Clay facial masks. Cosmetic clay for skin care

The composition of the clay contains all the necessary skin minerals and trace elements, whereby the mask from her work in several different areas of cosmetology - they moisturize, tighten, nourish and tone. In addition to face masks clay does not contain bacteria and won glory of antiseptic.

Clay facial masks. Cosmetic clay for skin care

also mask suitable for oily skin, because the adsorbed dirt and excess fat that accumulate on it, and make it more fresh and clean. This is an excellent tool for reducing pore, which also reduces inflammation and acne, eliminates excess shine. It replaces a peeling as well removes dead skin cells, giving the nutrients at the same skin.

Clay can be of different colors, each of which is aimed at solving their problems. Its color and therapeutic properties depend on the mineral composition.

Blue clay

It is produced in Bulgaria in the Rhodope Mountains. Color it attaches silver, because of which excellent disinfecting and anti-inflammatory properties has made from a clay mask. Blue clay Face perfectly nourishes the skin with minerals and trace elements, tones and softens, tightens pores, removes acne, wrinkles, whiten, has anti-stress, anti-bacterial and anti-cellulite effect. The pH - 7, 3.

Blue mask is recommended for combination and normal skin.

White clay

It is a popular raw material for the creation of cosmetic products (including children's cosmetics). Archaeologists believe that it was because he made a mask helped to keep Cleopatra snow-white skin. Such clays are also available in the form of powders, pastes and ointments. White clay face is included in the different cleansing masks that eliminate acne because it cleanses the dermis absorbs germs, promoting active skin regeneration, protects the body from harmful environmental influences, nourishes the skin with minerals. Its basis is kaolinite - a mineral that helps the development lecithin, responsible for cleansing, regeneration and tissue elasticity.

Clay facial masks. Cosmetic clay for skin care

The clay is suitable for very sensitive skin that is prone to rapid contamination and chapping, fading and dry. Only it can be used on sensitive skin, as the pH factor in it - 5.

Green clay

This clay green color gives iron oxide. It also contains calcium, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc, phosphorus, copper, aluminum, molybdenum and cobalt. The pH - 7 includes silicon dioxide (about 50%), aluminum (13%) and other minerals (15%): copper, silver, heavy metals and gold. Shade darker than her, so it is more efficient to cope with skin problems. Many of them will completely eliminate made from these raw materials mask. Green clay face fits perfectly - it deeply cleanses the pores, dries and disinfects the skin, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. Contraindication to its use can only be rosacea.

Green clay used in cosmetics dandruff, and oily skin.

Red clay

Tint red clay is obtained by a combination of copper and iron oxide. Prostate tissue gives vitality, copper helps their elasticity. This clay facial skin reduces redness, improves blood flow, increases the elasticity of blood vessels and capillaries, lying close to its surface.

Pink clay

It contains white and red clay in different proportions. In its composition it has a trace on the skin and has a smoothing effect of the disinfectant. Pink soft clay for facial mask is recommended for gentle skin care. It is also used as an astringent and smoothing mask.

Black clay

Black clay facial nourishes the skin with minerals and trace elements. Very useful for skin prone to dryness.

Yellow clay

It is rich in iron and potassium, due to which better than any other toxins, saturating the skin of a person with oxygen.

Clay facial masks. Cosmetic clay for skin care

In cosmetology widely used blue and white clay. For cosmetic purposes agent should be produced only under favorable environmental terms areas because there is a danger that it will accumulate heavy metals and radioactive substances. Domestic experts are more inclined to trust the white clay that is mined mainly in China, as it has proven itself over the years.

Prepare a mask of clay

Plain clay mask (water + clay) is relevant in all times. Its main task is to clean the skin from dead cells, external contaminants and toxins.

This mask requires compliance with strict proportions: a couple of tablespoons of powder to pour four tablespoons of non-carbonated mineral water. Until it is completely absorbed, do not stir the mass, otherwise there will be lumps. The finished mask should have the consistency of thick cream.

Clay Face, reviews about which you can read in this article, dries up an average of 10 minutes, then wash it with water, which carries with it both grime and dead skin cells.

Prior to apply the mask, carefully remove all makeup, skin clean and moisten with water. Pamper your skin with clay masks must be no more than once a week.

The best recipes of masks

From the large variety of masks, we have chosen some of the most effective and popular, because of different clay, as well as for different skin types.

The mask for oily skin

White clay face bad dries the skin. A pair of spoons to kaolin dissolve in boiled and cooled water to the consistency of sour cream. To the mixture, add one protein, a few drops of lemon juice and tea honey. Mix thoroughly, the mixture is applied to the skin. Once the mask dries, wash our face.

dried mask

Spoon stir with a spoon kaolin talc and the same volume of milk. The mixture is applied to cleansed face. When the mask is completely dry up, it is washed off.

