Cream "Sophia": instructions for use, description, composition and reviews

Due to lifestyle changes are more likely to develop varicose veins on the legs. The causes of the disease are little physical activity, poor nutrition, improper wearing shoes, long stay only in a sitting or standing position. The most advanced stage of the disease require surgery. But it does not guarantee that the problem will be able to forget forever. It is therefore important to focus on preventive care. One of the recommended funds is the cream "Sophia" with leeches.



Varices develop for a long time, and each stage has its own characteristics. One quality of a "good" of the disease is the possibility of early diagnosis, since even before the visible manifestation of the symptoms appear, indicating a need to begin to take care of your feet.

Among the main symptoms are:

  • feeling tired legs;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the lower limbs;
  • the appearance of edema, which eventually compounded;
  • the appearance of spider veins.

If you ignore these signs, she will not leave the disease. On the contrary, it will evolve. And in the end, without serious medical intervention is indispensable. Among the signs of established varicose veins release:

  • pain or cramps;
  • bulging veins of dark color;
  • expressed pigment spots in the knees;
  • skin ulcers at the site of joint arrangement.

The active ingredients in a cream

"Sophia" - a cream that can be purchased at any drug store for a rather affordable price. Therefore, it is widely known and in demand. In addition, it demonstrates the good results of use.


The main active ingredient in its composition is an extract of leech, which is a selection of the salivary gland of leeches. The extract, which improves blood circulation, penetrates deep into the skin, along with other components. In addition, it thins the blood.

Natural oils and plant extracts have anti-inflammatory effects and improve the healing of wounds. For example, nettle accelerates cell recovery process with reduced blood circulation.

Ginkgo biloba is rich in nutrients and vitamins, strengthens the immune system. In addition, it is a powerful natural antioxidant. It contributes to better saturation of blood vessels and tissues with oxygen. And also it prevents clogging of the vessels.

Another component is a natural oak bark having antiinflammatory action, it also refers to substances capable fight puffiness tissues and normalizing the circulation.

Natural plant oils increase its protective capacity as deep hydration contributes to its health. Among them - the tea tree oil, sea buckthorn, cotton.

Chestnut extract reinforces the vessel walls and is thrombosis prophylaxis. Furthermore, the process sucked those that have already been formed.

Hirudin great fatigue to the legs and strengthens vein walls.

Thrombosis preventive action has heparin. It also reduces swelling and pain.

Lanolin provides caregiver effect on the skin. It provides deep hydration and nutrition. In addition, it promotes the rapid healing of wounds and cracks.

Panthenol improves the regeneration of severely damaged cells.

Additional vitamins, reinforcing the vessel walls, are E, A, D.

The effect of

Cream "Sophia" with leeches for the feet can be a preventive measure, taking care of a limb. But with more severe symptoms of the disease treatment is applied in the circuit as a further means. It shows good results in the fight against edema, eliminates the unpleasant feeling of tired legs. Regular use helps to improve blood circulation, relieve pain in muscles and get rid of cramps. The cream has a healing effect in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the epidermal surface.


In addition to recovery, "Sophia" cream gives feet a healthy and beautiful appearance, which is very important for every woman.


A serious advantage of this tool is the minimum number of contraindications. It is practically devoid of side effects. In general, the cream is well tolerated by patients. Cases requiring denial of its use, is an allergic reaction to the components. In some cases, redness and itching at the application of the cream.

Pregnancy and lactation

Pregnant and breastfeeding women may use the "Sophia" cream. Manual contains information about the absence of a negative impact on the child. Gestation period associated with increased loads on the body. Increasing the pressure on the internal organs, reduced blood circulation, the sharp increase in weight, deterioration of liquid excreted, hormonal changes lead to swelling of the feet and the emergence of pain in them. So doctors frequently recommend that pregnant patients regularly use this cream. To get rid of swelling and heaviness in the lower limbs helps the cream "Sophia" with leeches. Reviews women point to its easy application, rapid absorption with no unpleasant sticky film on the skin and unobtrusive pleasant aroma. In addition, it does not stain clothes. Special periods woman's life can lead to the formation of spider veins and cause varicose veins. "Sophia" in this case would be a good preventive measure.

The scheme of using

If the product is used in combination with other means of treatment of varicose veins, the cream must be applied massaging movements on the entire length of the vein three times a day. Gentle massage should last about 2-3 minutes. Term of use depends on the complexity of the disease and lasts an average of 3-5 weeks.

To get rid of cramps and pain in the legs, the cream is applied to the area between foot and knee. To enhance the effect of the cream "Sophia", when applied to stretch the muscles to be massaged. It can be used as often as necessary, until you can relieve discomfort.

To heal the wounds and sores, it is recommended to do applique from a piece of sterile gauze with cream drawn on it. Used for fixation plaster or bandage. Change the bandage should be up to 4 times per day.

Heel Cream

Cream "Sophia" is also available for the care of skin of heels. It contains not only an extract of leeches, but also urea. Recommended application is the presence of dry calluses and fissures which deliver a lot of troubles.


The composition is rich in oils and vitamins that moisturize and promote tissue regeneration.

Urea is able to penetrate deep into the skin, it has a disinfecting effect and restores the damaged epidermis. In addition, urea retains water in the cells, preventing overdrying of the skin and reducing the risk of new fractures.

Lanolin nourishes the skin, softening the rough epidermis, which is characteristic for the region of the heels. Thus, the cream has the following effect:

  • disinfects the wound and does not allow to develop fungal infections;
  • has good preventive properties;
  • allows you to quickly and painlessly remove dead cells;
  • hydrates and nourishes dry skin.

General recommendations for foot care

One of the most accessible of pharmaceutical agents for the prevention of varicose disease and its treatment is the cream "Sophia" with leeches leg. Reviews suggest that to achieve the best result possible in an integrated approach. It is important to pay attention to footwear worn on a daily basis. And narrow high heels shoes compress the receptacles, impairing blood circulation and reduce tissue oxygen saturation. In addition, the ladies often buy beautiful shoes, not caring about their convenience and getting the wrong size. If lifestyle makes spending a lot of time in a standing position or vice versa, in a sitting, it provokes the appearance of swelling and heaviness in the legs. Poor diet, obesity, lack of vitamins and low water consumption affect the condition of the veins and blood vessels.


To legs were healthy and beautiful, you need to adjust your lifestyle. It is necessary to drink more water, take a complex of vitamins and minerals, more exercise. The shoes should be soft, comfortable and suitable size. Every night should be in for a while with your feet raised, they can be put on the pillow. Thus to improve blood circulation. Such a habit would be an excellent prevention of swelling, heaviness in the legs and varicose veins.

In this complex "Sophia" would be a great addition.

The positive consumer opinion

Due to the wide advertising many people know about the cream "Sophia" for feet. Reviews in the majority noted the simplicity of its use. And also noted that he quickly gets rid of swelling and improves the skin condition. In addition, consumers like its low cost. Another advantage is the ability to buy the cream in any drugstore.


Negative consumer opinion

Product can be found and negative feedback. Cream "Sophia" with leeches does not help everyone. Some complain about the lack of visible effect. Which is especially noticeable when the veins in the legs have already emerged. When varicose veins have strongly expressed, it is not enough just to use this cream. He is one of the components of the complex procedures. If the disease has manifested itself, it is necessary to visit a doctor. He will recommend which drugs and treatments are suitable in each case.


cream "Sophia", which reviews are often dependent on the problem for which it is acquired, is a good tool. But to make an unambiguous conclusion about its effectiveness is difficult.