Cream "Burenka": reviews of experts and buyers. Composition, cream efficiency "Burenka"

Being beautiful is not easy. To do this, you need to eat right, exercise, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and, of course, take care of themselves. For this purpose not only salon beauty treatments, but all sorts of means, for example such as "Burenka" cream.

The popularity of the cream

This product has become very popular these days due to its natural composition. Also on TV every day is advertising, where the actress Tatyana Vasilyeva actively promoting it, which naturally affects its demand.

Now the store sells a variety of means, stuffed chemistry, and not the best way affect the condition of the skin. Because of this trend, the majority of the ladies try to choose creams that contain only natural ingredients and vegetable oils. For only such cosmetics is able to keep your skin young and beautiful for a long time. Therefore, women with time turned their attention to the cream "Burenka" which for a long time it was sold only in veterinary pharmacies and has a completely natural composition, well-nourished skin.

More recently, the product has been adapted to the human skin, and received a certificate, and then began to be sold in a regular pharmacy.

On the composition of the cream


Cream "Burenka", whose composition is unique, includes water, demineralized complex "Fitofloran" extracts of all kinds of plants (30 items), polyglyceryl myristate, isopropyl palmitate, beeswax and white wax, glycerin, magnesium, phenoxyethanol, ethylhexylglycerin, sorbitan oleate. Does not contain toxins and does not cause addiction, it can be used over a long period. Active components agents exhibit keratoplasty, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic activity. Allocate its softening and wound healing properties.

Cream "Burenka" whose composition is ideal for the aging and aging skin, intensely nourishes the epidermis with all sorts of vitamins, increases its turgor and elasticity, reduces wrinkles, evens.

Indications and contraindications


The main indications for its use is too dry, weathered, and sensitive facial skin problem.

Face Cream "Burenka", which reviews the positive, eliminates peeling, irritation, reduces redness of various skin, heals cracks and wounds. And all this thanks to the plant complex "Fitofloran".

Contraindication is the idiosyncrasy of the ingredients in the composition of the drug. The cream is natural, therefore, many of its components are able to cause an allergic reaction.

Means recommended in the morning and evening on the problem areas of the skin. Rubbed it massaged until completely absorbed.

The positive and negative

Cream "Burenka" absorbed a lot of natural ingredients, only some extracts of medicinal herbs it contains about 30. These ingredients are wonderfully nourish, moisturize and improve elasticity of the skin.

The facility has a thick, dense texture and a subtle pleasant smell of olive oil, which is 15 minutes later disappears, leaving itself no memories.

Cream "Burenka", reviews of which announced its uniqueness, has formed its own advantages, among which we can mention:

  • universal, ie it can be used at any time of day and for different skin types;
  • daily and long-term use for the face, instead of day and night cream;
  • softening rough skin areas on the body, whether it be the elbows, hands and heels;
  • does not leave marks on clothing;
  • intensive moisturizing dry, even chapped skin;
  • bytro healing fractures and wounds;
  • contains only natural ingredients;
  • does not contain toxic and hazardous substances;
  • can be successfully applied as a cream after sunburn.

In addition to the advantages sformirovalit and cons of its use are:

  • to owners of oily skin is recommended to use it only in the evening;
  • cream is too thick, so hard to spread over the surface;
  • for a long time to absorb into the skin, about 15-20 minutes.

Cream "Burenka" Face


You can not have a beautiful appearance, not caring for the skin. Cream "Burenka" face, which reviews say about his performance, is a good helper in the fight against aging, fading, and the imperfections of the skin such as redness, inflammation and peeling.

The product is suitable for all skin types, but especially indicated for excessively dry and aging skin. In this case, it should be used morning and night, replacing them day and night cream. For oily skin it should be applied only at night, because during the day it can cause excessive greasiness and shine.

Cream "Burenka" face deeply nourishes the skin at the cellular level and restores it from the inside, with vitamins and other beneficial substances, making a more youthful, healthy and supple. Morning before applying makeup, it should be noted that the cosmetic product is absorbed for a long time, so it should be used for 15-20 minutes before the procedure. Before applying makeup excess must be removed with a napkin.

As a base for make-up it can be used only with a dry type of skin.

Only a positive result gives a cream "Burenka" facial photo once again confirms this.


