15 minutes. After that, wash the face with warm water and applied moisturizer.

This cosmetic has a bleaching effect, it cleanses the pores narrowing them and wrinkles.

Camomile mask with aloe toning

For the preparation of a cosmetic agent necessary to mix 2 hours. Spoon blue clay from 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile broth. Thereafter, the mixture was added 2 h. Spoon aloe juice and tea honey. All carefully mixed and applied to the skin, leave for 15 minutes. As a result, the mask wash off with cool water and applied to the face daily moisturizer.

This means tones the skin and nourishes it with vitamins. It has a bleaching effect and removes freckles. The mask has a positive effect on the age and dry skin, the procedure can be carried out every week.

The use of chamomile for the persons in the home cosmetic masks increases their efficiency. In this case, the skin is not dry, the irritation is eliminated during the use of aggressive components. Moreover, chamomile, rich in essential oils, soothes the skin, reduces and prevents inflammation.


Chamomile essential oil and its extracts are widely used in modern cosmetology. With its use produce a large number of various bleaching and anti-inflammatory agents. And if you are not able to collect summer daisy in the woods or time to make cosmetic house, then you can easily buy a face cream with chamomile. Many famous brands are produced by means of this miraculous plant. The only problem is that, apart from camomile, its structure will include other, it is not desired components (various colorants, preservatives, perfumes). Therefore, if you are still a little afraid of used industrial chemicals, the recipes listed above, will be for you to escape.

Referring to the comments of daisy face and recommendations of specialists in the field of cosmetology and medicine, we can say that by its properties, this plant surpasses many cosmetic preparations. Inexpensive flower picking daisies inexpensively allow find the beauty and health.