Invigorating Mask for Dry Skin

Mix tablespoon kaolin with a teaspoon of honey and the same volume of milk. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed to obtain a uniform consistency. Wash off the mask after 10 minutes and applied to the skin moisturizer. This delicate clay mask gently cleanses, deeply nourishes the skin and improves complexion shade.

Clay facial masks. Cosmetic clay for skin care

Mask with cucumber and kaolin

Small fresh cucumber need to grate and mix with two tablespoons of kaolin. Mix until homogenous state. The resulting clay-cucumber mixture should be put on the face. Once the skin is dry, it is necessary to wash with warm water. This mask perfectly tones and refreshes, soothes irritation, inflammation and redness, soothes the skin and whitens.

Masks of pink clay

Ready powder is diluted to the consistency of sour water, the mixture was applied to clean skin, leave for 15 minutes, then washed off. If the dermis dry, pink clay for the face, the properties of which are described in this article is mixed with sour cream, milk, egg yolk, cheese and cream. For oily skin fit yogurt, kefir, yogurt and egg whites.

mask for irritated dry skin of pink clay

Spoon pink clay mix with honey and the same amount of milk to a thick slurry. The finished weight superimpose a thick layer on the cleaned skin. After fifteen minutes mask wash off with cold water, then we put nourishing cream on your face.

firming mask

We place a sheet of white cabbage in clay or glass container. We bring to a boil a quarter cup of cream or milk, and pour on it. When the sheet is soft, it ground to a pulp. Add to it a spoonful of green clay and another protein. All thoroughly mixed, then put on the face. After a quarter of an hour gently wash off with water.

Clay facial masks. Cosmetic clay for skin care

The mask for fading skin of yellow clay

Yellow clay for facial mask has an excellent pull-up property. Tablespoon of the finished powder is mixed with milk and egg yolk to cook the mixture has acquired the consistency of sour cream. To the mixture, add a few leaves of peppermint. Again, carefully rub the components and the mask applied to the skin. After 10 minutes, it was washed off with water.

The mask for acne prone skin problem of kaolin

A couple of spoons of white clay mixed with a little lemon juice and 10 grams of alcohol. The resulting mixture is applied to the skin. After 10 minutes, washed off boiled and cooled water.

Mask for oily skin with blue clay

Blue clay face has an antibacterial effect. By adding two spoons powder teaspoon of cider vinegar and a little cooled boiled water to make a thick paste arose. The mixture is applied to the face. Hold 10 minutes, then washed off.

Tonic vitamin mask

Effective tonic is blue clay face. Mix tablespoon spoonful of powder with the same amount of cream, crushed grape pulp and watermelon. All the ingredients are thoroughly mixed, so that the mixture appeared homogenous. The resulting mixture is applied to the entire face. After fifteen minutes the mask is washed off.

Masks on herbal infusions made of black clay

For combination and normal skin for preparing a camomile tea began: take a tablespoon of dried flowers, fill them with 1/2 cup of hot water to infuse and remove cooling. Next, we need black clay. For the person it is an effective anti-aging agent. Dilute infusion clay powder to obtain a homogeneous dough. The mixture was put on 10 minutes, then washed off with water.

Clay facial masks. Cosmetic clay for skin care

To refresh, dry and clean oily skin, divorce spoonful of black clay infusion of mint leaves and a succession. The final composition applied to the skin for 10 minutes, then washed off and the remaining infusions succession peppermint or cool water.

Anti-cellulite body wraps

500 g black clay should be diluted with water to ready-mix acquired consistency of sour cream. Taking a shower, we carry out all the problem areas massage using massage gloves. Dry with a towel. Clay a little heated and apply a thick layer on the problem areas, wrapped from top to great effect with cellophane and a woolen scarf. Further wraps blanket. Half an hour later the clay is washed off with warm water, at the same time to rub in problem areas anti-cellulite cream. To achieve stable effect significantly, you must spend at least 10 procedures, which should be done in a day.


Clay face masks medical contraindications is not because it is a natural, natural material that does not cause allergies. To the result of applying the mask was the highest, it is necessary to take into account some of the nuances of its use:

  • face mask of clay should be applied to clean skin, previously cleaned by various contaminants;
  • note the rest of the ingredients that are included in the mask: if you have them present intolerance;
  • is not recommended to apply a mask around the eyes. Clay facial masks. Cosmetic clay for skin care

Now, you know almost everything about the cosmetic clay. The case remained for small: to buy it in a store cosmetics or pharmacy, to get all the necessary ingredients and start cooking a miracle mask.

Clay Face: reviews

Reading the reviews on the use of different types of clay for cosmetic purposes, it can be concluded that it is perfectly tightens, cleanses, tones the skin. When you add the various components it even nourishes and moisturizes. Negative reviews of it are hard to find. The only thing that can be noted - some prefer to use ready-made cosmetic products, while the masks out of clay you need to do yourself.