Apple Cider Vinegar for the face - to make your skin perfect!

Probably not all of us knew how much can be useful apple cider vinegar. Some have no idea how it can be used, in addition to adding a variety of dishes. It turns out that with its help make various masks and even use inside pre-mixed in equal proportions with water. As it turned out, apple cider vinegar is used in cosmetology quite a long time, as has a beneficial effect on the skin. It can be used to accelerate the growth of hair and nails, as well as remove wrinkles appeared on his face. Apple cider vinegar is used for the face mainly in order to rejuvenate and refresh the skin. This is achieved thanks to the fact that in its composition contains a lot of vitamin C. In addition to it, it is composed of a variety of antioxidants that contribute to restore skin cells and improve the natural color. Also, apple cider vinegar to the face can be used as an antiseptic, which will soothe the skin and restore its healthy appearance.

Apple Cider Vinegar for the face - to make your skin perfect!


However, it should be noted that it is necessary to buy only from reliable sellers, because very often under the guise of an ordinary apple cider vinegar is sold only with the addition of different flavors. And if the apple cider vinegar is useful for a person, it's normal can only harm and even burn the skin cells. On the recovery will take several months, so beware of imitations! Applications

Mask of cider vinegar are different, the composition depends on the type of your skin. Consider some recipes.

  • For oily skin. To make a mask for the face for this skin type, take 4 tablespoons of vinegar, two tablespoons of honey and crushed corn flakes. All the ingredients are mixed to obtain a "porridge" and put on the face. Such a mask will remove the shine and a little narrow the pores. Rinse off the mask must be half an hour with cool water. Apple Cider Vinegar for the face - to make your skin perfect!
  • For normal skin. Take one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar, a spoonful of sour cream, one egg and a small amount of honey. The resulting mixture was put on face. This mask moisturizes little face appeared removes wrinkles and relieve irritation and fatigue.
  • For dry skin. In this case it is necessary to take a couple of tablespoons of apple vinegar, two tablespoons of cucumber broth, honey and olive oil (small amount). All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to the face. Mask refreshes your skin, making it smooth and slightly moist.
Apple Cider Vinegar for the face - to make your skin perfect!


Apple cider vinegar for the skin - this is the best solution, which only exists in cosmetology. It can help you not only to achieve the disappearance of acne and acne scars, but also to rejuvenate the skin, removing the hated wrinkles. Apple Cider Vinegar for the face is not only a good antioxidant, but also a powerful reducing agent, through which you can get rid of the dryness, scaling, and the appearance of tired looking skin. The most important thing - to choose only quality product that can really help the skin. Let it rather expensive, but it is worth the purchase, believe me!