For the feet, hands and body

But not only the face will be delighted by the cream "Burenka" will not abandon "feast" of useful substances in the composition of assets and other parts of the body. This product is unique and easy for application 2-3 heals most severe cracks in the heels. Good softens the rough skin on elbows and hands. It used after a shower to moisten the food and the whole body. Moisturizes the skin after sunburn, prevents flaking. It protects from the wind in winter and frost.

The cream is too thick, and before applying better moisten the skin with water. The tool does not help the first time to solve all problems, but it has a cumulative effect, where the need for its consumption is reduced, and the skin over and over again it absorbs less.


Storage cream

Means "Burenka" - product of a "living" because it contains approximately 30 sorts of herbal ingredients, collected in a unique complex "Fitofloran". To ensure that all active ingredients remain active, and the cream helps to eliminate the problem, it should be stored properly. The optimum temperature at which the active ingredients do not lose their properties, is between +5 ° C to +25 ° C.

The product has sufficient volume jar - 250 ml, which under appropriate conditions, it can be stored up to two years. Do not use it beyond the expiration date.

cream Price

Cream "Burenka" is universal and suitable for both individuals and for the rest of the body. Before it can be purchased only in veterinary pharmacies. He is currently certified, fully adapted to the human skin and can be easily purchased at any pharmacy at a price of 350 to 600 rubles for a bottle of 250 ml. Cream spent quite economical, and it lacks a long time.

Recommendations of physicians

Due to its healing properties of the cream "Burenka" response from physicians about which only the positive, is recommended for use on dry cosmetologists and problem areas of the skin. In these cases, it shows stunning results, eliminates flaking, inflammation, irritation, heals cracks and wounds. The product is able to moisturize even the most over-dried skin and give it the proper care. It helps preserve youth, beauty with withering of the skin as effectively aligns the surface, improves the complexion, improves turgor.

Reviews for "Cows"


Perhaps no one remedy does not cause so many conflicting opinions as cream "Burenka", reviews of which most of them are positive. Especially noted its action obladatelnitsy dry skin. After its application their skin literally come to life. Gone dryness, peeling, and a feeling of tightness. It is particularly effective after taking a bath or shower, when the skin is steamed and is ready to engage actively with the product ingredients.

Cream "Burenka" face, which reviews can be heard from acquaintances, already with 2-3 applications makes the skin more toned and hydrated. Someone says that he can stop time, because the effect of after use is stored for a long time, and nutrients accumulate in the skin gradually. On the skin cream "Burenka" that reviews say about its effectiveness, impact gradually, and only after 2 weeks of its application noticeable truly stunning effect.

This tool can be used not only for the face but for the entire body. Apply it as a cream for the hands. "Burenka 'reviews of his case had simply stunning. Thus, most of the ladies compared the skin of the hands, feet and body after the regular application of the cream with the skin baby. They apply it with a thick layer on a limb, and then put on cotton socks legs and arms - specifically designed for this purpose gloves. After this procedure, there was an extraordinary smoothness and softness. It felt nutrition and hydration. Increased turgor. Especially these qualities were observed in women over forty, because in this period the epidermis loses its former elasticity and begins to fade.

Many means are used as a magic wand if the skin is exposed to the most external environment, e.g. in summer or in autumn and winter. It was at this time, the skin on the face, hands and feet at greatest influence of factors such as heat, dry air, smog, large amounts of dust, cold air, cold, wind and rain.

The negative impression of the cream


But it is not only positive impressions left behind a cream "Burenka" negative reviews about it and there.

Very many women, despite its positive effects, do not understand how this tool can be used for the face. After all, there is a huge assortment of all kinds of caring products, designed specifically for these purposes. According to them, cosmetics can not be universal, they must be separated according to skin type and is not suitable for all body parts. Some of the fair sex confuses cream flavor, because, in their words, it contains not only the smell of olive oil, but also gives a little gasoline. There is a category of people whom he does not help, but caused only by skin contact.

Despite the fact that the agent has been certified, and cream "Burenka", reviews of which are stunning, sold in pharmacies, many people have doubts about his adaptation to the human skin. According to them, the drug "Burenka" is no different from vetapteki in composition from cream "Burenka" from "Horsepower".

Cream "Burenka", reviews of which the most different, of course, not a panacea for all ills and effective only when used regularly for a few weeks, but this tool is worthy of attention, and it has to try every woman.